Poses for meditation

Meditation practices are useful for maintaining a healthy physical state of the body, eliminating anxiety, developing mental strength, and finding complete harmony with oneself and nature. A comfortable and stable position creates favorable conditions for effective meditation. An uncomfortable position of the body leads to tension, distracting consciousness from spiritual work.

Popular poses
Meditation practice can be done while sitting, standing, lying down, and even in motion. Any position chosen for meditation must be stabilized. The person who meditates should feel comfortable. A great benefit to the development of spiritual growth comes from sitting, as the energy is directed upward and not expelled through the lower chakras. During spiritual work, energy is transformed. Several poses are popular.

This position is called the Diamond Pose and the Rock Pose, as practitioners acquire hard muscles. To perform the asana, you need to kneel down. The raises of the feet are located on the floor. Then you need to lower the buttocks to the feet, cross the capes of the feet. The next step is to spread the heels to the sides and sit between them. Make sure you are not sitting on your feet, but between them.
Keep your spine straight throughout the meditation. Hands can be on the legs.
The diamond pose improves posture, stretches the hips and ankles, relieves rheumatic pain in the legs, tones the internal organs and improves digestion.

A comfortable and pleasant position is the cross-legged position. The asana is very well suited for beginner yogis.First you need to sit on the mat, cross your legs. A rolled up blanket or pillow can be placed under the buttocks. The right foot is pulled up to the left thigh. The left foot should be positioned under the right shin closer to the thigh. Pull your knees towards the floor. Cover your eyes. Focus your attention on the tip of the nose or between the eyebrows.
If difficulties arise, beginners are advised to perform the asana with support on the wall, touch it with their back... With the help of the pose, the vertebral region is strengthened, the muscles of the hips are stretched, the mobility of the entire musculoskeletal system develops.

This position of the body is called the lotus position. It is mastered after the appearance of joint flexibility. First you need to take the cross-legged asana, then you need to grab the right foot with your hands and slowly move it to the left thigh, closer to the stomach. Next, do the same with the left foot and place it on the right thighbone. If mastering the pose is difficult, you need to pull one foot to the opposite thigh, and leave the other leg on the floor. Joints and ligaments acquire mobility and flexibility.
The pose has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation. Over time, thought processes are accelerated, memory improves.

The most perfect body position for meditation is the star pose. In a seated state, pull the heel of the right foot towards the buttocks. She should rest against the crotch, but you do not need to sit on it. Place the other foot on top. The heel of the left foot should be close to the pubic bone. The genitals are located between the heels, forming one line: the left heel bone rises above the right heel. Focus on the navel.
The position is practiced to heal the whole body and enhance spiritual growth.

The hero pose is equally suitable for beginners and people with extensive meditation experience. It is performed on knees. First you need to spread your feet, exhale deeply and lower your buttocks to the floor. In this case, the inner part of the calves should not touch the outer surface of the thighs. Fingers pointing backward should be pressed to the floor. The buttocks should be on the floor, not on the heels.
The position of the hero contributes to the improvement of mental activity and the normalization of the functionality of internal organs. The tension in the legs decreases, the knee joints become stronger, rheumatic pains disappear, and salt spurs in the heels disappear.

Which one to choose?
It is very important for beginners to engage in meditation to find a comfortable body position for themselves. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. First, you can start mastering two simple sitting positions: Vajrasana and Virasana. For beginners, the Sukhasana pose is great.
Only after fully working out this position is it recommended to go to Padmasana and Siddhasana.

Experts advise not very healthy people to meditate on a soft pillow or sitting on a chair. Positioning the buttocks just above the legs prevents them from flowing. For poor stretches, it is best to place some pillows under your thighs to keep your legs off the ground.
For those experiencing physical discomfort in a sitting position, practice lying on your back.... It is advisable to perform actions on the floor, because only with the help of a rigid support can the spine be positioned correctly.

How to maintain the correct body position?
A correctly adopted position allows a person to meditate for a long time without stress. Finding your center and symmetry is very important for doing spiritual practice. Achieving the desired result is hampered by the simultaneous use of two opposite states: concentration and relaxation. There must always be a balance. The body should not be overstrained or overly relaxed.
In a prone position, the weight of the body must be evenly distributed on the floor. Experts do not recommend that beginners engage in meditative practices in a supine position, since a relaxed body can plunge a person into deep sleep.

The main condition for any seated meditation is a relaxed, straight spine.... Avoid the appearance of a slouch that prevents the free flow of energy. Keep your neck straight. The chin should be slightly lowered to the chest. The body weight should be distributed symmetrically. Imagine that your spine is made up of a stack of coins.
This mental image allows you to maintain a sense of stability and balance, because any tilt to the left, right, forward or backward will destroy the imaginary pile, and coins will scatter throughout the room.
You can imagine a string tied to the top of your head, pulling you up. A feeling of lightness appears, the spine straightens. Stillness can be worked out by visualizing a majestic mountain. Imagine yourself as a silent frozen mountain. Align the pose, relax, and chill for a few minutes. The ribcage should be extended.

Possible mistakes
In order to avoid various shortcomings when performing meditation practices, you need to check the correct position of your own body in front of the mirror. Experts advise beginners to pay attention to some very important points caused by common mistakes.
- Back slouch during meditation appears due to the physiological characteristics of a person or inattention. To eliminate physiological problems, it is recommended to put a pad under the buttocks to lift them up. Inattention is eliminated by a more mindful approach to meditation practice. Keeping the back straight while performing the asana, a person gradually gets used to the correct position. The back muscles are strengthened.
- An overly arched lumbar spine often causes pain in the back. To eliminate excessive deflection, it is necessary to move the tailbone slightly forward, and the lower back will straighten itself. The choice of a not too high backing pad allows to provide a natural deflection.
- Knees high in the air put a lot of stress on the back. As a result, she starts to get sick. To fix the problem, you need to use aids in the form of a small seat.
- Strong tension causes muscle pain. In this case, the circulation of energy is disturbed. You need to properly set yourself up for meditation.
- You should not start mastering complex techniques without proper preparation. Such attempts often lead to trauma and the desire to abandon spiritual practice. Start by mastering simple techniques. Move to more difficult positions gradually.