Short-haired and smooth-haired Maine Coons: description and care features

The appearance of Maine Coons is largely related to their habitat and original origin. However, in the modern world, few people think about this, breeders simply breed kittens, which are in great demand among lovers of domestic large cats and cats. In this article, we will take a closer look at the representatives of cats with printed wool from the Maine Coon breed, find out their description and some of the nuances in home keeping. And also consider whether short-haired and smooth-haired Maine Coons exist in nature.

A little about the origin
To date, felinologists know several variants of the origin of the Maine Coon breed. Some believe that the ancestors of today's Maine Coons were common felines or raccoons. Others believe that the main ancestor is the wild jungle cat. But so far, no one has confirmed these conjectures.
The most believable story of the origin of Maine Coons is considered to be their birth from a simple cat living in North America. Many experts agree that kittens have inherited special genetic traits from their parents, thereby successfully adapting to their habitat.
And also no one excludes some gene mutations that led to the origin of this breed. Over time, such initial signs as tufts on the ears, a large muzzle and eyes, a fluffy and thick coat began to be expressed even more strongly. Until a pure breed is formed. Special selection for Maine Coons has not been made, or there is no reliable facts about it that are known to specialists.

In general, the breed is considered aboriginal, independently originated in the United States.
Specific traits
Considering photographs or pictures of thoroughbred Maine Coons, you should understand that smooth-haired individuals simply do not exist in nature. All individuals have a rather long and well-printed coat. Therefore, if the breeders offer a short-haired kitten with smooth hair, then, most likely, he is not a pure breed. And this is either deliberately kept silent, or simply do not know.
- The short hair of this breed can be observed only on the head and legs. On the rest of the body, it is printed and elongated, with a very thick undercoat.
- The Maine Coon breed standard is always heavy weight and abundant hair throughout the animal's body.
- The head of individuals is usually elongated, there are characteristic brushes on the wide ears. Ears have good pubescence inside.
- All limbs of females and males are rather muscular. The tail is stuffed, located on a par with the body. The tail is the special pride of this breed.
- The wool collar is also very fluffy. On the sides and on the legs, the coat is slightly shorter than on the belly and tail.
- Maine Coon colors can be very diverse. Black, red, white, gray and others. The most common are solid and tortoiseshell. The latter are found mainly in cats and are considered more rare.
- Maine Coons can weigh up to 11 kilograms, and their tail can be up to 70 cm long.
- Mature cats and cats are considered to be 5 years of their life. Life expectancy is no more than 17 years with proper care, sometimes longer, it all depends on the specific characteristics of the animal.

Maine Coons are considered very hardy, rarely get sick, get along well with other animals in the house and are very affectionate towards their owners.
Pros and cons of the breed
It is worth noting once again that, having considered the breed standard, every sane person should understand that purebred smooth-haired and short-haired Maine Coons do not exist. However, in addition to knowing the standards of the Maine Coon breed, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its pros and cons.
Let's start with the pros:
- loyalty to their owners, good attitude towards kids in the house;
- special unobtrusive behavior;
- high learning ability, especially from early childhood.
The small disadvantages include the fact that it is very important for thoroughbred Maine Coons to feed in a balanced manner, and it is best to use specialized premium feed for this. And they come out quite expensive. It is also worth mentioning that the consumption of the litter for such large cats is several times higher than with the maintenance of ordinary cats. The coat should also be cared for regularly as it often gets tangled and tangled. Usually, care is taken at least 3-4 times a week.

The nuances of maintenance, care and proper nutrition
In order for the Maine Coon to live a long life and not get sick, it should be properly looked after. Maine Coons are considered to be special fussy eating habits, and therefore they will not eat anything. It is difficult to feed them in a balanced way, serving only homemade food. That is why preference should be given to ready-made balanced feeds in dry and liquid form. But with dry feeding, sometimes boiled chicken can be added to the diet, and sometimes lean meat, such as rabbit, turkey, or young lamb, can be added to the diet.
Raw meat is also recommended for cats, the main thing is to pre-pour boiling water over it and cut into small pieces.

It is undesirable to feed Maine Coons with pork and fatty sheep, as well as duck and goose. Fish is also contraindicated, especially for castrated and sterilized individuals, since fish can provoke urolithiasis in an animal. Any chocolates, flour products and food from the table should not be given to animals. If the cat or cat is a breeder, it is best to discuss their diet with your veterinarian.
You should also not forget about bathing your pets, they love to swim, but only if you teach them from a small age. Bathing too often is not worth it, only 1-2 times a year is enough, but washing your feet after the street is always important. And also for the summer period it is recommended to wear on cats and cats special collars against fleas and ticks... So you can easily protect animals from annoying insects.

For the complete maintenance of cats and cats it is very important for them to have their own place in the house or apartment. The best option may be a large pet house, on which scratching posts are immediately located. If kittens are not taught to sharpen their claws from a small age, they will most likely spoil the furniture. In addition, once a month (or as it grows), the nails should be carefully trimmed with a special nail clipper.
Maine Coons are known to tolerate both summer and winter walks thanks to their printed fur. If for one reason or another it is not possible to take the cat or cat for a walk, then it is advisable to ventilate the room in which the cats are kept as often as possible.

Maine Coons are real hunters, and therefore at home they can easily catch a mouse, and on the street they will not be afraid to hunt for a sparrow. However, it is best to walk pets under supervision or on a leash.
Taking care of little kittens is also easy. The main thing is to start teaching them from childhood to a balanced meal, a tray and a place where they will live. It is also recommended to play with kittens, because babies always have a lot of energy. In general, there is nothing difficult in raising Maine Coon babies, they are very unpretentious in this.

Once a year, kittens and adults are recommended routine vaccinations, which includes vaccination against rabies and other complex vaccines against the most famous feline diseases. Before vaccinations, cats are given pills or suspensions for parasites.
Summing up
Representatives of the Maine Coon breed are real beauties, they have a moderate temperament, and they always treat their owners warmly. And also Maine Coons have an excellent appearance, with which no other cat breed can be compared.If there is a desire to purchase a Maine Coon baby, preference should be given only to proven and professional nurseries, which in no case will offer to purchase short-haired Maine Coons that do not exist in nature.
Elite pedigree kittens will be expensive, but with their kindness and warmth to the owners, they will surely instantly justify the money spent on them.

All about the Maine Coon breed, see below.