Black Maine Coon: types and subtleties of care

Most often, people have cats as their pets. Fluffy Maine Coons are no exception. They are cute, docile, get along well in the company of other pets and children.

The Black Maine Coon is a beautiful and rather majestic green-eyed animal native to North America. As you know, it is quite cold in the north of the continent. Therefore, these cats have a very thick coat that can save them from severe frosts. They have wide legs, and there is a little fur between small toes, which allows Maine Coons to walk in the snow.
The body and legs of these beauties are rather muscular, and the tail is very fluffy and long. The head is large, with sharp ears, over the edge of which a little wool protrudes. In addition, the hair on the head is small, but throughout their body it is thick and long.

Usually, cats of this breed are very large and weigh up to 10 kilograms, and cats up to 8 kilograms... However, there are also such specimens, the weight of which reaches 15 kilograms.
Due to its large weight, as well as thick and long hair, the Maine Coon looks like a predator.

Habits and character
This breed of cats differs not only in its appearance, but also in character traits. Despite its huge size, Maine Coon is a cat that is friendly and loves affection. Such pussies are happy to play with small children, without scratching them at the same time. This applies not only to small kittens, but also to adult animals. With such big furry friends, both boys and girls and their parents are happy to play.
In addition, if a kitten is born, then it can even be taught to some commands, for example, it can bring various objects, and also respond to various signals.

Maine Coons are, by nature, excellent hunters. Cats are especially successful in hunting. They can sleep anywhere, but they do not really like to be in their arms. With much greater pleasure, shaggy friends lie at the feet of their master. They especially love to bask in the sun. And it doesn't matter if it's a balcony or a private courtyard - fluffy animals will feel comfortable everywhere, and they will easily find a place for themselves.
These animals quickly become attached to people and simply adore their owners. But with strangers, they will keep their distance for some time.
In addition, Maine Coons do not like loneliness at all, and for this reason, those who are rarely at home should not start them.

There are several varieties of black Maine Coons, which have different colors. However, they are all benevolent and affectionate.
Black solid
This word is translated as "whole". Such a Maine Coon is completely black, without any stripes or specks. The eyes of these animals have an orange-copper tint.

Maine Coon with patterns
Drawings are found not only on the head, but also near the eyes. But on the neck you can see lines that look a bit like a necklace. Depending on the characteristics of this variety, cats with patterns can be divided into several separate subspecies.
- Tiger black... Throughout the fur of such kittens, you can see stripes that run vertically. In their appearance, they resemble predatory animals such as tigers.
- Marble black. In this subspecies, black specks can be seen, similar to marble stains. In addition, a small speck can be seen inside each ring.
- Spotted. Such cats have stripes throughout the body, which can be either straight or intermittent.

Black smoke
This cat has a very interesting color. Most often, near the roots, the color of the fur is white, and further from the middle to the very tips, it is completely black. The body of such cats is completely without spots. They can be divided into several subspecies.
- Chinchilla. Only 1 in 8 parts is black and the rest of the fur is white.
- Smoky. These cats are 50 percent white from the very roots, and the rest of the coat is black.
- Shaded... Such cats are only 1/3 white, the rest of their fur is black.

Black with silver
In childhood, such cats are almost white, but over time they acquire a darker color. In addition, a pattern appears on the wool. Most often, these cats have green eyes that go well with their fur.

Black cats with ticking look especially beautiful. All over their body you can see striped hairs that do not have a specific pattern. Most often, ticking is found only in Abyssinian animals, but among Maine Coons, they are considered very rare.

Care advice
As soon as a new pet appears in the house, he needs to immediately pay attention. First of all, you need to equip a house for him. It must have a spacious bed, as well as a tray with high sides. After all, Maine Coon kittens are very nimble and can, while playing, pour the filler out of it. It is advisable to buy the one that was used in the nursery.... The fact is that from the very infancy, cats get used to the fact that they have to feel certain material under their paws, "doing their own thing." If you choose another, the animal may refuse to use the tray.
Any cat loves to sharpen its claws, so there should be a scratching post in the house. And you also need to buy interesting toys for your pet. For this, plastic mice or rubber balls are suitable, which will not hurt them. The dishes can be either ceramic or steel.

Do not forget to change the litter in the tray; this should be done approximately 2 times a week. In addition, you need to play with cats, walking them from time to time, as walks in the fresh air are very useful for them.
If the owners live in a private house, then they can walk without supervision, since they will not try to escape from the house. But in the city for walking, you can use a leash with a collar. Particular attention should be paid to the coat of these large cats.
Their beautiful and luxurious coat should be brushed once a week. But during their molt, this must be done daily.

You need to bathe your pets several times a year. Shampoo should be special - intended for cats with long hair. Once a day, you need to brush your cats' teeth. For this, there are special toothbrushes and toothpaste. But also do not forget about the ears of your favorites. Sulfur must be taken out with special cotton swabs.
In addition, you need to take Maine Coons to veterinarians, and give them the necessary vaccinations. In case of any diseases that appear, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to protect the animals.

Particular attention should be paid to feeding the Maine Coons. The feed can be prepared. But sometimes you can pamper your pet with delicious fresh meat or fish.... Purchased feed should be taken only taking into account the weight and age of your pets, since various components and vitamin supplements are added to them. Best to use top quality food that targets huge cats. But you should not be zealous with store food, because it not only harms health, but also shortens his life.
If a natural diet is chosen, then it must necessarily include boiled meat, vegetables, for example, zucchini or boiled carrots. And also fish should be given 3 times a week. Maine Coon should eat a variety of cereals.
You need to feed your pets 2 times a day. In no case should you overeat.

There should always be fresh water in the bowl, always boiled or passed through a filter. You need to change it daily.
When such a beautiful, fluffy animal appears in the house, no one will remain indifferent at the sight of him. After all, this handsome man will conquer everyone not only with his unusual fur, but also with his affectionate character.The only thing that will be required is to pay a little attention to it, as well as to change its filler in a timely manner.
For the Maine Coon breed, see the video below.