All about the retreat

It is very useful for a person to engage in energy replenishment of the whole organism from time to time. It is carried out in a variety of ways. For example, you might recommend going to the temple or reading spiritual literature. However, in modern society, it has become fashionable to apply a practice such as a retreat. This will be discussed in the article.

What it is?
A practice such as a retreat is considered an in-demand activity. People have used it since ancient times. For example, a similar practice has been observed in Buddhism. It included qigong classes (they were invented by Taoist monks about 5 thousand years ago).
What does the word retreat mean? This verbal unit is translated from English as "solitude" or "seclusion". If we talk about a retreat, then in this case, solitude is devoted to various beneficial practices, such as yoga, meditation and others. Their benefits are invaluable, and here's why. Every day a large amount of different information bursts into our everyday life. This information stays in memory for a long time.
As a result, it turns out like this: a person masters a large amount of knowledge, but cannot use it in full. Because of what, his consciousness is overloaded and begins to malfunction. This affects both work and personal life. It comes to the point that many forget to wish their loved ones a happy birthday.
By the way, the noise of cities also has a negative impact on the psyche. Therefore, a person needs from time to time to clear his consciousness of unnecessary information, and remain at least for a while in complete silence. This can be done easily with a retreat.

It helps to purify consciousness from a constant flow of information.This practice is designed to temporarily turn off brain activity and plunge into relaxation. Techniques of this orientation are somewhat vaguely reminiscent of meditation. The only difference is that the retreat takes much longer than meditation. Therefore, the effect of such actions does not go away quickly. Please note: the retreat has nothing to do with training in nature. In it, the whole theory is reduced to performing meditations. Therefore, this technique is a good incentive to start to change.
There are collective and individual retreats.
- Collective. In this case, people go to special places (for example, in Altai, Mongolia) in a large group.
- Individual. In this case, a person organizes a program aimed only at his own self.
Thus, retreats are needed in order to look at your life from above. The longer a person watches himself "as if from the outside", the faster he realizes his mistakes. And then it will be easy for him to find a way to correction.

Practice types
The choice of practice by type depends on the needs of the person. For example, for those who are just going to start implementing this technique, it is useful to start it in a team. In this case, experienced people will tell the beginner what to do and how to do it. So, let's take a look at what practices are there.
- Solitary. The practice of solitude or a solitary retreat is when a person decides to be alone for a while (maybe for a very short time). It doesn't matter where the retreat will take place: outdoors, in an apartment or in a tent in the field. The main thing is that the subject remains in complete isolation for some time, and no one interferes with him. Then the detoxification of the soul and the whole organism will take place.
- Sociable. This practice involves active communication between the participants. This event brings together dance, yoga, meditation and simultaneous communication on the female theme. As a result of passing this technique, the fair sex becomes much more active and feminine.
- Quiet. A silent retreat provides for complete silence throughout the entire practice. Is it possible to apply this practice of silence in a team? It is possible, but only if the participants communicate with each other as a result of an urgent need.
- Collective. This type of retreat aims to reach a large group of people. Such a group gathers in a comfortable place. It is necessary to take into account: in a team it is easier to maintain discipline and maintain a spiritual attitude, since the participants involuntarily push each other towards this. In addition, this technique allows you to get away from the worldly bustle of the whole team. Such actions only improve the result.
- Dark. The technique is designed for complete immersion in darkness and silence. By turning off their eyesight and applying a special breathing exercise cycle, practitioners are immersed in themselves. They look very closely at their problems and try to understand them.
After carrying out such events, a person begins to look at himself and his environment in a different way.

The essence and reasons for leaving
Modern people are increasingly realizing that the dynamic rhythm of life destroys their inner world. Many become like robots that lack emotion. However, a person still cannot live without emotions. If he suppresses them, and does not spill out, he begins to have mental problems. A huge flow of multidirectional information introduces many people into a stupor. Some individuals take the knowledge gained to heart and then begin to rethink it. From such actions, their consciousness gradually overflows and gets tired. And this factor has very bad consequences for the general state of the soul. The essence and purpose of the retreat is to purify a person's consciousness.
The reasons why people engage in the above practice are as follows. First of all, they want to forget about the daily problems. For example: some of them are "seized" by everyday life. Others need a break from the noise. During the retreat, all participants lead a healthy lifestyle. In everyday life, it is very difficult for people to exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, and breathe fresh air. During a retreat, such an opportunity appears.
Some want to completely retire to meditate. Many people dream of hearing themselves and focusing on their true desires, so that they can later come true.

Fundamental rules
If you want to conduct a retreat flawlessly, to enjoy this action to the fullest, you need to know the conditions for it. Let's consider them in more detail. Before starting, be clear about your goal. You should also consider your intentions in this matter. For the correct fulfillment of this condition, write on a piece of paper your desires and questions to which you want to get an answer from yourself. Be sure to indicate the result you want to get from the retreat.
And also you should decide on such items as the time and place of the practice. Remember to keep the venue environmentally friendly and themed. Then you need to choose the exercises and techniques that you will apply during your retreat. If you are going to leave home for a long time, then you need to inform your loved ones in advance that you want to be alone. This must be done so that your relatives do not needlessly worry.
If you are going to do the retreat on your own in nature, then take care of the earthly food. Then you will not need to run around the shops, breaking the rules of the retreat. Make a daily routine so as not to overload your body with unnecessary activity. Regular exercise only improves the result. The frequency of retreats is no exception in this regard. It is advisable to do the retreat under the supervision of an experienced professional. If you decide to be alone, then contact your mentor to receive competent advice.

Seat selection
The retreat is very effective for a person, as in new places in his mind there is a kind of restructuring of thinking.
At these locations, the retreat may include courses on introduction to Buddhism. For example, you can discover the usefulness of Buddhism. You can also do an Ashtanga yoga retreat here.
In addition, you will be able to undergo healing of the whole organism in these places. Having been in a "fairy tale", you will get rid of the effects of stress and will be able to come to awareness in your life.
On the Caribbean Sea, and even on the island, you will not want to rush anywhere. The white beaches are ideal for yoga and meditation. Places flooded with sunlight allow you to forget about your past life and everyday worries. After taking a dip in the azure water after the practice, you can completely cleanse yourself of the negativity. As a result, all unnecessary information will be erased from memory, and your consciousness will reach a new level.

In the mountains or at sea, you can have an unforgettable experience. The whole day will be scheduled by the minute. You will not be bored here. You will always find delicious food anywhere you can eat it outdoors.
There are places here that were created by God for conducting spiritual practices. If you choose a retreat organized by specialists, then you can easily get out of the negative state and immerse yourself in happiness for a long time.
Here you will experience the most extraordinary retreats. While visiting these places, you can enjoy delicious and healthy food (meaning vegetarian dishes), meditate, do yoga and just relax.
Thai massage will only improve your condition. Unreal beauty will make you plunge into the wonders of nature. Everyone is accepted to the yoga school.Therefore, you will be able to learn how to do this practice correctly.
In this place there is a Buddhist monastery Kopan. Therefore, holding a retreat in this country will be the best option. Here you can enrich your mind and learn how to meditate properly. And most importantly, the price for such a trip will pleasantly surprise you.

Here, the retreat is clearly only beneficial. In Bali, you can significantly improve your body and psyche. In addition, with the help of various practices, you will reset your consciousness in a positive direction.
This place offers an Ayurveda program and vinyasa flow yoga classes. So you will comprehend the Eastern philosophy of being. And this level of knowledge will definitely affect your future life.
On this exciting journey, you will not only be able to look deep into yourself, but also feel a specialized atmosphere at the same time. The retreat you will do in India will help you free yourself from problems and from the tension that has arisen as a result of mental fatigue. In completely unfamiliar places, among unusual attractions, you can plunge into an atmosphere that will help you look at your life from the other side.
Choose the most beautiful corners of this country and take exciting walks through iconic places. And also in this country you can get yoga lessons. Meditating against the backdrop of spectacular landscapes will help you redefine your life and take it to the next level. And keep in mind that India is where the culture of spiritual enrichment originated. Therefore, you will not find a better place for privacy.

In fact, Russia is a country where you can find places that can not only impress, but also change your mind for the better. Having visited Altai, you will plunge into the special atmosphere of mountains and forests. The world around you will only contribute to your mood. In addition, in Altai there are separate corners that are distinguished by their special energy. While there, you can find what you were looking for.
However, in Russia there are other places that you should definitely visit in order to achieve complete spiritual perfection and for self-knowledge. For retreats, Holy Places are well suited. They are in the Vladimir, Kaluga and Voronezh regions.
A retreat in Spain will be unforgettable, as in this case you can relax on the Mediterranean coast. There are the most beautiful beaches there. Solitude on them will become a fairy tale. During your vacation, you will be able to attend seminars on psychology. Their topics are: family, psychology of family relationships and others.
And also the participants will be able to learn everything about healthy eating and Ayurveda in special classes. Meditations in nature and yoga classes near the sea will take your consciousness to a new level. In addition, in complete silence, you can visit Spanish cities and comprehend the essence of the Middle Ages. Spain is very suitable for those people who want to combine walks in extraordinary places and doing meditations.

How is it going?
The retreat is aimed at allowing a person to completely immerse themselves in their “I”. The awakening of consciousness will happen if you adhere to certain points. They are not the same for men and women. For example, women with small children cannot afford to be completely alone. Therefore, in this case, they have to adhere to certain conditions.
In this case, women can practice a sociable (active) retreat. It provides for communication between participants in the practice. It also helps you take your mind off problems and tune in. In active communication, any woman can afford to take up dancing or yoga, while like-minded people are engaged with her children. During the retreat, meditation or yoga classes take place mainly in nature.This is the best place to connect with the outside world and the universe. The earth and air help to completely relax.
However, a person does not always manage to escape to nature. Therefore, on rare occasions, some people hold retreats in their home or apartment. There is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is to create an appropriate environment. For example, go out to the balcony in the morning for meditation and listen to how nature awakens. Vipassana is often used in retreat. This is a specific technique aimed at human development. During insight meditation, a person can completely change their thinking and attitude towards life.
When conducting a retreat, a person always sets a goal for himself. Thanks to this, he can move in the right direction. Strangers should not interfere with him. Therefore, the subject interrupts for a while all contacts with the outside world. The main condition of the retreat is complete immersion in peace and quiet. When this practice takes place, a person should not feel the passage of time. Therefore watches and gadgets are ignored. Naturally, the retreat provides for a complete rejection of bad habits and inclinations. Once immersed in solitude, the subject can no longer consume alcohol or smoke. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, and the food should be as light as possible.

What difficulties might arise?
The practice under review covers the following areas.
- Positive.
- Meditations that are designed to rebuild consciousness for the better.
- Consolidation of the above described actions in everyday life.
If one of these points is missing, then the retreat will not be as positive as you would like. Therefore, despite the difficulties, you will need to realize these three points. You will also need to hear yourself, and think about all your actions. People are highly dependent on their mood. Therefore, they just need to be in the mood for practice. However, you should not force yourself. Practice that is done "through force" will not be as effective as we would like.
And also the compulsion to practice can cause anxiety or, as the Tibetans say, Lung. What is Lung? If we talk about the exact translation, then this word is translated as "subtle energetic wind". This condition may still arise due to some doubts about the actions that a person has to perform in retreat. Lung manifests itself in palpitations or heart pains. And also it can be expressed in the form of insomnia.
To restore your condition, you need to take a break and devote some time to simple relaxation. Communicate more with people, laugh and not think about bad things. A good sleep will only enhance the effect.

While eliminating the negative state, try to be warm and comfortable, stop listening to loud music, try to exclude communication with the outside world using gadgets. By the way, gadgets have some radiation. It is precisely this that can enhance the effect of Lung on your body. Remember: nutrition also affects the appearance of Lunga. Therefore, eliminate legumes, black tea, coffee, chocolate and meat from your diet.
But what products you need to eat in order to quickly restore your mental and physical strength: fatty dairy products, warm milk, dietary meat (lamb meat), bread. It is not uncommon for a person to experience emotional outbursts during a retreat. They occur because during the practice, various unpleasant memories arise in the thoughts, which the person involuntarily tries to drown out. This phenomenon especially happens during the use of analytical meditation.
Emotional outbursts happen because a person's inner defense decreases during a retreat. If earlier she could hide true emotions, then during meditation the protection is turned off. Then all emotions "float" out from the subconscious. To eliminate such negative phenomena, you need to repeat the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM very often. At the same time, you need to include compassion for yourself and for people, without drowning out the negative memories that have arisen. It is these actions that will take you out of bad feelings.