Bedtime meditations for women

For full recovery of the body, we need to sleep at least 8 hours a night. But what if the dream "does not go"? Instead of swallowing sleeping pills, try meditation. For women, the meditative process has its own characteristics.
Effectiveness of night meditation
It has been proven that for women, meditation before bedtime is much more important than for men, because the fair sex is more prone to stress than the strong. Ladies react to everything more emotionally and vividly. Perhaps this makes them part of the beautiful half of humanity. They are more open to compassion and empathy. Their experiences do not last for one day, but for weeks, months, and even years.
Women are worried not only about what is happening at work, but also about household issues - how to create a favorable atmosphere in the house, so that the husband comes there as for a holiday, and the child does not deny himself anything.
Sometimes these thoughts do not leave a woman day or night. She doesn't seem to notice how, putting things in order in the office and her own apartment, she allows a real mess in her soul.

The beloved has long been snoring at his side, the son is watching the tenth dream, and she still cannot fall asleep, because for this it is necessary to throw all unnecessary thoughts out of her head. This is where evening meditation will help. Just before going to bed, our body is ready for such procedures in the best way. It is easier for him to relax.
If you do all the exercises correctly, then we can:
- relax muscles;
- normalize blood pressure;
- restore hormonal levels;
- relieve psychological fatigue;
- speed up the process of falling asleep;
- recover;
- improve the appearance;
- cure a number of chronic diseases;
- restore the menstrual cycle;
- get rid of skin problems;
- overcome depression;
- part with anxiety;
- relieve stress.

What to consider when preparing?
In order for the meditation to "work" as it should, a number of recommendations must be followed. First, take a shower or, better, a bath. With the help of water, you will relax your body. Have a glass of warm drink. It can be cocoa or milk. But it is better to refuse heavy food. An overloaded stomach will interfere with the relaxation process. The last meal should be no later than two hours before the start of the meditation.
The same can be said for physical activity. They unnecessarily "wind up" our body and it will not be easy to calm it down. Choose comfortable clothes. She must be free. Your favorite pajamas will do just fine.
The main thing is that nothing fetters your body. It should take pleasure in everything. You may find it more comfortable in your underwear or a nightgown. But it is better to refuse a torn T-shirt. Be beautiful in everything day and night, even if no one sees you at that moment.
It is impossible to achieve harmony in the soul in dirty socks and an unwashed T-shirt with last year's stains. Massage your temples lightly using essential oil.

It is believed that the best time for meditation is 9-10 pm. Therefore, before this time, you need to have time to finish all the cases and go to bed. It is the bed that is the best place for evening meditation.
Ventilate the room. Fresh air will help your head shut down. Use scented candles. Everything that surrounds a person during meditation matters, including smells and sounds. Unplug your TV, radio, phone. Place your tablet, laptop, or computer into sleep mode. A short notification of a new message can ruin everything too.
If your neighbors have a noisy party at this moment or your husband is watching a match of your favorite football team, and your daughter is doing her homework on music and it is impossible to get rid of all extraneous sounds, use earplugs. You should stay alone in the room. The unexpected sneeze of your beloved spouse nearby will make all your efforts in vain.
Nothing should distract you. Check if you turned off the kettle and if you forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom.

Psychological attitude
Forget about all the worries and problems that you had to face during this day. Try not to think about anything. Meditation time is a time of immersion in oneself. Any thoughts like “I forgot to buy a new notebook for my son again” or “didn’t have time to wash the floors” will not let you relax. Leave them until the next day. All the same, nothing can be fixed, except for your state of mind, of course.
You need to approach the meditation process with a clear conscience. You should not be distracted by anything, not only from the outside. Sometimes it is difficult to cope with all external stimuli on your own. In order to know oneself, it is recommended to consult a specialist at least at the beginning of this path. The mentor will help you choose the right position for you, the soundtrack for effective meditation, and the scents that will help you meet and open your subconscious.

Practice options
At first, it is difficult to abstract from obsessive thoughts, so it is better to use music or other pleasant soundtrack as a "soothing". You can play a calm melody. The sounds of the forest (birdsong or the wind) or the sound of the sea will also be a good background for relaxation. Turn off the bright lights. Leave only a night light or remain in complete darkness.
Now lie down and close your eyes. We begin to meditate while lying in bed. We restore breathing, it should be calm. Take a deep breath, then exhale.
Focus on how your lungs are working. Try to imagine that now you are not in your bed, but on the shore of the warm sea or riding the waves. "Release" your body into the environment it wants. Let it be blown by a fresh breeze or warm water caress it, or maybe the sun warms up.
Surround yourself with a pleasant atmosphere to help you fall asleep. Smell the salt water, feel the sea breeze on you, hear a seagull flying overhead. You may want to be this seagull yourself and fly above the clouds. It may be easier for your body to feel like warm sand, which from time to time is disturbed only by a light pleasant breeze, and the waves wash over it from all sides. Try everything that will allow you to completely clear your head of pressing issues.
Just don't turn everything into an evening of wonderful memories. The task is not to return to the past, but to create a new future for yourself without unnecessary worries and worries. A correctly performed meditation will relax the body, and you yourself will not notice how you fall asleep and get rid of insomnia. As an additional stimulation of the body to complete relaxation, say to yourself the following phrases in your mind:
- "I am completely relaxed";
- “My body is filled with warmth”;
- "My arms and legs are getting heavy."

"Rock" yourself in the boat on the waves. Bring yourself to the very center of the ocean in your mind. There is no place for worries and worries. You are enjoying the sound of the water. Warm fresh air fills the body. All this is soothing. Watch your breathing, but at the same time, do not break the rhythm that the body has chosen. If everything is done correctly, sleep will not only come quickly, but it will also be calm and serene until the morning.
Another option. After diving into a boat or going to the beach in your mind, try to “part” from your body. Take a look at yourself from the outside. Climb to a bird's eye view and see how well you are nestled in a cozy sun lounger or hammock. It is important to visualize every detail - a palm tree nearby, a sunbeam, a starfish. It will be a wonderful dream.
To combat negative thoughts, try this meditation. Get into the most comfortable position, whether lying or sitting. Close your eyes. Breathe through your nose. Concentrate only on this process. After a while, pleasant sensations will appear in the body, the head will throw out all unnecessary thoughts.
We are mentally transported to a quiet forest, to the ocean shore or to the top of a mountain. We breathe in fresh air, and at the same time we take a breath of solar energy. We exhale the previously used negative air. All worries and worries leave us. Only joy and a positive charge remain inside. This healing procedure allows you to cope not only with insomnia, but also with hypertension, in addition, it puts the nervous system in order.

This method of meditation is called healing sleep. It not only helps to get rid of insomnia, but also heals a woman. After completing all the necessary preparatory procedures, which are described above, go to bed. Lower your arms along your torso. There should be a comfortable pillow or cushion under your head. Start breathing. Breathe in and out evenly, relax every cell of the body.
Start with your toes, gradually work your way up to the feet, legs, thighs, buttocks, stomach, back, neck, face. Each breath brings a breath of cosmic energy to the body. Hold your breath, let it take more space within you. It will be more correct to breathe through the mouth. When inhaling, count to 4, while exhaling, count to 8. Thus, the nervous system calms down, sleep envelops you.
It is important to remember that such sessions must be carried out continuously. One-off ones are unlikely to do much good. Therefore, make it a rule to go to bed in this way. The TV in the bedroom is no longer needed.
For relaxation
For total relaxation and deep tranquility, try this meditation. We lie down on the bed or on the floor. Position your arms and legs in the most comfortable way. We close our eyes. We strain all muscles as much as possible. In this state, we take a deep breath with our nose. Now 3-4 short breaths through the mouth. Then we relax the body.
If it is easier to do it in stages, then begin to strain the muscles of the face, and then slowly "lower" the load throughout the body. As you relax, keep your breathing even. Such a soothing procedure will also give a healing effect to the woman's body.
But again, you need to remember that, most likely, you will not be able to get the result right away. This requires training. Time after time you will find it easier to do the meditation. And every day the state of health will get better and better.

For rejuvenation
Good looks are as important to most women as well-being. When the first wrinkles and other age-related skin changes appear, ladies are also more likely to experience stress. Conversely, a beautiful face, healthy hair and nails will cheer you up. But in order to stay young, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon. Special meditations for 20 minutes daily will significantly improve your appearance.
The technique is as follows.
- We are located in a position that is comfortable for ourselves. The main condition is a straight back.
- Concentrate on breathing. Take a deep breath and exhale.
- Introducing pleasing images and situations... We put ourselves in a "pretty" picture.
- We correct everything in ourselves that does not suit us. And now you are walking along the streets of Paris, it is difficult to look away from you, you are full of cheerfulness and energy. Hair flutters in the breeze, skin shines with freshness, you are the ideal from the tips of your nails to your makeup on your face. Each step is the personification of confidence in yourself and in your own future. Before you is a happy, healthy, young, wonderful woman.
- Let this woman inside you. Let her get comfortable and penetrate into the depths of the subconscious.
- We leave the meditative state slowly. Slowly we begin to move our arms and legs. Touch different parts of the body, skin on the face.
- Do some light gymnastics. Get your body back in motion.
Visible changes will be visible very soon. They will begin to appear on the feet and hands. It is these body parts that will bring back youth in the first place. Then the turn will come to the face, hair, chest. The woman will start looking young again.
One has only to remember that once to get the effect is clearly not enough. You do not expect an instant transformation from one cosmetic procedure.
The massage course is designed for at least 10 sessions. So it is with meditation. This is work that must become a habit. And then you are provided with an unmatched appearance, and a state of inner peace, and excellent health, and a peaceful, restful sleep, finally.

Tips for beginners
Even if it seems that all efforts are in vain, you should not even admit the thought that meditation is a useless exercise. Continue to do them, and the effect will surely appear soon.... After all, sleep is known to be the best medicine. In the process, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the legs or even a tingling sensation in certain parts of the body, and goose bumps may also appear. There is no need to be intimidated by this. Such a reaction of the body is natural when immersed in a meditative state.
Our anxiety usually intensifies closer to sleep. It builds up in the body all day and then keeps you awake. Meditation helps to increase stress resistance, which for many women is "lame". They take even the smallest problems too close to their hearts. And it is not at all necessary to become "thick-skinned", you just need to learn to resist the negative currents that literally spin us in the modern world.
Meditation allows you to control yourself and your mood. They will relieve insomnia and increase immunity, since stress throws us, among other problems, the hormone cortisol. At first, he "pretends" to be our friend and helps to mobilize to deal with troubles, but then he begins to destroy the immune system, which leads to the emergence of various diseases. Every conflict or bad situation at home, at work, in line at a clinic or store adds a portion of cortisol to our body.The more it accumulates, the more destructive it becomes. Meditation helps to reduce its amount.
They remove excess harmful hormone from the body. They saturate us with oxygen, since proper breathing is the key to the effectiveness of meditation. As a result, our heart rate is restored, our mood rises. We stop waking up at night. And the morning awakening becomes light and joyful.

In the evening, thank the Universe for the day you lived, the events that happened, meeting people, the opportunities given... When you wake up, be sure to greet the sun and boldly go towards it.
Another enemy of our sleep is not psychological fatigue, but muscle fatigue. Once in bed, we begin to look for a suitable sleeping position. We just toss and turn. This process not only does not help us get into the world of Morpheus (the Greek god of dreams), but also moves us away from it. The muscles work and tense even more. Stop all movement. Remain frozen. Very soon, the muscles will begin to weaken, the tension will subside. This impulse will go to the brain. Sleep will come immediately.
And remember: women are much more gentle creatures than men, and even if they are at the head of state, they perceive everything as personal pain.... Any negative event or unkind word leads to a spoiled mood, a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in self-esteem, hormonal breakdown and a spoiled appearance. Meditation sessions are the easiest and most enjoyable way to restore your peace of mind and regain your wellness. Meditation, done correctly, will make even a short sleep full.
You don't always have 8 hours to sleep. Early flight or change of time zones possible. Sleep, in which you plunge with a "clean" head, will be of better quality than disturbing, lasting at least 12 hours. In this case, the most important thing is not quantity, but quality.