Features and methods of meditation

Wise people have learned to use meditation for different purposes. Such techniques can both heal and direct on the true path, as well as rejuvenate and even correct the figure. After practicing meditation, many of the practitioners felt positive changes in consciousness and destiny.
Those who have been interested in spiritual practices for a long time, but cannot begin to apply them to improve their lives in any way, should rush to make a decision. The faster you start to act, the faster your world will be illuminated with new sensations.

What it is?
Meditation is a spiritual practice aimed at improving a person's consciousness. When consciousness moves to a new level, then the life of any person changes.
Meditation is a health-improving exercise, as well as a special mental disposition of the mind in relation to the Cosmos.
A person is engaged in meditation for pleasure and for the purification of his soul. This means that these classes are a special art, the essence of which is to improve the mind.
Meditation is a kind of history and science that allows a person to study himself and thereby become a better and stronger spirit.
For many centuries, people have practiced meditation and have perfected it. Most of them have survived to this day and have proven to be effective.

For many, meditations are a ray of light that can illuminate their entire future life.... People in this way look for answers to the questions asked and almost always find them. Some are interested in their own health, and some are interested in the problems of being.However, both those and others have the opportunity to touch the wonderful moments that allow you to go through the elevation and improvement of your "I".
When attaining nirvana, some practitioners are surprised: "Why haven't we tried such a simple and affordable method before to achieve our moral and material well-being?"

With constant practice, a person easily begins to connect with the Universe thanks to the work of his mind. The personality thus improves and gets rid of complexes. Ultimately she becomes free.
Practices also allow you to find harmony with your body and mind.
That is why there are frequent cures from rather complex diseases, since the mind itself changes and changes the inner content and the bodily shell for the better.

Spiritual practices bring deliverance from human vices and anger into this world. Anyone who meditates regularly notes that his character has transformed for the better.
It has already been noted more than once that the world around the meditating person is also positively changing. A person becomes better, and the Universe rewards him with luck. Amazing things begin to happen around him: nature comes to life, the world becomes colorful and beautiful.

What is it for?
Those who have been practicing for a long time understand that they are doing psychological work that can solve many problems. First of all, meditation is necessary in order for your nervous system to begin to function well.
During the practice, the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems begin to work normally. The benefits of doing meditation can be varied.

Let's consider in more detail why you need to use these methods.
Women and men carry out weight loss practices. This is a very simple way to achieve positive results.
This or that practice gives a person confidence in the future. As soon as a person begins such activities, he becomes a strong spirit. During exercise, the brain works with great force and uses all its reserves. Therefore, such opportunities open up to a person that he did not previously know about.
Meditation helps you to set a goal and walk towards it smoothly and confidently. In this case, the brain works so that you get positive results from your activities. For this, a special state is involved, which can arise only in the case of entering a trance.
During the practice, special sensations are given by such emotions that a person has not experienced before. Because of this, he develops positive thinking. It has a good effect on the work of the whole organism, as well as on the psychological state of a person.
Your health is greatly improved by self-attunement. Some people have been able to overcome very serious illnesses. They are happy to share their experiences with other people.
Practices give a person an optimistic attitude.
The use of meditation helps a person to get rid of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs.
Techniques bring people together. As soon as you start doing spiritual practices, you will find friends who will always be happy to see you and help you.

Meditation can be either collective or individual. Some people prefer to practice alone. For example, Tibetans love to meditate one-on-one with nature. This is in line with their knowledge and beliefs.
However, such meditations should be practiced only by those people who are able to exercise self-control.
For example, get up at the same time, and practice regularly. At the same time, special knowledge gained over the years allows you to perform all the manipulations in the correct way and conduct self-regulation of the state.

Collective or group meditation is more characteristic of those who live in the West.Why are these methods used? It’s just these ways of meditation that discipline and unite all participants.
When a person is engaged himself, then he can do something wrong, and when he is watched by experts and like-minded people, mistakes are excluded.
However, there are those who cannot stand the presence of other people during the practice due to the fact that they can knock them out of focus. This happens especially often when you need to chant some text. Some sing at a fast pace, while others - at a slow pace. If mismatches occur, it annoys many and knocks them off the constructive wave.

Therefore, the conclusion can be made as follows: group meditation should be carried out only when there is a very close, positive connection between the meditators.
Then there is a general exchange of energy, and from this the practice becomes more effective. In other cases, you need to practice individually and use only your energy.

There are different types of meditations that lead to the power of the subconscious. They are performed in various positions, including lying down. Deeper and more mindful meditation requires a special approach. but there are also practices that can be done while standing or walking and at work.
Gong meditation
It causes vibrations in the body to restore the energy field. Gong is the guide of Anahata Nada. By the way, the Singing Bowls meditation is built on the same principle. With the help of the pure sound that the bowls emit, there is a harmonization and self-knowledge of the personality.
The sounds of the gong, like the sounds made by the bowls, simulate the human energy field, since each separately taken wave activates a specific chakra. Therefore, the body is restored.
Consider the order of performing the gong practice, which consists of 2 parts. First, a series of actions from the Nabhi Kriya are performed. This activates the chakra near your solar plexus and helps to improve your health. The second part involves a comprehensive relaxation to the sounds of a gong.
For gong practice, you should take a comfortable lying position and use a pillow. The meditator's task is complete relaxation. In this case, a person should be tuned in to ease and joy.

This word is translated as latent spiritual energy, consisting of threads that intertwine the entire human body from the inside. When this energy is awakened, it passes through the spine and frees a person from impurity, and also gives him strength.
The practice consists of 4 stages and lasts 60 minutes.
It is better to spend it in the evening.
Before doing your practice, set the timer for an hour at 15 minute intervals. Let's consider them in more detail.
- The first interval implies shaking. It lasts 15 minutes. The eyes can be closed or open at the same time. This is how a person removes internal blocks.
- The second stage includes free dances for 15 minutes. Dance and perform any movement, as long as you feel good.
- The third stage involves a complete cessation of movements and also lasts 15 minutes. Keep your back straight while doing this. This will make it easier for the energy to move throughout the body.
- In the fourth step, you must lie down on the floor and take the position of an observer. Close your eyes and let the bad energy be released from your body for 15 minutes.

This is an ancient healing complex. It should be conducted in a supportive atmosphere, preferably in a group of several people. This creates a more effective mood emotionally.
Sit comfortably on the floor surface to practice. Legs should be at right angles. Put your palms together and point upwards in the area of the heart. Keep your back straight, stretch your neck, and close your eyes.
The crown should be suspended from the ceiling, as it were. The tongue should touch the palate when inhaling, and should lower when exhaling. Concentrate on your breathing and relax.Feel connected to the universe and ask for what you want, such as health. Do this every day for 30 minutes, and you will feel relief.

Mindfulness meditation
This meditation is done only while sitting. In this case, you need to clear your consciousness for a full perception of what is happening. It is also necessary to create muscle tension in the neck and back. Then do it like this.
- Breathe evenly. Press the tip of your tongue against the palate as you inhale, and lower it as you exhale.
- Focus on the navel and watch how the energy travels from that point to your brain and back.
- Then focus on touching your feet to the floor. Now imagine the energy going from the head through the navel to the legs and back.
- You need to get out of meditation smoothly. Feel how your mind and body are in balance. Take another deep breath and exhale. You can now get up from the chair.

Kali meditation
It provides for rebirth. With the help of this practice, our fears and hatred are transformed into light energy.
This is a dynamic meditation, so you need to stretch your joints before doing it.
To perform the practice, stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows. Start moving your arms the way a skier moves. Breathe to the beat of the movements. Quick exercises activate energy flows in the coccyx area.
The next stage is the activation and distribution throughout the body of the energy that was generated in the first part of the meditation. Lower your hands and begin to vibrate the whole body, focusing on the coccyx.
Next, you need to start jumping. This throws the arms forward, releasing bad energy. While focusing on these manipulations, illness and depression will go away from your body and mind. After exercise, relax and be aware of the positive.

With this practice, a special state of the brain arises at the level of oscillation of alpha waves. To enter a trance, and for the affirmation meditation to work, you need to put on loose clothing, sit comfortably and relax as much as possible.
Focus your eyes on the bridge of the nose and keep your eyelids closed. Breathe evenly and regularly. Then start using affirmations to inspire yourself with what you want to receive. At the same time, everything needs to be visualized as much as possible and painted in bright colors. It turns out that you are doing some kind of auto-training or meditation-affirmation. This process will set a specific program. When you wake up, you will think in a completely different way. To get out of alpha, just open your eyes.

"Inner smile"
Smiling brings peace and healing to a person's body and brain. To practice, sit in a chair and breathe evenly. Let your condition become relaxed. Close your eyes and let go of all your thoughts.
Touch the tip of your tongue to the palate and feel peace and happiness. Then smile inwardly. Focus on the point where the bridge of your nose is. Accumulate energy and send it directly to the brain - this is the Crystal Palace. Imagine how everything sparkles and shines inside.
Let the energy accumulate in the Crystal Palace. Then redirect it directly into your eyes. Next, imagine that you are looking into the eyes of another person - someone you love very much. Now you are exchanging energy and it is doubling.
Then redirect the energy first to the heart, then transfer it to the digestive system, and then redirect it down. Do this exercise several times, redirecting the smile energy first down and then up. Open your eyes to complete the practice.

This practice is based on the reproduction of kindness. Therefore, sit comfortably, breathe evenly and relax to the maximum. Imagine that sunlight is pouring around you. It fills everything around and gets inside you. You feel warm and happy.
At this moment, wish yourself everything that you want to receive.... You can ask for recovery. Now feel your desire going up. The universe will surely hear it and fulfill it. Continue to enjoy the happiness and warmth. After completing the meditation, open your eyes and sit for a couple of minutes to become aware of your state.

"Lotus flower"
Chinese meditation can help maintain mental and physical health. To perform the technique, focus your attention on the solar plexus. Imagine that a lotus flower is born from a seed in this place. Visualize the process of plant initiation and growth.
Let the flower grow and develop every day, in stages. After a week, it will reach full growth and bloom. Once this happens, your condition will improve.
Do not forget, after the flower reaches perfection, constantly nourish and water it. In this way, you will maintain your positive state.

How to choose a method?
Quite a serious question, since there are no better or worse options among meditations. It's just that a person needs to make a choice based on his inner state.
Best practices are those practices that cannot harm a person because they improve their condition. However, it is necessary to exclude options that are based on the negative, namely black magic.
To get your bearings right, you need to start small. Start with practices for beginners. Once you master these techniques, you can easily move on to more serious techniques such as kundalini. If you practice it incorrectly, then you can burn yourself from the inside. The energy that arises in the process of applying this technique is very powerful, and it must be properly redirected, otherwise it will become destructive for the practitioner himself.
You also need to think about the state of your body. If your health is weak, then you should not apply too dynamic practices. Otherwise, the heart may not stand it, and the process will become fatal.
Therefore, it is better to start with techniques that are calm and peaceful.

What is the right way to meditate?
In order for you to succeed, you need to learn how to use the basics of meditation correctly. There are certain rules for each exercise that help you pass the levels and achieve the result. And then proceed according to the following recommendations.
- If you are a beginner, then devote at least 10 minutes a day to each step of the class.
- Before starting meditation, you need to calm down internally.
- If you are doing your practice at home, choose the quietest and most comfortable place.
- The space for conducting spiritual practices must be decorated with special things, such as statuettes, paintings. To complement the effect, you can use scented candles.
- Divide the meditation into stages. So it will be easier for you to navigate your actions and get the right training.
- People often make mistakes when they practice. They expect that their state should instantly transform and move to a new level. That is why they cannot completely relax.
- After starting your meditation, breathe deeply and calmly.
- Let go of the situation. Observe what is happening as if from the side.
- If your nose is itching, do not tolerate it, but fix the problem and continue to go into a trance.
- After meditation, you need to be aware of what happened to you, and not get up quickly from your seat.

Useful Tips
They will help you and you will stop doubting. So, what needs to be done to achieve the correct result.
- Make it a habit to practice meditation.
- You can start your day with a short morning meditation that will energize you for the day. And in the evening, conduct a more serious practice to restore mental strength.
- Learn to forgive.Forgive yourself your mistakes and forgive others mistakes. So you get rid of anger, unnecessary anxiety.
- Use special music. She will help you tune in to the positive.
- Let go of any disturbing thoughts and fears before starting your meditation. After the practice, your world will change, and perhaps your fears and doubts will not seem so serious to you.
- If you have already started to practice, then during the day constantly refer to your consciousness and analyze the state of your body.
- Thoughts all the time "swarm" in the head of any person. During meditation, you need to release them and observe them as if from the side. This way they will not interfere with you, and you will quickly go into a trance.

Review overview
Reviews of meditations are mostly positive. There are, of course, those people who speak badly about practicing spiritual practices. Basically, these are persons who have never engaged in meditation and talk about them only by hearsay.
There are many among the dissatisfied and those who tried to conduct meditation on their own, but did not approach this issue seriously, and therefore nothing happened. Then they concluded that the practices are just a myth invented by eccentrics.
However, such judgments are far from the truth. First of all, spiritual people say that the practices have helped them to keep their internal mental state normal and protect themselves from a nervous breakdown. This observation was shared by one pianist. The tour had a negative impact on her psyche. To keep her emotions normal, she constantly practices metta meditation.
Other practices are just as effective. Each of the above practices gives a certain effect and impetus to development. For example, people write that alpha meditation helps to fulfill desires, and the Lotus Flower meditation adjusts to an all-encompassing positive and kindness. And as we all know, kindness always comes back tripled.