All about driver mechanics

Driver mechanic - This is a specialist whose tasks include repair, maintenance, and control of tracked and wheeled off-road vehicles. Such units can be used in paramilitary services, in particular, in all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and units of the Russian army, as well as in civilian conditions - in vehicle fleets and agriculture.
What these specialists do, what professional requirements are imposed on applicants, we will consider in our review.
Description and classification
The driver-mechanic controls the entrusted vehicle, performs its maintenance, scheduled and urgent repairs and adjustments. The performance of professional duties requires mandatory knowledge of the features of the device and the operation of equipment. This employee often has to perform duties in conditions where there is no opportunity to get a car service, in emergency situations, in bad weather and off-road.
The position of driver-mechanic became widespread in the ranks of the Armed Forces. In order for a military vehicle to be in good working order during the entire period of movement, as well as to save space within the crew, the duties of a repair specialist and a driver are combined by the same specialist. In this position, he can operate a vehicle and repair the following types of military equipment:
- tank;
- BMP;
- multi-axle diesel vehicle;
- reconnaissance patrol equipment;
- all-terrain vehicle;
- snow and swamp-going vehicle;
- TS of an anti-aircraft missile system;
- heavy mechanized bridge (TMM);
- amphibious vehicle.
In civilian life, this specialist can self-actualize in agriculture, as well as in any company that has its own vehicle fleet. This position can be applied for by people who have both the skills of driving and servicing the vehicle.

In accordance with the current Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook, the driver-mechanic undertakes to perform exclusively those labor functions that are indicated in his job description. Since in most cases this position is found in the army and related structures, this employee is not charged with any additional duties.
The tasks of the vacancy include:
- maintaining the trouble-free functioning of all types of motor transport equipment;
- ensuring the correct operation of equipment;
- timely maintenance and high-quality repair of the vehicle;
- monitoring the condition of the vehicle, carrying out preventive repair work;
- participation in the acceptance and registration of the vehicle;
- control of the entrusted car in any weather and socio-political conditions;
- monitoring the technical condition of the car before leaving;
- registration of waybills;
- checking the safety of the goods transported on the vehicle, ensuring their safe transportation;
- checking the completion of the accompanying documentation for the transported cargo;
- preparation of documents required for unloading.
Besides, the activity of any driver-mechanic implies the elimination of minor malfunctions during the operation of the transport. This employee must keep the machine clean, strictly follow all the instructions of the manager and observe safety rules during work.

The position of a driver-mechanic can be taken by employees with a basic set of professional competencies and personal qualities.
Personal qualities
To find a job as a driver-mechanic, the applicant must have such personal characteristics as:
- the ability to quickly memorize and reproduce any manipulations associated with the maintenance of automotive equipment;
- the ability to maintain constructive thinking and reaction speed in emergency situations, under the influence of sudden external influences or strong fear;
- the ability to maintain increased efficiency in extreme conditions and in emergency operation;
- clear coordination of movements, the ability to work with both arms and legs at the same time;
- fast and accurate reaction to any moving object.
In addition, the driver-mechanic must be resourceful, resilient and able to adapt to any uncomfortable working conditions.
The applicant for the position of a driver-mechanic must be in good health... Persons with pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, visual impairments, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and mental disorders cannot be approved for the position.

Knowledge and skills
The driver-mechanic must have a wide range of highly specialized professional knowledge. In particular, this person should have a working knowledge of the following areas:
- purpose, design features and mechanisms of operation of units, as well as any other serviced vehicles;
- road safety rules for cars, ways to prevent dangerous situations on the road;
- features of the technical operation of vehicles;
- methods of detecting breakdowns that have arisen during the operation of the vehicle, methods of their prompt elimination;
- requirements for the operation and disposal of car tires and batteries;
- vehicle storage standards in garages, as well as in open parking lots;
- measures for the provision of medical care;
- the procedure for emergency disembarkation of passengers in the event of a road traffic accident.
In addition, in his work, a driver-mechanic must be guided by the internal regulations of the organization in which he works and safety rules.

Rights and responsibilities
In the process of performing his professional functions, a driver-mechanic has the right to:
- making any proposals to the management team related to their professional activities;
- use instructions, orders, orders and other normative documents regulating its work;
- inform the administration about the faults discovered during the operation of the entrusted equipment;
- require the provision of all information necessary for the execution of the job description.
This specialist has the right to provide him with free overalls and their timely cleaning. A driver-mechanic can count on improving his qualifications, as well as assistance from management in all matters related to the observance of his rights.

At the same time, this specialist is also responsible. It occurs in the following cases:
- non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties listed in the job description;
- causing damage to the property of the organization;
- violation of the established rules of the internal order of work;
- incorrect treatment of employees;
- committing any offenses while performing their duties.
Depending on the severity of the offense, criminal, material or administrative liability is provided.
A driver-mechanic employed by a private or public company, is also responsible for disclosing trade secrets, schedules and routes of movement of the vehicle... For specialists who are on the service in the ranks of the Armed Forces, liability is provided for disclosing state secrets - in this case, criminal liability is assumed in accordance with current legislation.

Most often people become a driver-mechanic, having a certificate of a tractor driver / tractor driver-machinist after completing additional education. Training can be carried out both at the expense of the employing company, and at your own request. At the end of the course of theoretical and practical disciplines, students take an exam and receive a certificate confirming their new specialization.
For civilian specialties, training of driver mechanics is carried out in vocational schools and colleges, as well as in courses. In accordance with the current legislation, any specialist holding this position must undergo re-certification every 3 years or 5 years, regardless of where he works. For some categories, the activities of which are related to the transport of large numbers of people, it is possible more frequent confirmation of their own professional skills. After recertification, a driver-mechanic can apply for the position of a senior specialist.
To get a specialty, you will need a level of education not lower than a complete general, secondary, as well as initial vocational are welcomed.