Forgiveness meditation: features and stages

Understanding how to forgive is an important question that can be solved with the help of a psychologist, or you can try to do it yourself. After all, old grievances against oneself, parents, friends, casual acquaintances, like old sores, they constantly make themselves felt. They ache in the same way as physical wounds ache.
What is it for?
Forgiveness meditation is needed not by those who have offended us, but by ourselves. All the grievances that we hold in ourselves, like a heavy load, pull us to the bottom or back. We cannot go further without throwing these stones out of our bosom. They themselves will not go away, but, on the contrary, will grow in our body, poisoning it like a real poison.
Experts call this meditation hygiene for the soul. The soul must be cleansed of all grievances... This is necessary for any person, regardless of age, gender, social status. Some are convinced that the word “offended” came from two - “offend”, “oneself”.
There are many popular sayings about this. One of them, for example, says that they carry water to the offended.
By and large, a person himself takes on such an unbearable burden, harboring a resentment.

This is a destructive force, which is discussed not only by psychologists, but also by representatives of various religious denominations. Orthodoxy even has a commandment - love your enemy as yourself. If we paraphrase and rethink this law of God a little, then without forgiving the offender, we will soon become our own enemies.
Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of all negative memories. The sooner this happens, the sooner you will go to a brighter future.
Set aside enough time in your schedule for the ritual first. Choose a place where no one would distract you from this activity. Disconnect your phone.You have to focus on yourself, your feelings and memories. This should be an honest conversation with oneself, and therefore any outside interference can violate this secret of confession.
Take a piece of paper and write down the names of everyone who once offended you.... Among them may be parents, and a girl from kindergarten, and a coach who did not take you to the youth team. However, the top of the list will likely be people who are truly close to you. Because quarrels with them are especially hard for us. And in this case, it will take longer and harder to work on the errors.
But first things first. You need to start to forgive the one who is dear to you., relationships with whom are especially valuable, and the conflict is the most frustrating.
It is recommended that you take a photo of this person to be effective.
Now you can start the very process of meditation.

How to forget and let go of resentment against people?
It is better to repeat this practice three times a day - in the morning, at lunchtime and again in the evening. The process of letting go of grievances is difficult and requires concentration of attention, diligence and, most importantly, the desire to part with negativity.
We put a photo of our offender in front of us. If we could not find a picture, we will have to present its image as clearly as possible.
Stage 1
Concentrate a bright ray of your attention on who is your focus on reconciliation. Introduce the person well. Then say the following phrases to him: “With a feeling of love and gratitude, I sincerely forgive ... (here the name of the person you are addressing should be named) and comprehensively accept him as he is. I ask you to give me forgiveness for all my feelings, emotions and actions towards this person. "
This mantra should be recited many times in a row for 5 minutes. An important condition is to do this by all means smiling.... Let this smile be strained in the first seconds, soon your face will light up with a real one, and your eyes will be filled with happiness.
But first, remember all the details of the unpleasant incident that happened to this person, and let go of the situation. Forgive the offender to begin with, at least in your imagination.

Stage 2
In the next step, we have to correct situations in which we ourselves are to blame, for which we will also spend about 5 minutes. During this time, we will speak the following words: "I apologize to ... (we again insert the name of the person with whom our mental conversation is going on) for all my thoughts, emotions and actions in relation to him."... At the same time, it is necessary to feel the state of the one to whom we inflicted the wound.
Stage 3
We begin the final cycle of forgiveness meditations. His main phrase: "With love and gratitude ... (again we call the name of the person to whom we are addressing) forgives me".
At this moment, it is necessary not only to present the image of your counterpart, you need to see him smiling or even stretching out his arms for hugs. If this happened, then you have succeeded. One such session, most likely, will not be enough to achieve the desired cleansing of the soul. But even if the changes do not appear for the second and third time, do not despair. Sooner or later, you will definitely be able to come to terms with your offended inner self.
It is believed that this can take up to 15 hours of work on oneself. The main thing is not to despair.

To knock on your subconscious is necessary in order to throw off the burden of negativity from your shoulders, to untie this Gordian knot and let love and the opportunity to go through life with your head up in your heart, and not bending down under the weight of negative emotions.
The problems that have accompanied us for decades could have arisen as a result of a conflict with parents. A person may not be aware of this. But a once unbought toy can cause major psychological disorders for many years. Forgive all offenses, open yourself to new desires, and leave childhood desires in the past.
As a result, instead of a doll that you never received, you will acquire real wealth.
- You will feel younger for at least 10 years. This will happen due to the fact that new positive emotions will take the place of old grievances. New forces will "penetrate" into the body, which will help to cope with many things that previously could not be completed.
- Increased mood... You will continually experience bouts of joy for no particular reason.
- Improving well-being... Some diseases will recede. The doors to the exit from your body will open after you remove the blocks from the grievances that did not release the ailments out.
- Ending conflicts... Once you forgive your abuser, he stops being an irritant. Moreover, he will lose the desire to enter into skirmishes with you. As soon as you stop firing your arrows at him, and his desire to prick will immediately disappear. You, in turn, having overcome the negative emotions directed in his direction, will discover a new path for yourself that will lead to a promotion, creating your own business or the emergence of a family.

Self-Forgiveness Techniques
Often, the road to a brighter future is closed to us by our own complexes, born as a result of resentment against ourselves. In this case, sooner or later, we begin a destructive process of self-flagellation. And he, in turn, often leads to the desire to escape from reality with the help of alcohol or drugs. This can be prevented only by forgiving yourself any, both the most insignificant mistakes and serious offenses. To do this, there is a set of phrases that you need to repeat to yourself day in and day out.
Here is this list of souls:
- I apologize to myself for not buying ... (a list of what you dreamed about, but did not dare to spend money on);
- I apologize to myself for paying too much attention to the opinions of others;
- I apologize for the fact that I often succumbed to laziness and never achieved significant success in the professional field;
- I apologize to myself for being too worried about the unpleasant words spoken by strangers to me;
- I apologize to myself for the fact that I often showed dissatisfaction with those close to me;
- I ask myself for forgiveness for the wrongs;
- I apologize for not becoming a father / mother.

Choose from this list those phrases that suit you, add your own. Be honest with yourself. Do not hide your grievances and try to negotiate as quickly as possible. As soon as this is achieved, you should move on to the next part of transforming yourself.
From words of forgiveness, we move on to words that give new sensations:
- I appreciate what is given to me;
- I multiply what I have;
- my life is wonderful;
- my destiny is in my hands;
- I am responsible for my words and deeds;
- I apologize to myself for the fact that I often showed dissatisfaction with myself and my life;
- I respect myself.
This list can also be expanded according to your wishes and needs.

We are all different, but each of us has the right to happiness and prosperity. So do not hide from them behind a heap of grievances. Move aside this barrier and let love into your home.