All about ship mechanics

A ship mechanic is a person involved in the operation, maintenance and repair of any ship's equipment.... It is on his shoulders to ensure the safety of swimming. In our review, we will dwell in more detail on the job responsibilities of a ship mechanic, the specifics of obtaining a profession and career prospects for this specialist.
Description of the profession
The ship mechanic belongs to the category of navigation specialists, whose main task was to organize the uninterrupted and safe operation of all technological installations and mechanisms on board. This person is responsible for the uninterrupted, practical maintenance and subsequent repair of all equipment of the boat. The main tasks of a specialist in this position:
- systematic control over all main and auxiliary mechanisms, ship equipment and systems of ship machines, their maintenance;
- minor repair work, elimination of breakdowns, as well as the implementation of emergency work.

In his work, the mechanic scrupulously follows the approved labor instructions, he must fill in all the necessary working documentation. If an emergency has arisen that requires immediate safety measures, the ship mechanic immediately takes actions aimed at ensuring the safety of the vessel, as well as saving the lives of the crew members and passengers of the vessel.
The workplace of a ship mechanic is the entire ship as a whole and the engine room in particular. Working conditions are unfavorable - labor activity is associated with high humidity, cramped working space, lack of natural light, as well as interaction with oily environments. Nevertheless, the living conditions of the ship mechanics are quite comfortable - at the disposal of the ship's crew there are cabins with built-in bathrooms, as well as common areas (recreation area, cinema, offices and a dining room).
Due to the peculiarities of his professional activity, a mechanic has to work far from family and home - not all people can stand it. The duration of the working period on the ship varies. For example, cruise boats operating on small routes have 2/2 employment with two weeks of work and two weeks of rest. But on merchant ships, the voyage can last for 6 months or more.
The organization of activities on the ship provides for the division of the day into several periods of 4 hours each, they are redistributed among the three mechanics so that they replace each other. Accordingly, each of them works in the mode - 4 hours of watch and 8 hours of rest. The ship mechanic must wear special clothing.
As a rule, this is a suit consisting of semi-overalls and a jacket, they are sewn from fabric resistant to adverse natural conditions.

Job responsibilities
The duties of a mechanic of a sea or river ship include:
- technical operation of the main and additional power equipment, as well as hull devices, structures of ship systems, drilling platforms, autonomous power plants and floating devices;
- maintenance of ship electrical equipment and ship automation equipment;
- control of compliance with international and national standards for the operation of swimming facilities;
- development and organization of measures to ensure an increase in transport safety on board;
- ensuring the continuity of equipment operation, prompt detection of breakdowns and their elimination;
- prevention of emergency situations;
- carrying out emergency and planned repairs.
In addition, the ship mechanic is obliged to enter all the required documentation.

Any stay on a ship involves increased physical and emotional stress, as well as the body's ability to withstand difficult sea conditions. For example, such work is often accompanied by frequent dizziness and nausea, which are caused by seasickness. The presence of such manifestations is a contraindication to work as a ship mechanic. This worker must perfectly know the design features and technology of operation of all basic ship instruments and machines. The skills of a ship mechanic include such subjects as electrical engineering, electrical engineering, thermal dynamics, technical mechanics, as well as hydraulics, metal technology, strength materials and drawing. Specialists in this field need knowledge of metals and their physical and chemical characteristics, areas of use. This worker should be well versed in different types of oils and fuels.
The ship mechanic must be able to handle rescue equipment and provide medical assistance. From a person in this position, skills are required to prevent a flammable situation and the ability to act correctly in the event of a fire on the ship. Today, most of the ship's machinery is controlled through computer software, so any ship mechanic must be able to work with computers. In addition, knowledge of a foreign language (primarily English) and the ability to speak it fluently will probably come in handy in his work. This is especially important on international flights when the ship mechanic has to cope with receiving and transmitting information.
As for personal qualities, the presence of such characteristics as:
- ability to concentrate attention;
- physical and psychological endurance;
- motivation for continuous learning;
- accuracy.

Training and career growth
A ship mechanic is trained at the Maritime School or the Maritime Academy, these educational institutions are not available in every city of Russia. In the first case, the duration of training varies from 2.5 to 4 years, depending on the category of the watercraft and the number of working machines. Upon completion of their studies, students are issued a diploma of secondary specialized education.
Those wishing to get higher education graduate from the Maritime Academy with a degree in Ship Power Equipment. Usually, after completing the 3rd course, a future mechanic can retrain to a ship repair engineer. The term of study in this case is 4 years and provides for compulsory maritime practice for a period of 1 year. Every 5 years, a ship mechanic must undergo professional development courses and examination tests at the Department of Waterways. After graduation, a certified ship mechanic can get a job in a shipping company, as well as in shipbuilding and ship repair yards.
In addition, they can successfully self-actualize in onshore organizations. Here they can easily implement their professional skills in the position of a leading power engineer, engineer or project manager of a manufacturing enterprise.

The salary
The salary of the entire team of the engine room is usually established by an employment contract and directly depends on the position and the breadth of professional duties performed. In addition, many shipping companies pay extra for the duties of chief engineer on the ship, specialized work and overtime. A bonus to the salary is free meals, as well as periodic health checks, which are carried out annually at the expense of the employer. Besides, all crew members of the floating facility are obligatorily insured against harm to health due to the performance of labor tasks.
In Russia, ship mechanics earn 35 thousand rubles on average, but the exact figure depends on the region and the company that hired a person. Analyzing employment sites, it can be noted that these workers receive a minimum of 25 thousand rubles, while the maximum threshold, for example, in Rostov-on-Don, exceeds 100 thousand rubles.

I want to send my son to study, I don't know if it will work out ...
I myself am studying to be a sudmech and I will say frankly that study is study, but still this work is not easy. By the way, about the salary: my uncle goes on flights as a court mech, and his salary is $ 6,500, but it depends on the company itself, everyone has it differently.