Nicknames for Maine Coons: how to name a boy?

If a Maine Coon kitten has appeared in your life, this is certainly a reason for joy. And also a reason to think about how to name your pet. In this article you will find a selection of the most beautiful and unusual names for a Maine Coon cat.

General information about the breed
Maine Coons should be thanked for the state of Maine (only beloved by the king of horrors Stephen King). It was his harsh climatic conditions that naturally influenced the formation of this breed. Maine farmers, in turn, actively bred these cats because of their excellent hunting skills. At the moment, Maine Coon is the largest cat breed in the world!

How do I choose a name?
Despite the fact that many are impatient to give their newly-born pet a nickname as soon as possible, experts recommend waiting and watching the kitten for a while. Look - what is your pet's character, maybe he has some funny habits that distinguish him from all other cats. This can not only weed out some options (after all, someone does not want to call a lively kitten, for example, Sonya), but also choose the most apt and beautiful name for your pet.

Experts advise choosing names based on the following criteria:
- a short;
- with a lot of hissing sounds (they are perceived best by cats);
- by no means an offensive or abusive nickname.
And to follow these tips or not depends only on the owner of the tailed pet.
In this article you can find both classic and very unusual names for Maine Coon cats.

Many people choose the name based on the color of the coat or eyes. This approach is classic. Do not limit yourself to such simple options as Chernysh, Snezhok, Ryzhik. Next, amusing options for nicknames for various colors are selected:
- White - Coconut, Kefir, Casper, Star, Blanche;
- black - Blake, Damon, Shadow, Cosmi, Noir, Schwartz, Knight, Dusk;
- Gray - Ash, Gray, Silver, Smoke, Smokey;
- ginger - Fox, Loki, Mango, Peach, Ginger, Goldie;
- striped - Tiger, Tiger, Sherkhan, Stripe, Raccoon.

A reference to appearance, namely: to the color of the eyes, are nicknames - the names of precious stones, for example, Agate, Garnet, Diamond, Emerald, Crystal, Malachite, Jade, Opal, Amber.
Another popular way of choosing a name for a Maine Coon is to refer to its majestic size. An example of such names are: Tsar, King, Caesar, Vityaz, Maximus, Optimus, Dobrynya, Napoleon.

Another option is to reflect character traits. So, if your cat:
- calm, imposing - Lord, Baron, Prince, Marikz;
- lazy - Slippy, Emelya, Grumpy, Bayun;
- lively - Ataman, Warrior, Chikki, Harlequin;
- shy - Tikhon, Tikhonya, Kid.
Perhaps a somewhat unexpected, but very common name for the Maine Coon is any of the states or cities of the United States. And no wonder - this is the homeland of our beauties!
Examples of such names: Washington, Vermont, Wisconsin, Kansas, Michigan, Maine, Oregon, Texas.

For TV lovers or movie lovers, the answer to finding a nickname is simple - the name of your favorite character! Examples of such nicknames:
- Ross (Friends), Mr. Big (Sex in the Big City), Barney (How I Met Your Mother), Doctor (Doctor Who), Jon Snow (Game of Thrones), Draco (Harry Potter "), Legolas (" The Lord of the Rings "), Constantine (" My Fair Nanny "), Bartholomew (" The Flash "), Edward (" Twilight "), Jack (" Pirates of the Caribbean "), Peter (" Spider-Man ").

Often, the majestic nature of Maine Coons makes them the owners of nicknames given to them in honor of famous personalities:
- kings - Louis, Heinrich, Richard, Darius, Karl, Wilhelm, Friedrich, Vladimir, Edward, Igor;
- generals - Cesare, Zhuk (Zhukov), Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Hannibal;
- politicians - Gandhi, Churchill, Lincoln, Roosevelt;
- actors - Leonardo DiCaprio, Alain Delon, Clint Eastwood, Marlon Brando;
- writers and poets - Leo Tolstoy, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Arthur Rimbaud, Balzac, Hugo, Shakespeare;
- artists - Michelangelo, Raphael, Van Gogh, Monet, Malevich, Rembrandt;
- heroes of works - Faust, Jean Valjean, Bubastis, Don Juan, Don Quixote, Othello, Romeo, Ostap Bender, Aladdin.

Another popular cat name theme is space. You often come across such names as Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Sirius, Jupiter, Altair, Antares.
The classic options are, of course, good, but we also invite you to think about more original nicknames for the Maine Coon, which are much less common.
Accentuate your pet's personality with an unusual catchy nickname!

Maine Coons find it difficult to be left out. These cats are very spectacular and memorable. And therefore, many owners tend to pretentious, pompous nicknames. There is nothing wrong with that, but do not forget to make sure that the nickname has a nice and simple abbreviation. In order not to face incidents, such as the owners of the Maine Coon named Antigonius.

Examples of such nicknames and their abbreviations:
- Asterix - Rick;
- Bonaparte - Bon-bon;
- Boniface - Bonya;
- Wilhelm - Bill, Will;
- Gabriel - Gabi;
- Daniel - Danny;
- Sigmund - Ziggy;
- Lancelot - Lance, Lotea;
- Leopold - Leo;
- Leonardo - Leo;
- Maximillian - Max;
- Nathaniel - Nate;
- Narcissus - Cissi;
- Osiris - Ozi;
- Solomon - Monya;
- Theodore - Theo;
- Frederick - Freddie.

We offer nicknames borrowed from different countries and peoples.
- A separate pillar is the Greek names for Maine Coons. Their majestic graceful appearance literally beckons the owners to call their cat one of these beautiful Greek names:
Apollo, Augustine, Adonis, Amon, Ares, Bacchus, Barnabas, Hector, Hermes, Helios, Dimitris, Damon, Zeus, Zeno, Icarus, Cadmus, Creon, Kronos, Xenon, Lazarus, Midas, Morpheus, Narcissus, Nikon, Olympius, Odysseus, Orpheus, Prometheus, Perseus, Saturn, Julius, Jason.

- Ancient Egypt is also a frequent subject. Perhaps the whole point is that the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats as deities. Examples of Egyptian names for your Maine Coon:
Amon, Amenhotep, Bubu, Dakarei, Imhotep, Karoan, Kanti, Lizimba, Meti, Nebi, Osiris, Ra, Tutankhamun, Horus, Shenti, Esker.

- Viking names have recently come into vogue, with Norwegian or Swedish origins. Interesting options for your Maine Coon can be:
Arne, Agnar, Alf, Bjorn, Vermund, Vikar, Yngling, Koli, Leiv, Loki, Magni, Modi, Morten, Odin, Olav, Orm, Ragnar, Regin, Rig, Svein, Sigurd, Snorri, Snebjorn, Steinulv, Tyr, Thor, Torgeir, Ulvar, Folki, Frodi, Hakon, Hauk, Holmi, Espen, Einar.

- Imposing and impossibly important Maine Coon often suggests the East - after all, he is the spitting image of the Sultan! Why not give the kitten this nickname:
Aben, Agar, Agat, Adar, Adis, Adon, Azar, Arman, Balkhan, Batal, Bel-Ali, Gafar, Jafar, Leis, Marsad, Sari, Sultan, Sherkhan, Sheikh, Faris, Hafs.

- Italian names are distinguished by their beauty and euphony, therefore they are incredibly suitable for Maine Coons. They're also great at shrinking! Here are examples of Italian nicknames for your tailed pet:
Abel, Adriano, Alberto, Alessandro, Alonzo, Amato, Amadeo, Angelo, Antonio, Batista, Baltazare, Bertoldo, Benvenuto, Valentino, Vincent, Gustavo, Giacomo, Dario, Geronimo, Giovani, Giuseppe, Giulisto, Jeanlou Carlos, Cristiano, Ladislao, Lorenzo, Rays, Mario, Maximiliano, Maurizio (Meurizio), Oscar, Orlando, Ottavio, Paul, Pellegrino, Ricardo, Sergio, Teodoro, Fabio, Fausto, Franco, Fernando, Francesco, Francesco ...

- Despite the fact that the word Maine Coon has a typical Japanese prefix "-coon", this breed has nothing to do with Japan. But why not give your pet a beautiful Japanese nickname:
Asagi, Aniki, Aki, Akihiro, Akira, Amaterasu, Aoi, Gai, Daisuke, Yoshiki, Zuko, Itachi, Ichigo, Isamu, Yoshihiro, Kabuto, Karasu, Kazuki, Ken, Kento, Kenshin, Minato, Midori, Masagi, Makoto, Minoru, Naoki, Noboru, Nobu, Nobuyuki, Naruto, Nabe, Obito, Raito, Ryunoji, Ryunosuke, Ryu, Sasori, Satoshi, Shin, Saito, Shinji, Takanagi, Tako, Takasugi, Tamaki, Takashi, Takeshi, Tetsuya, Toshi, Shunsuke, Shunpei, Hiro, Hide, Hideki, Hizashi, Hidan, Hiroyuki, Yuki, Yuichi, Yamato, Yashiro, Yamamoto, Yasuo.

Cool names on edible topics. Cats - lovers enjoy delicious food. However, items from their own diet do not always become their nickname. Some of these products, alas, are never meant to be tasted by cats. But this does not change the main thing - such products can become an excellent nickname!
Avocado, Watermelon, Almond (almond), Pineapple, Apricot, Banana, Eggplant, Barberry, Bacon, Bounty, Bagel, Grapes, Vermouth, Mulled wine, Marshmallow, Iris, Yoghurt, Kefir, Cupcake, Korzhik, Cracker, Compote, Lemon, Lime , Ice, Radish, Cake, Donut, Peach, Dumpling.

Household items, favorite hobbies, company names - any things that are inconspicuous at first glance can easily become a bright and memorable nickname for your pet boy. Why not try on these nicknames:
- Aspirin,
- Albatross,
- Anchovy,
- Badger,
- Bansai,
- Boomerang,
- Waltz,
- Jack,
- Broom,
- Golf,
- Pulse,
- Icarus,
- Kaddilak,
- Cactus,
- Cowboy,
- Luntik,
- Matis,
- Maybach,
- Mercedes,
- Tank,
- Trophy,
- Dill,
- Fire,
- Olivie,
- Samurai,
- Sudoku,
- Sock,
- Rebus,
- Ficus,
- Hamster,
- Screw,
- Schnapps,
- Sharpie,
- Yandex.

Whatever name you choose for your pet - classic or extremely unusual, the main thing is that you and your tailed friend like it! Such a spectacular and beautiful cat, like the Maine Coon, will never go unnoticed, even if his name is simply Vasya!

For interesting facts about Maine Coons, see below.