Morning meditation: impact on a person and technique

What does a person usually do in the morning? Get out of bed and engage in certain procedures. These measures can significantly increase the pep after a sound sleep. However, it is useful to know that there is another way to increase your vitality. That is the way of meditation.

What it is?
Today many people are addicted to meditation. Meditation is a deeply concentrated state that is caused by a person's mental actions. It follows from this that with the help of meditation, any individual can bring his psychological state back to normal. It will be quite an alternative to drinking tea with sugar or strong coffee for breakfast. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in meditation for those who consider themselves a modern person. In the age of technology, many of us have forgotten about the ancient practices that have always helped people. It must be remembered that their effectiveness has been proven by scientists.
Morning meditation has an especially beneficial effect on the entire body. Its benefits cannot be overstated. For example, by practicing in the morning, you will be able to:
- ensure you always have a good start to the day - after a 15-minute meditation, a person quickly comes to the desired state.
- practice gives stable resistance to stress - with its help you quickly adapt to the environment, which can be quite harmful in places.
- your mind will learn to filter out unnecessary information of a psychological nature - you will stop noticing negative news and perceiving useless advertising in the form of spam.
- start eating small meals only when you really want to eat, and not in order to drown out stress.
- meditation should be done by both men and women who want to find a suitable partner for themselves.
- with the help of the practice, you will significantly increase your health - headaches, muscle pains, joint pains can forever disappear from your life.

All people are individual. Therefore, they are engaged in meditation in pursuit of their individual goals. For example, some morning meditations are carried out so that the body gets a full awakening, and also for a good day. Some persons meditate with the aim of expressing gratitude to the universe. The morning hours are best suited for this. For example, during the working day and in the evening, many people simply cannot find time for classes. Therefore, morning meditation becomes an integral part of the beginning of the day for those who have decided to live by the new rules.
The more often a person meditates, the more he receives additional benefits from life - both material and spiritual. In the morning, the energy balance of people is at a high level. So it turns out that morning meditations help to achieve several goals at once. The main ones are the most effective meditation and the development of a certain habit. If a person is trying to get a mood for positive thinking, he needs to practice well-known practices. No one will argue that morning prayers, yoga and meditation always have a beneficial effect on the soul.
The next goal is discipline. A person who is seriously interested in any activity, including meditation, always lives according to a certain routine. He does not allow himself anything superfluous. So he lives right. For this, the Universe rewards him with various benefits. Another goal is to disconnect from the outside world for a certain time. Often, such a shutdown provides many benefits for the further continuation of the day and can significantly increase the energy potential, especially if yesterday evening "was not very good." And remember that you can set different goals in the morning. For those who are in business, while doing meditation, you can set the goal of making a lot of money. Mindfulness can be developed in this way for inattentive people. Even intuition can be developed through meditation if you set such a goal.
And know that the goals can be different, but you should always do all the practices with pleasure and put great diligence in this activity.

There is a lot of talk about meditation. But one thing is for sure: meditation has a beneficial effect on literally all life activities of any person. Meditation definitely helps to restore mental activity and keep it at the desired level. This entails ignoring bad thoughts and setting up a positive outlook. Let's take a closer look at how meditation affects a person.
On physical condition
Of course, meditation is not sports. Therefore, you should not wait for muscle pumping from them. Moreover, the postures in which you will practice should be comfortable. If you find it uncomfortable to keep your back straight or in the Lotus position, then simply do this exercise while sitting on the couch with a soft pillow under your back.
Regardless of the above, know that as soon as you begin to meditate in earnest for a month, you will feel a significant improvement in your physical fitness. It is possible that your headaches will go away. This will happen due to the fact that meditation helps to normalize blood pressure. If your blood pressure is low, it will become more comfortable and high blood pressure will decrease. Your chronic illnesses may become less noticeable. For example, if you direct your thoughts towards eliminating a disease, you may feel how the problems that have arisen in the body gradually disappear. Over time, the disease may disappear altogether.
In addition, meditation, if performed in special positions, can strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, legs, and back. You don't need to do vigorous exercise to get them to the right state. To strengthen it, it is enough to keep the muscles of the back and legs in good shape for some time while you are in a trance. And it must also be added that long and constant practice of meditation will be a good incentive for complete fat burning. The excess weight can go away if you want to. The power of thought will eliminate the problems associated with the body because the Universe will hear you.
Remember, all our ailments arise from a malfunctioning consciousness. Once you tune it in to positive through meditation, you will see tremendous progress for the better.

On the emotional state
As you know, when you meditate, your brain is exposed to work. He is forced to perform functions that are completely unusual for him. Ultimately, when you force your mind to fulfill its desires, your brain becomes submissive. This means that you can regulate its work. Our emotions often arise out of control. This happens when a person cannot concentrate on the positive. Meditations help to concentrate on the best moments in life, therefore, they take the personality to a new level.
Through practicing, one becomes wise. The Universe gives him such a bonus. Wisdom does not allow a person to do stupid things that significantly reduce energy. Namely, a person stops getting angry over trifles, paying attention to barbs and minor arguments. It should be added that, thanks to practicing, any individual acquires a positive character and stops paying attention to unnecessary things, such as negative information that does not concern him, gossip, empty talk. As a result, the mental state is significantly improved.

For people who have never heard of what meditation is, it is better to find an experienced teacher. To do this, you do not have to go to China or to those places where meditation is a priority. It is enough to find an experienced teacher with the help of Internet resources. In this case, you can assign all the crucial moments to a specialist and calmly give all your attention to a new occupation.
However, finances do not always allow choosing the best mentor. Therefore, you can start practicing on your own. Remember, any business must be approached responsibly.
Meditations are best done in the early morning, at 6 am. This time will keep you energized for the whole day and get you used to constant exercise. However, meditations can be done at any time convenient for you. The main thing is that they are on a permanent basis.
Seat selection
Many people go to special holy places for practicing in order to find harmony and complete solitude there. However, such harmony can also be created at home. To do this, it is enough to allocate a certain place in the room, lay a carpet with thick pile on the floor and put a comfortable sofa. However, those who want to use specific poses in practice (Lotus, Half-lotus) will not need a sofa. Others may be advised to purchase a few more very soft back cushions. Besides, Decorate your meditation site with themed figurines and exotic flowers.
Consider the main thing: in the place where you will meditate, there should be no animals, noise and strangers.

Execution technique
First, you need to learn to focus. So do a mini workout. Take a candle (preferably green) and light it. Sit in front of the flame and gaze into it. At first, the fire will flicker and dance, as it were. Gradually, the environment will be minimized, and you will see one burning point.This will mean that the element of fire has completely captured you. After that, it will be possible to conclude that you have learned to concentrate. Then proceed to the main steps.
- Decide on the timing and stay alone with yourself. Play some soft music and sit comfortably.
- Relax and close your eyes. Don't think about anything. Suppress your consciousness if any thoughts begin to enter your head.
- Listen to the voice of your body. Feel the limbs, breathe evenly and monotonously.
- Let there be a complete disconnection from the outside world. After which you will feel the merger with the Universe.
- At this point, start asking for what you want. For example, health. Imagine your diseased organ and how it begins to heal. Feel the pain go away. Hold this sensation for a while.
- After finishing the meditation, breathe in deeply, exhale and open your eyes.