All about the profession of an electrician signaling system

Today the railroad is one of the most popular modes of transportation. There are railways everywhere, they connect cities and countries on different continents. All this is due to the invaluable work of employees who maintain and control the quality of transport. One of the main professions associated with the maintenance of railway tracks is the signaling electrical mechanic. In this article, we will learn everything about this profession.
Among all the specialties that are associated with the operation of trains and the correct functioning of railway tracks, it is worth highlighting the electrical mechanics of the signaling system. Before talking about the features of the profession, let's define what is Signaling devices are signaling, centralization and blocking devices that are necessarily present on every railway. They must always work correctly, and the possibility of their failure is unacceptable, minimized.
The thing is that it is the signaling devices that control all the technical devices that are on the railway tracks: track circuits, traffic lights, switch drives. If they fail, the consequences can be disastrous. The electrical mechanic of the signaling system is exactly the specialist who must clearly control the operation of everything that makes up the system.
This is a very difficult and responsible profession, the main goal and feature of which is a high responsibility for the preservation of human life.

Job responsibilities
The senior electromechanic of the signaling center performs a lot of functions, has many job duties, which are clearly spelled out in the ETKS.This is the name of the professional standard, which describes all professions in all industries. According to this professional standard, an employee of this profession is obliged to do the following:
- maintain and check the quality of work and serviceability of all technical devices;
- timely replace equipment elements;
- measure electrical and mechanical parameters of systems and devices;
- keep order in the technical documentation and, of course, keep it;
- prepare the work of signaling devices in the winter.
Important! A qualified specialist always follows the job description and performs everything clearly on schedule and on time.

Knowledge and skills
The signaling electrical mechanic should know all about the following:
- fundamentals of sciences such as mechanics and electromechanics;
- electrical diagrams of the main technical devices, namely, the wagon diagram, automatic blocking devices, centralization systems;
- existing ways to detect and troubleshoot systems and devices;
- subtleties and features of the device of modern alarm systems;
- safety precautions when working with signaling devices;
- rules and regulations for the operation of signaling systems.
Important! Such a specialist is obliged to carry out his work in such a way as to prevent any emergency situation that may arise on the railway.

As for work skills, then, of course, they do not appear immediately; this requires at least minimal work experience. To obtain them, a young specialist needs to undergo an internship, which should be organized by an educational institution. In addition to professional knowledge and skills, human qualities are also of great importance, the presence or absence of which can affect the quality of both education and work. An employee of the profession of an electromechanical signaling system must have the following qualities:
- attentive;
- careful;
- punctual;
- hardy;
- responsible;
- hardworking;
- be able to make decisions quickly and correctly.
Very important, so that such a specialist can think logically, cope with emotions and remain calm no matter what. A cold mind, a clear sequence of actions and the ability to apply all your knowledge in practice is what distinguishes a beginner from a professional.

There are specialized universities that conduct training for at least 4 years, train specialists, electrical mechanics of the signaling system. These higher educational institutions employ experienced and qualified teachers who know not only the theory, but also have many years of experience on the railways, there is a specially developed curriculum. And what is important, such educational institutions closely cooperate with various railway transport enterprises.
Important! There are no courses that will help you get a profession and fully understand it. They are possible only for those employees who want to improve their qualifications and increase their level of knowledge.

Place of work and salary
Nowadays, the profession of a signaling electrician is quite demanded in the labor market. This is not surprising, because the railway industry is developing, new tracks are being built. Therefore, competent highly qualified specialists are constantly required who would be engaged in the control of technical devices.
As for the salary, it can differ significantly. Its level, of course, depends on the company where the employee works, the qualifications and length of service of the specialist. In most cases, young, still inexperienced specialists initially receive the minimum wage, but every year, with advanced training, the level of wages also increases. This is not at all surprising, because absolutely all enterprises work according to this principle. The higher the level of knowledge and more experience of the employee, the more expensive his work is estimated.