Om Mantra Meditation

Mantras in meditation are used to focus the mind and achieve a specific emotional state. The recommended meditation with the Om mantra is easy to practice. It allows a person to quickly plunge into a meditative state. The result is felt even with short-term use of the technique.

The meaning of the mantra "Om"
The word "mantra" consists of two syllables, the first of which means "mind", "consciousness", and the second means "control", "instrument". This is a kind of sound formula, which since ancient times has been associated with the formation of special streams of Power in the mind of a person. With their help, thoughts are put in order, perception is fully organized. The syllable "Om" is considered the first manifestation of sound at the moment of creation, therefore it is associated with the symbol of the divine Hindu trinity. In Sanskrit, the word contains 3 sounds: "A", "U" and "M". The first sound means the direct manifestation of the Highest Truth, the second - the infinite energy of the Absolute, the third - all living creatures.
The cosmic vibration of the combination of sacred sounds includes the manifested (conscious) and unmanifest (unconscious) world, as well as its intermediate state and subconsciousness. All sounding segments together have a peculiar vibrational frequency and represent the existence and manifestation of higher consciousness. All sacred texts of Hindu and Vedic literature begin and end with this spell, because it personifies the highest creation: the Universe, divine energy and the souls of living beings.
This mantra provides a foundation:
- three stages of existence - earth, paradise and hell;
- 3 levels of consciousness - reality, dreams and sleep;
- 3 personality abilities - cognition, striving and action.
Buddhism adopted the ancient Vedic tradition of meditative practice, and Tibetan monks adopted the sacred sound. It enhances the positive effects of all other spells, acting as a catalyst and activator.

The effect of meditation
A meditative technique using the "Om" mantra opens up the energy channels of the practicing subject, fills his body with vital energy, expands and purifies the aura, and clarifies the human mind. When using this meditation, awareness develops, and the person acquires the ability to control his own emotions. The individual no longer dwells on past mistakes, but begins to understand how they can be corrected. It gets rid of internal clamps, negative attitudes, fears and unnecessary blocks. A person develops self-control, the ability to recognize true feelings, the ability to get rid of the thoughts imposed by society.
During the execution of the meditative technique, the energy flow is directed in the right direction.... With the help of this meditation, the person brings his consciousness into a peaceful state. At the moment of turning on the energy centers, the human mind is freed from negative thoughts, and the subject gets rid of stress and unwanted emotions. All negative feelings leave the human soul. The personality stops wasting energy on empty ventures and concentrates on significant events.
The mind is cleared and rises to a higher level. Spiritual development takes place. A person is filled with a sense of love, happiness and harmony. He begins to realize himself as a part of the Universe, feels the inner divine power and receives answers to any of his questions.
This meditation practice helps to get rid of chronic fatigue, physical ailment, apathy and mental disorders.

Execution rules
Experts recommend practicing this meditation technique 2 times a day for half an hour, preferably in the morning and evening. Before doing it, you need to choose some pleasant music that will help you relax and enter a meditative state. First you need to retire, close your eyes and completely relax your own body. Keep your back upright. Concentrate your attention on the point located in the center between the eyebrows. Feel the ripple in the eyebrow gap.
Free your mind from extraneous obsessive thoughts. It concentrates only on the mantra. Mental repetition of the desired sound should be accompanied by thoughts of infinity, immortality and eternity. In these moments, you need to perceive yourself as an improved, knowledgeable, strong, pure and free person. Imagine absolute consciousness, feel your ability to penetrate everything, believe in your own infinite existence. Immerse yourself completely in yourself and get away from the hustle and bustle of the world.
You need to breathe evenly and deeply. Calm inhalation through the nose and slow exhalation through the mouth tune the subconscious mind to the required state. Exhale naturally, without the use of force when exhaling a large volume of air. The mantra is recited as you exhale. Experts recommend humming it. At the moments of inhalation, the syllable "Om" is reproduced mentally. During the meditation, the mantra "Om" should be repeated about 110 times, but not less than 108. The sounds are stretched not slowly and not quickly, but rhythmically, without tension. The spoken words should resemble a bell alarm.
The technique of pronouncing the sacred syllable is as follows:
- first, the first sound is reproduced, which is a cross between "A" and "O";
- then there is a smooth transition to the second sound, which is a combination of "O" and "U";
- the last consonant sound is pronounced through the nose with the mouth closed, while it is necessary to create a kind of vibration.
Meditation on this mantra is performed with a rosary. Pronunciation of each next sound "Om" gives the right to push aside one bead. Rosary beads prevent miscalculation. In the minutes of applying the meditative technique, you can swing, but you cannot strain and pinch. When a feeling of pain or discomfort arises, you need to put your hand to the problem area of the body and feel the warmth emanating from your palm.
Focus on your own heartbeat. With each heartbeat, mentally pronounce a sacred sound. Feel how the mind unites with it and is filled with pure consciousness.