Efficiency and Implementation of Grounding Practices

The earth is the mother of all living beings. That is why any person needs to keep in constant touch with her. Without this connection, no one can live long. Energy replenishment is the main incentive for the continued existence of any subject. Therefore, everyone needs to practice grounding from time to time.
Practice effectiveness
There is such a practice as grounding. When doing it, your limbs and skin should touch the ground. Scientifically speaking, any soil is endowed with a negative charge. The human body tends to accumulate a positive charge. Energy balancing occurs with mutual contact between the Earth and man. Then the body returns to a neutral state.
Modern people often do not have sufficient contact with the Earth, as they live in urban high-rise buildings. Moreover, many of them work in offices that are at the highest level. Thus, these people experience an energy imbalance. This leads to a loss of human activity and even disease.
And there is scientific evidence for this. Let's consider this issue in more detail. The human body produces free radicals. They are useful in fighting viruses and other unwanted influences. However, their excess leads to undesirable consequences: aging, disease, etc.

Free radicals begin to act harmful when the body runs out of useful substances, as well as the energy that comes from the Earth. If this happens, then a person needs to be grounded in time so that his energy is evened out.
Several studies have shown that the benefits of grounding are clear.
- Grounding neutralizes free radicals and reduces inflammation caused by them.
- Grounding has health benefits for both women and men. This means that in both sexes the problems that have developed before in the genitourinary system disappear.
- Human psychology is improving. His emotional state is stabilized.
Esotericism claims that grounding directly affects the protective field of a person. If a person often touches the Earth with his feet, then he is not afraid of either the evil eye or damage.
In addition, regular recharge from the Earth affects the human body and its body as a whole. For example, it can shorten the recovery time from illness and injury. In addition, there is a normalization of pressure, a decrease in snoring, and so on.

Who is it suitable for?
By and large, the practice of grounding should be carried out by all people, without exception. After all, we are all children of the Earth and must fall to her as to our mother in order to receive protection.
However, grounding first of all needs to be passed by those people who live in megacities. Imagine that they sleep, rest, eat, work somewhere above, that is, at a distant distance from the soil.
Nature initially did not provide for such a gap. Therefore, a person who practically does not touch the earth's surface gradually begins to fade away, because he does not receive a certain recharge. As a result, he may develop the following adverse symptoms:
- insomnia begins, or, conversely, the person is constantly drawn to sleep;
- apathy appears in character;
- a person becomes inactive, lethargic;
- he gets tired;
- dizziness and headaches torment him;
- he cannot concentrate his attention;
- a person can all the time either experience a "brutal" appetite, or suffer from its absence;
- he becomes irritable;
- he does not want to communicate with anyone;
- his optimism fades every day.
If you notice such symptoms in yourself, then you definitely need to go through a grounding course. And how to do this, we will tell you below.

Methods and technique of execution
In this case, you need to choose the right exercises. Then you will reach your goal and your condition will return to normal. For example, try the Theta Healing method. He is considered special. As a result of this practice, the person's mind is tuned to theta frequencies. This method puts the human brain into a state of complete relaxation, so the subject at such a moment is between sleep and wakefulness. As a result, the causes of diseases or the causes of problems are identified. Thus, Theta is a multi-point healing that helps and will continue to help people.
As you can imagine, it should be done in the house or outdoors, but not in the apartment.
So what needs to be done.
- Choose a quiet place.
- Place a special rug on the floor or on the ground.
- Get into a sitting or lying position.
- Start breathing deeply.
- Imagine all the bad energy leaving your body and into the Earth.
- There it is saturated with positive energy and returns to your body.
- Feel and be aware of this cycle.
Do this meditation for 10-15 minutes. More is possible.
You may feel dizzy while doing or after meditation. This is normal and also means that your meditation was successful. You have filled your body with the necessary energy, and it gradually begins to trigger positive processes in your body.

Physical exercises
They must be performed outdoors or in a room that is in direct contact with the ground. Here's what to do.
- Place a soft rug on the floor or on the ground.
- Get into a recumbent position. Then begin to lift up (alternately) for 5 minutes, first both arms, then both legs.
- Then get into a sitting position.Put your palms on your waist, perform bends - first to the left side, and then to the right (do this for 5 minutes).
- Get on your knees. Place your palms on your waist and repeat the bends that you performed while in a seated position for 3 minutes.
- Next, stand on your feet, straighten your back. Place your hands on your hips. Perform 10 bends, first forward, and then do 10 bends back.
- Then squats should be performed. There should be 10 of them.
- Run in place for 5 minutes.
- Inhale and exhale deeply (make 3 passes).

Work in nature
A very good way. In this way, you can carry out useful deeds. You will be able to ground.
For example, lay a waterproof, soft rug on the ground (so as not to chill your joints). Get on your knees and weed the garden beds.
When working with a shovel or rake, you are standing on the ground. During movement and intense work, your energy flows through your body very quickly. Therefore, in this way you can easily carry out energy recharge from the ground.
Any movement that you perform in the fresh air (in the country or in your garden) will bring very great benefits to your health. You will gradually be able to get rid of chronic diseases and become a very active person.

It also needs to be done while sitting or lying on the ground or near the sea (on the sand). However, you can try rendering in the sea itself. Thus, you can completely cleanse yourself of negativity.
So, let's write down all the actions in order.
- Sit on the rug. Close your eyes. Imagine a bright ray of light coming down to you from somewhere above. It is the Universe that is sending you cleansing.
- This ray passes through the entire body, and negative energy goes into the Earth.
- Then imagine how it is purified in the ground and turns into light energy. Now it returns to your body again.
- It goes through your body and goes to the sky.
- Now you can feel the warmth filling you from within.
- Thus, two energies manifest themselves, which come from space and from the Earth. When combined, they give you a powerful flow of energy.
Experience this process to the fullest. After doing this practice, remain in a state of bliss for a while and open your eyes. Breathe evenly and deeply during your visualization practice. Nice music will not hurt at the same time. Don't be distracted by extraneous thoughts.
This practice can be done while lying down. It can also be done in water. Just be careful while doing it. In the water, you can become very relaxed and lose control of your body. And this is fraught with bad consequences: loss of balance, you can even choke. Therefore, do not go too deep into the water.

It is advisable to spend it not on a special table or on a couch. It is better to conduct it lying on the earth's surface. However, in this case, it will be extremely inconvenient for a specialist to carry out such a massage.
However, you can carry out a specific massage yourself. Here's how to do it.
Choose a rocky surface. At the same time, the stones should not protrude strongly on the surface. They should also be round and small in size. Place a soft rug on top and sit on it. You can sit down or lie down.
If you choose to do the meditation while lying on your back, straighten your spine and extend your arms and legs. Then tense all the muscles, and then relax. It is advisable to carry out such an exercise for 5-10 minutes.
Grounding in conjunction with self-massage can be done while sitting. To do this, sit comfortably, straighten your back and rest your feet on the ground. Tighten and relax all of your muscles one at a time. For such an exercise, you can allocate from 5 to 10 minutes.
A foot massage can be easily done if you just walk with your bare feet on stones protruding from the ground.

How often should you do it?
You can perform all of the above practices one at a time and quite often. The main thing is not to be zealous and do not overexert your body. However, a person can carry out grounding very often and without much effort if he knows how to do it.
Eat right. Food rich in enzymes helps the body to recover. Moreover, proper nutrition helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Together with healthy food, the energy coming from the Earth enters the body. The fact is that vegetables (carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes and others) are saturated with such energy and then give it to those who eat them.
Pure water. Our organism consists of this substance. Therefore, if you drink spring water every day, you will be able to ground every day. When communicating with nature, a person also undergoes grounding. The more you are in nature, the more often you will receive the necessary energy.

If you like to "dig" in the garden, then you can ground yourself at least every day. Plants have a definite bond with humans. By cultivating plants, a person can naturally be nourished with the energy of the Earth. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to be near the soil every day, start growing potted plants on the balcony. Then you can ground yourself at your first desire.
Some people simply cannot imagine their life without animals. Such individuals instinctively feel that with the help of animals, a person is grounded. If you have a pet in your home, you can contact him. Therefore, your grounding will take place more often.
You can go to the bathhouse 1-2 times a week. This is how you can ground yourself. And to get tremendous pleasure from this.
All people need to stay connected to the earth and from their origins. The more often a person touches the ground, the better he will feel.