Who are mechanical technicians and what do they do?

The profession of a mechanical technician is indispensable in modern society, since most of the production processes take place on an automated basis. Mechanical machines allow a person to create various products in large volumes, while spending minimum time on production. And yet, any automatic system tends to break down. Just in such situations, the help of mechanical technicians is required, who can easily determine the cause of the breakdown and restore the operation of the units.

Who are they?
A mechanical technician is a top-class versatile specialist who is engaged in the maintenance of various mechanized equipment. This profession is in great demand in industries and in many areas of activity. Automation is constantly being improved, which means that a specialist servicing these units must constantly update their knowledge and take advanced training courses. In addition, a robot mechanical technician consists not only in repairing complex devices, but also in monitoring their performance. This profession is very difficult, since a specialist needs to know a lot of subtleties and nuances in the design features of the equipment.
Highly qualified specialists can easily identify system malfunctions by sound - for example, an extra click, subtle transitions and much more. An excellent mechanical technician can easily identify a mechanism malfunction in a matter of minutes. But it’s impossible to call this work dust-free.That is why representatives of this profession most often appear before others in a dirty form, which is why they are mistaken for ordinary handymen.
The complexity of this profession lies in the fact that a person has to constantly tinker with complex equipment, at the same time, the working conditions cannot be called comfortable. In addition to the dirty work, the mechanical technician needs to maintain order in the documentation.
A representative of this profession is entrusted with great responsibility for faulty mechanisms. He is obliged to draw up reports on the nature of the breakdowns and the processes of their correction.

A representative of the described profession must have several characteristic qualities.
- Practical endurance.
- Good vision.
- Excellent coordination.
- Precision of movement.
- Auditory sensitivity.
- Good memory.
- Excerpt.
- A responsibility.
In addition, the mechanical technician must be of unrivaled intelligence and quick response. If at least one of these qualities is missing, it will be very difficult to become a highly qualified specialist in this industry. The profession has a number of significant advantages.
- High demand.
- Working with complex equipment.
- Possibility of additional earnings.
But this same specialty also has some disadvantages.
- Great physical activity.
- Unpleasant equipment smell.
- Working in poor conditions.
But even in spite of the presented shortcomings, many young guys go to institutes and colleges, wanting to get the specialty of mechanical engineering. Of course, they first get acquainted with the description of the profession, consider all the pros and cons, consult with relatives.

What are they doing?
Mechanical technicians perform a lot of complex and rather serious work that not everyone can handle. Inexperienced craftsmen, having made even a minimal mistake, can disable the production line of automation. The list of the main responsibilities of this profession includes several of the following points.
- Carrying out technical support for equipment, creating new mechanized structures, installing them and conducting appropriate tests.
- Design and development of mechanical systems, units and component parts for them that meet the technical requirements of GOST.
- Preparation of estimate documents, which indicate the detailed quantitative costs required for the creation and installation of the system.
- Providing control of production mechanisms, their manufacture, installation, operation and subsequent maintenance.
- Monitoring compliance with safety and fire safety.
- Installation of improved mechanisms and additional machine tool accessories.
- The responsibilities of a mechanical technician include performing tests of mechanical systems, as well as collecting information and processing the obtained data.
A highly qualified specialist can handle this list of jobs without any problems. It is very difficult for novice masters to immediately master the workflow with all its subtleties.
Therefore, before becoming a specialist, you will have to be a master's apprentice for some time.

Employers looking for a good mechanical technician have a number of special requirements for the future specialist. Some focus on the item "education", others need a lot of experience as a foreman, while still others are looking for a mechanical technician apprentice who will replace the chief specialist of the enterprise in the future. In addition to the standard requests of employers, a number of special requirements are imposed on the mechanical technician.
First of all, a potential employee must know the orders, laws, orders and regulations of the authorities, as well as local government. He must take appropriate measures and know how to introduce new technologies. A mechanic technician is obliged to understand the design features of machines and their systematics of work.
In addition, the specialist must know the methods of ensuring the effective use of production units, understand the nuances of the organizational and technical aspects of the rational operation of lubricants and fuel products, as well as electricity and technical fluids. Do not forget that a representative of this profession needs to know the rules and regulations of labor protection.
Among other things, a mechanical technician is obliged to select components for tractors and other vehicles. He must know how to organize and ensure the trouble-free operation of the equipment.

A representative of this profession must understand the rules for preparing plans and schedules involving the implementation of repair and maintenance work.
A mechanical technician is required to take part in the acceptance and installation of new equipment. He must know how this process of introducing new systems is going on. Among other things, a mechanical technician must be able to monitor the high-quality adjustment of equipment, form an agricultural park, work with modern computers, and be able to analyze the economic efficiency of devices.
As additional requirements, the employer can indicate the ability to drive a tractor, car and other agricultural machinery. In addition to the requirements for the professional field of activity, employers want to hire a mechanic technician who is interested in automation and complex mechanical systems. Applicants must have a practical mindset and a technical mindset.
Those skilled in the art must be observant, have a keen hearing and an excellent eye. They must have certain personality traits. For example, these are emotional stability, diligence, reliability, accuracy, discipline, patience, responsibility, perseverance and perseverance.

For many manufacturing enterprises, it is quite enough that a mechanical technician has a secondary specialized education. But serious organizations require a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution. For advanced training, it is quite enough to take courses that can be found at institutes and universities. Gaining new knowledge, a specialist gradually rises up the career ladder, which affects his salary. And in general, having stopped at one level of knowledge, a mechanical technician will not be able to work further, since he will not understand the basics of the updated equipment.
First of all, you need to enter an educational institution. It does not matter whether it is a college or university, it is required to provide the entrance commission with the results of the exam. As an additional exam, pass tests in mathematics, Russian language and physics. If we are talking about college, then the applicant will need to pass such disciplines as Russian language and mathematics. Upon entering college after grade 11, students will have to study 34 months. And for those who enter the technical school after the 9th grade, the term of study is 46 months. Today there are many professions that can be trained online, but it is not possible to find remote courses in the specialty of a mechanical technician. Only preparation for entrance exams and graduate work can be considered as distance learning.
It is quite remarkable that the specialty of a mechanical technician is in demand not only in the Russian market. This profession is taught in many colleges and universities located in the Russian Federation. However, universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg are more popular.

Where can they work?
Mechanical technicians often choose to work in the agricultural industry.There they are engaged in setting up agricultural equipment, any production equipment and much more. But do not forget that the industrial sector also requires highly qualified specialists in the repair and operation of complex equipment. Along with agriculture and industrial production, mechanical technicians are needed in the field of transport and logistics. They work in bus and trolleybus fleets and repair public transport. When it comes to working conditions, the mechanical technician often has to show his skills outdoors.
The main working position in most cases is uncomfortable. You have to either stand for a long time or be in a supine position under the vehicle. For the work of mechanical technicians, special equipment and a lot of hand tools are used, which must always be carried with them.
The salary
Today, a mechanical technician is a highly demanded profession. It is not only interesting, but also very prestigious, since it is paid according to the complexity of the work. Young guys, when choosing a specialty, consider many options, but having chosen the profession of a mechanical technician, they are satisfied.
According to statistics, the minimum wage for a technician-mechanic is 25 thousand rubles. On average, the master receives 39 thousand rubles. The maximum salary ranges from 200 to 250 thousand rubles. But only a highly qualified specialist with extensive experience and who has not made a single mistake in his work earns that kind of money.
The most interesting thing is that in addition to the main job, a mechanical technician can take an additional part-time job, for which he will receive a monetary profit.