White Maine Coons: features of color and content

White Maine Coons with blue eyes are amazing creatures of nature. Those who are lucky enough to get acquainted with these wonderful animals are completely delighted with them. What is the secret of white Maine Coons, what variations of this color exist, what are the features of keeping kittens and adult Maine Coons?

White color has always been a symbol of purity and innocence, caused a special awe, therefore, a graceful white cat cannot leave anyone indifferent. Snow-white blue-eyed Maine Coons are rare in nature. They have their own characteristics of care and maintenance, but in general they are similar to all other representatives of this breed.
The homeland of Maine Coons is distant Northeast America, more precisely, the Isle of Man, with a rather harsh climate. Only hardy and strong animals, including these wonderful cats, could survive in adverse conditions here. Nature has endowed them with everything they need to withstand bad weather.

The animal has strong, long and wide legs, so as not to fall into the drifts, a powerful elongated body. Luxurious soft and warm undercoat saves them from piercing winds and severe frosts. The cat takes cover with its large fluffy tail, like a blanket.
The weight of an adult animal can reach more than 10 kg, and the body length of Maine Coons is simply amazing. The world's longest cat is a representative of this breed, reaching 132 cm from the tip of its nose to the coccyx. The neck of the animal is short and massive, with a fluffy collar. Maine Coon hair is waterproof. Cats swim well and are not afraid of water.
The funny expression of the face and the tassels on the ears give the cats special charm. Outwardly, the pet resembles raccoons or a lynx. The fact that these predators are the progenitors of Maine Coons is just a beautiful legend.

Color variations
Maine Coon fans are often interested in how white cats are born, and why they are so rare in nature. To acquire a white kitten is a great success and an expensive pleasure. Felinologists who study the life of cats argue that initially there was only one variant of the Maine Coon color - black marble. With the spread of animals in other places, 2 more main colors appeared: black and red, simply - red. All other variations in the colors of coons are a modification in the process of natural reproduction, and then selection.

White kittens are a rare exception to the rule, a bizarre game of nature itself. The formation of coat color in kittens occurs in the embryo stage. The pigment cells responsible for the color of the unborn baby should fall into the pigmentation zones of cats located on the back, crown, withers and base of the Maine Coon's tail. If in a cat the white gene is represented by the so-called “dominant allele W”, which suppresses other genes, the cells will not be able to enter the required zones and will not be able to stain.
This is how wonderful white kittens are born. You can buy such babies in special nurseries, where experienced breeders are engaged in breeding them.

There are the most bizarre combinations of Maine Coon colors with white spots. Depending on the location and size of the white spots on the body of animals, the names of the colors arose.
- Wang - white color with one or more spots. By standards, they can be found in the head, neck and shoulders of the cat, near the tail and on it.

- "Harlequin" - a color variation named after the character of the same name. This is a color combination where white will definitely prevail. These are spots on the back by international standards.

- Bicolor - a combination of 2 colors, one of which is white.

- White spots 1-2 cm - name according to the accepted standard. Among themselves, cat lovers call them "white buttons".

- White marks Is also a standardized name. In everyday life, cat owners call them nothing more than "white gloves", "medallion" and "tuxedo".

Eye color
The color of the eyes of white Maine Coons is different. There are albinos not only with blue eyes, but also with green, pink, yellow and even different ones. Among cat breeders, there is an opinion that blue eyes are a sign of deafness in a cat, however, this is not always the case. There are animals with yellow or different colors of eyes, and at the same time, absolutely deaf. White color with gray spots, found in kittens, is also not an indicator that the animal has absolutely normal hearing. Unfortunately, this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied by scientists.

Features of the content
Maine white cats are unpretentious animals. Caring for them practically does not differ from caring for Maine Coons of a different color. The main thing is to remember that proper maintenance of cats is the key to their long and joyful life in your home. To keep your pet comfortable, be sure to follow these rules:
- Buy large, stable water bowls for your cat, as they often spray water with their paws, clearing it of imaginary debris, as their ancestors did in nature;
- set up two trays with high sides for the animal so that it is convenient for a large cat to use them;
- do regular wet cleaning wherever the cat likes to be so that its snow-white fur does not get dirty too quickly;
- chop food not only for kittens, but also for adult pets, then the muzzle and paws of the coon will not be dirty and greasy after eating.

Deaf Maine Coons
If you find that your snow-white pet with blue eyes is deaf, you should not be upset and part with him. Deaf cats live well in the house, they are perfectly oriented in space, as they perfectly feel the vibration. The hearing loss in an animal is compensated for by keen eyesight and sense of smell. They are very attached to their family, friendly and playful, excellent mouse hunters.
First time guests will never believe that your pet is deaf. And you need to constantly remember this: eliminate possible sources of danger for the cat and more often look under your feet so as not to harm the animal.
Remember that a deaf Maine Coon cannot take independent walks on the street. You should always be by his side.

White cats can be fed both with special premium food containing vitamins and minerals necessary for the animal, and with regular food, without sugar, salt and spices. In the case of choosing in favor of ordinary products, you need to give the cats vitamin complexes, additionally add sprouted cereals - wheat and oats to the dishes 2-3 times a week. From natural products, the diet includes:
- meat: beef, chicken, rabbit meat, lean lamb;
- boiled yolks no more than 2 times a week;
- vegetables: beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage;
- fermented milk products: low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
- boiled sea fish;
- cereals.
It is forbidden to give:
- any bones;
- sweets;
- food from my table, sausage, smoked meats;
- legumes: potatoes, peas, beans.
Important! Milk is given only to kittens up to 2 months old. The body of an adult cat is not able to assimilate it.

Be careful when giving your pet a new product: White Maine Coons are prone to allergies. An allergic reaction in cats occurs to the following foods:
- fish and other seafood;
- brightly colored vegetables: carrots, beets; tomatoes;
- chicken and chicken eggs.
If the eyes of the animal are watery, and the snow-white coat has turned yellow, has become dull - immediately bring the innovation out of the cat's menu.

For kittens
The food of kittens after 2 months does not differ from the diet of an adult cat. It is necessary to feed the babies 5 times a day, giving them food at room temperature in small portions. After 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced. By the age of eight months, kittens are fed only 2 times a day, like an adult cat.

An important part of caring for white Maine Coons is grooming. This procedure is not only a way to prepare an animal for a show. Grooming helps:
- remove excess hair of the animal during molting, which perfectly shortens this process in time;
- keep the skin and hair of the cat clean and beautiful;
- resist the appearance of dermatitis.
How to carry out:
- before washing the coon, we trim his claws;
- we degrease the cat's hair using a special paste, pay attention to places that quickly become greasy, this is the tail, collar, ears and forehead of the animal;
- wash off the paste with warm water;
- rub a little degreasing shampoo in our palms and apply to the cat;
- thoroughly wash the knees, legs, neck and tail of the coon;
- shampoo is applied only for hair growth, otherwise the cat's hair may get tangled;
- after a degreasing shampoo, a texturizing agent is used to help restore the structure of the coat;
- after texturing - the turn of cloning: remove the yellowness from the snow-white hair of the animal using a bleaching shampoo;
- we complete the procedure with a conditioner for white cats, which must be thoroughly washed off, then the coon's fur will be soft as silk;
- blot the cat with a towel, and then dry it with a hairdryer, start with fluffy pants and a tail, and end with a collar;
- comb out tangles;
- we lay the wool with a comb and hair dryer.

Daily procedure - caring for the eyes of the animal. Rinse them with plain warm boiled water. It will not leave marks on white wool. Pay attention to your animal's ears weekly. Healthy ears are pink inside, no discharge. You can wipe them with a special lotion using a cotton pad.
See below for the features of white Maine Coons.