Theta meditation: features and techniques

People want to be successful and happy. There are many ways to achieve these benefits in life. It must be remembered: everything we do affects our life. Human consciousness works great wonders. This has been proven since ancient times. For example, with the help of meditation, anyone can get rid of the negativity that suddenly happened in life. Theta meditation is considered one of the most effective methods for a person to reach a certain level in all surrounding areas.

The achievement of goals depends on the person himself and his thoughts. If you start to apply a basic set of practices called Healing (based on a special wave of Theta consciousness), then success can be achieved. In case of physical or mental disorders, it is necessary to apply a special Theta Healing meditation. This practice is translated as "healing". It takes place at the highest level of consciousness.
So, the word Theta denotes the wave frequency of the brain, or rather, one of them. In this frequency, our consciousness is immersed in a state of sleep. It is then that the borderline state sets in, conducive to healing. When a person begins to practice this practice, the latent reserves of the brain come into activity. Theta Healing practice allows an individual to go through 7 levels of their own subconsciousness. For example, this is exactly how, with the help of prayer, complete healing of people can occur.
Who developed such a miraculous method? This is Vianne Stibal, a healer from America. She showed from her own experience that illness can be overcome with the help of thought. The main thing is to use the meditation technique correctly. The method based on meditation has resonated with people.It has been proven that the practice, if practiced regularly, can contribute to the healing of various diseases related to the psyche and physiology of a person. So you can even get rid of oncology.
Theta technique anyone can do it and benefit from it. After the start of classes, the human world becomes completely different.
The negative leaves, and in its place comes the positive. This effect is achieved using alpha, beta, theta, gamma and delta wavelengths. If you do not engage in meditation, then this level of consciousness will simply be inaccessible to you.

Who will benefit from?
By and large, Theta Healing meditation is suitable for absolutely all people.... Especially this technique is necessary to deal with people who do not feel confident in the future or suffer from such an ailment that it is difficult to get rid of. By practicing meditation, individuals can self-healwithout using any medication. In ordinary life, a person cannot spontaneously turn on theta level. It manifests itself only in a state of sleep or in an unconscious state. Reconfiguring consciousness with the help of meditation activates the transformation process, and a person can end up with creative inclinations, improved memory, development of intuition, and so on.
Therefore, Theta meditation is needed for those who have a high level of creativity.... Through activities they can develop their abilities even better and get even more satisfaction from them. If you find it difficult to study any science, then you should also use Theta meditation. They will help you reprogram your thinking activity, reduce emotional awareness, and also focus on science.
Athletes can also use Theta meditation to improve their performance. As a result of the application of the practice, their level of physical condition will increase and the percentage of mastery will increase. And no doping is needed for this.
An important point that worries many people on our planet is self-healing... By doing Theta meditation, a person gets great opportunities. Everyone knows that diseases appear as a result of improper mental activity. If a person can readjust his thoughts for healing, then the disease will recede. By the way, during the entire existence of mankind, many examples were given that indicated that homo sapiens is able to kill the disease with the help of the hidden reserves of his body.

Recall that the main tool for any meditation is the human mind. Therefore, you do not need to think that to perform the practice you will need “grounded” devices in the form of a shovel or a rake. Keep in mind that when doing Theta Meditation, you will have to use very unusual tools. So, we list them below.
- Excavation tool. With the help of it, negative thoughts are revealed, as well as various blockages of consciousness that prevent a person from living fully.
- "Belief Replacement Tool." It helps to identify destructive thoughts and successfully replace them with dynamic and positive ones. The practitioner must be prepared from the outset for such changes. If he has an experienced mentor, then the task is simplified.
- "A tool for downloading new feelings and sensations." In the latter case, there is a certain training of a person to think happily. This process encompasses both the cellular level and the spiritual and physical.

They are basic, so study them point by point.
- Give yourself permission to practice. Cast aside all doubts and do not be afraid of change. Just be prepared for the fact that your life will change in the best way and very soon.
- You need to be prepared for the so-called muscle analysis. You need to test your physical condition before and after the practice.
- Identify the main problem and its "root". Try to find in your mind the thoughts that pull you back into the past.
- Consciously replace all your negative thoughts with positive ones. This is very difficult to do. Human life consists of many problems, but they must be learned to bypass.
- Fix your attention on any change in your physical and mental condition after the start of the session.

Meditation rules
They are as follows.
- Preparation... When performing this step, you will need to find a special quiet place where you will be comfortable. Remember that meditation should be done completely alone and in a sitting position (but not lying down). Use a soft sofa or chair for this.
- Indoor lighting should be comfortable for your eyes... Take a refreshing shower and drink a glass of clean water before starting your class. In order for you to always and everything turn out smoothly, supplement your activities with various enhancing effects: light candles, incense, use crystals and each time cleanse the meditation site with special bells.
- During meditation sit upright and do not pay attention to thoughtsthat will "swarm" in your head. Breathe deeply and evenly. When the trance comes, do not be alarmed and allow your mind to connect with the Universe.
- For meditation to give the highest results, you need conduct regular classes. Their duration should be at least 15 minutes. Your awakening should begin with the gratitude of the universe and end with the same ritual. Eliminate negativity from life and forgive all those who hurt you. Don't chase after the result, just follow the generally accepted rules.
- After meditation, do not jump off your seat, but pay attention to your condition. A slight tingling sensation means that beneficial energy is being dispersed throughout the body.
- Sleep well after meditation.... Then the effect will increase.

Research has shown that Theta Meditation Can Be Tremendous After Just 30 Minutes... Deep meditation has 3 fundamentals: visualization, relaxation, spiritual practice. The most commonly used Theta meditations are as follows.
It is performed after awakening and acts like this.
- Take a comfortable position. The eyes are closed. During inhalation, the flow of air is represented in the form of light, and on exhalation - in the form of a dark substance. This will release tension.
- Next, you should mentally turn to God about filling you with love. You need to imagine how love penetrates into every cell of your body.
- After that, you will feel relief.
- Then imagine your bare feet on the ground and feel the energy flowing into you. It spreads throughout the body and goes out through the crown of the head, connecting with the energy of the Cosmos.
- Next, you should mentally formulate plans for the entire next day and ask the Universe to fulfill them.
- After that, the session is finished with the help of calm inhalation and exhalation.

Before bedtime
This practice completely relaxes the brain and prepares the body for sleep. So what to do.
- Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. When inhaling, imagine how light energy penetrates into your body in the form of love from God. Fill your lungs and whole body with this energy and imagine how it displaces the dark energy accumulated during the day.
- Feel complete relaxation. Thoughts disappear, and your head is filled with light from the Cosmos. Breathing becomes calm.
- Pay attention to your heart. Let it remind you of a bud that slowly opens, and light rays burst out of it. This is how the all-encompassing Divine love manifests itself, which fills you from within and breaks out.
- This light penetrates into every corner of your body, healing it.You completely dissolve in this beneficial substance.
- Imagine a large tray. Small stones are scattered on it. They have white and dark shades. Dark shades represent negative events that have occurred over the past day. Thank the Universe for the fact that they happened, and then collect them mentally and destroy. So only pleasant events will remain on the tray. Collect them in your mind and put them in a transparent container. Place the container on the shelf.
- Remember again that your heart is a flower that radiates pleasant energy. Enjoy the warmth of your heart. Then inhale 3 times deeply and exhale 3 times. Open your eyes and go to sleep.

For healing
Act like this.
- Take a comfortable asana and close your eyes. Start breathing deeply and calmly. Let clean air enter your body. It fills the forehead, chest and heart. Feel how pain goes away with exhalation, complete relaxation comes.
- Connect your thoughts to the green energy flow. It is a vital energy that heals you from within, just as spring renews nature. Direct the entire amount of this energy to the organ that you think is sick.
- Imagine how your organ is enveloped in this energy and begins to heal. The pain symptoms go away and your body gradually renews itself. A feeling of healing appears.
- After carrying out such manipulations, start breathing evenly again and then open your eyes. Feel how your body is filled with life-giving energy.

Theta meditation for healing is presented in the video below.