All about the main mechanics

Nowadays, most of the technological processes are automated, which is why the professions associated with mechanics are extremely relevant in modern society. Machines help people make a wide variety of products quickly and in large quantities. However, any device tends to break down, so specialists in the field of mechanics will always be needed.
In our article, we will look at what tasks are assigned to chief mechanics, as well as how to get this profession and what salary you can count on.

Description of the profession
GThe main mechanic of any enterprise has the primary responsibility for maintaining mechanical systems and structures in functional condition. This is a leading position, therefore, several other specialists are subordinate to this person: technicians, electricians, electricians and other workers.
Like any other profession, the position of the chief mechanic implies its own dignity and limitations. On the positive side, it can be noted:
- management status at the enterprise;
- a decent level of wages;
- high demand for specialties related to the development, maintenance, commissioning and repair of mechanical devices.
This kind of work is suitable for those people who love technology and prefer to "pick in the gland".
TO disadvantages of the profession include increased physical activity that employees face in the process of performing their job functions. In addition, mechanics are often forced to work outdoors in the most adverse weather conditions.And even when they do their work inside production halls, they are often haunted by the smell of grease and gasoline, which adversely affects the state of the respiratory system.
The main mechanic has a huge responsibility... In a situation where an emergency occurs, not a minute is to be lost - it is this employee who must navigate the current situation as quickly as possible and work out the only correct solution, since the life of other people can often depend on the employee's actions.
In addition, this specialist must be well versed in safety at the enterprise and ensure that his subordinates strictly adhere to the established rules - this is one of the main requirements for the specialty.

In any manufacturing facility the chief mechanic is the person in charge, all the main technological processes directly depend on this specialist and the literacy of his management decisions. GM Job Description boils down to ensuring the quality of the functioning of mechanical equipment, monitoring the exact observance of operational requirements, as well as the timely elimination of any problems that arise. This specialist should be responsible for improving the equipment of technological lines and developing measures to modernize the production cycle as a whole. More specifically, after analyzing the professional standard, this employee must solve the following labor tasks:
- development of leading normative documents in terms of repair of mechanical equipment, expenditure of basic materials and funds for repair and maintenance needs;
- calculation of estimates for repairs, submission of applications for the purchase of spare parts, raw materials and other consumables required for the operation of mechanical installations;
- overhaul maintenance, as well as the organization of the repair of faulty equipment, its modernization;
- development of a system of measures to increase the durability, practicality of technology;
- technical supervision of the physical and technical condition of buildings, control of their operation;
- ensuring rational and economical consumption of raw materials during repair work;
- maintaining the uninterrupted and correct operation of mechanical devices, the replacement rate of equipment and keeping it in working condition at the optimum level of accuracy;
- scheduling of inspections, professional repairs and pilot tests on the basis of the provision on preventive maintenance;
- coordination of work schedules with contractors involved in the repair, organization of measures to promptly supply them with all technical documentation;
- control of the presence and movement of mechanical equipment;
- development of a set of measures for the timely identification of little-used equipment and its subsequent implementation;
- development of proposals for optimizing the operation of working equipment;
- organization of a system of measures to prevent equipment downtime and increase the turnaround time;
- participation in the development of proposals for the certification of personnel;
- making proposals for the general technical re-equipment of the company, its reconstruction and modernization;
- development of measures aimed at minimizing the harm caused by the company to the environment;
- inventory taking;
- participation in experimental work on the introduction and launch of new technology.

GM performs tasks for quality control of the installation work performed, monitors the rationality of the expenditure of funds allocated for overhaul, ensures the correct storage of mechanical structures in warehouses and is responsible for the timely provision of all required documents to the state technical supervision authorities.
This worker has the right to for consideration of any introduced rationalization ideas related to the optimization of the equipment operation, it can issue an expert opinion and draw up reviews on the use of certain technologies.
Chief mechanical engineer supervises specialists your unit. As a leader, he:
- controls the work of technicians and other employees involved in the repair and maintenance of devices, buildings and structures;
- is responsible for the regular implementation of work to improve the professional qualifications of personnel.

In accordance with the professional standard for the position of GM, applicants are approved who have such personal and professional qualities as: technical mindset, good memory, increased attentiveness and fitness. Mostly men apply for this position, although it is also suitable for women - in such a profession, they usually deal with adjustments and repairs of control and measuring equipment and automated control systems.
Admission to the duties of a GM is granted to persons at least 18 years of age, who have received higher professional education and completed additional courses. The chief mechanic is obliged to prove his knowledge annually by means of attestation. In addition, every six months this specialist is required to undergo a safety briefing and thus renew the admission to perform his job duties.
Certain requirements apply to the physical condition of the applicant. A person in this position must have endurance, perfect vision, impeccable coordination and accuracy of movements, as well as hearing sensitivity. It is very important that this is a self-controlled and responsible person with a developed intellect and a high reaction rate. If at least some of the listed qualities are absent, it is hardly possible to achieve any noticeable success in this field. Chief mechanical engineer - this is a leading position, in its staff there are specialists of various qualifications.
It is very important that the chief mechanic knows how to competently build relationships with personnel, correctly distribute professional tasks and at the same time take full responsibility for the performance of work by members of his team.

Rights and responsibilities
Applicants for the position of chief mechanic have the right to:
- require the company's management to assist in the performance of their main job duties;
- promptly inform the administration about cases of unfair performance by employees of official functions and draw up a petition to bring violators of the order to disciplinary or material liability;
- represent the interests of the company and act on its behalf when interacting with other firms and controlling structures and in terms of issues in one way or another related to the installation, maintenance and operation of the company's mechanical equipment;
- sign and affix a visa for technical documents within the designated competence;
- maintain working interaction with the administration of related structural departments on all issues aimed at carrying out repair work, give them orders related to the maintenance of entrusted equipment;
- establish a ban on work in case of gross violations by an employee of established safety rules, a high risk of accidents and the likelihood of accidents at work;
- contact the current management of other divisions with requests for up-to-date documentation.
At the same time, GM bears personal responsibility in the event of material damage caused to the company, as well as due to the unfair performance of its labor functions. Depending on the severity of the offense, liability can be material, criminal or administrative.

For the GM position, a specialist is appointed who has:
- higher education in a technical profile;
- at least 5 years of experience in the relevant field of production;
- some experience in a leadership position.
The future mechanic can enroll in a technical university after graduating from grade 11 or after receiving secondary specialized education at a college or technical school. Upon admission, entrance exams in physics and mathematics are compulsory.
Before submitting documents to a technical university, it is necessary to determine in advance the specifics of the future specialization. The fact is that within the framework of the same institution, both transport mechanics and specialists in forecasting heating and hydrological equipment can be trained.

Place of work and salary
Features of work the chief mechanic is entirely dependent on the specialization that he has chosen. There are three main groups.
- Constructor... This specialist takes responsibility for the design and drafting of mechanisms, as well as systems for the complex mechanization of technological processes.
- Technologist... Responsible for the installation and commissioning of production equipment, the development and implementation of rational technological schemes, automated devices.
- Tester... In this case, the chief mechanic is engaged in testing and maintenance of working mechanisms, analyzing the features of their operation and selecting the mode of their use.
The specific responsibilities of the GM directly depend on the industry of application of its work. For example, a specialist in the agro-industrial complex is responsible for organizing the activities of the motor and tractor fleet, main vehicles and providing the company with all the necessary components and spare parts. At the same time, the functions of the chief specialist at a machine-building enterprise will be much broader. This employee will have to check the technical documentation, deal with the placement of production equipment and the planning of personnel jobs. Its tasks include performing calculations of the degree of utilization of equipment and the norms of their use in production.

GM of a machine-building enterprise keeps control the welding process, the accuracy of the assembly of finished products, and also performs daily control of the work performed. In addition, his job responsibilities include the organization of diagnostics, technical inspection and timely repair of mechanical equipment.
A mechanic planning to eventually take the position of chief, can self-actualize in any branch of the national economy: in military, industrial, and also in science. Most often they are involved:
- in the construction industry;
- in road and transport companies;
- at mining and processing plants, enterprises for the processing of minerals;
- in research laboratories;
- at hydro and nuclear power plants.
GM salary level high and directly depends on the breadth of his duties. On average, Russian specialists receive at least 50 thousand rubles.
Chief mechanics working in large cities, as well as in regions with harsh natural and climatic conditions, can receive a salary of 100 thousand rubles. and more.