Maine Coon tray: how to choose and train a kitten to use it?

Beautiful and large Maine Coon cats are distinguished by their mobility and playful character. In this regard, the main task for breeders is the correct choice of a litter box that will match the characteristics of the pet. Cat litter boxes vary in size and shape. The main thing is to take into account the individual traits of a fluffy pet and make the right choice.

Features of the breed
Despite their large size, Maine Coons or raccoon cats are quite friendly and quickly find a common language with the breeder. At home, they are easy to train and easily memorize a large number of commands. Naturally, pets require careful care from birth, which implies the purchase of various devices and accessories.

Subtleties of choice
With the appearance of a Maine Coon kitten in the apartment, of course, the question of buying a tray arises. The key to choosing a litter box for your cat is its size. The fact is that the representatives of this breed are very fond of digging into the filler, which in the process will fly in different directions. Therefore, the Maine Coon tray should have the following characteristics.
- Wide and long. The cat should feel at ease.
- The presence of high sides. The walls will help the filler to stay "in place".
- Prevents unpleasant odors from spreading throughout the apartment. In this case, we are talking about closed trays equipped with special filters.

What are they?
Cat litter boxes can be easily purchased at pet stores. They vary in size (small, medium, large), structure, strength and color. So, let's consider three options for trays that are suitable for a Maine Coon.
- Rectangular, low sides... This option is suitable for a kitten who has just arrived from the cattery and is adapting to life in an apartment. He is petite, and the fluffy kid will not be afraid of him. The kitten can easily climb into the small tray on its own.
Naturally, such products for Maine Coon owners can be considered as temporary.

- Medium tray with high sides. A similar product is suitable for an older cat. High walls will not allow the filler to fly in different directions, and the playful naughty will feel safe in a "closed" space.
Note that trays with high sides (at least 10 cm) are suitable for Maine Coons.

- Closed tray house. Quite an expensive model, but it has clear advantages. It is a closed design, similar in appearance to a carrier. Its main advantage lies in the "absorption" of unpleasant odors, since the "house" is equipped with charcoal filters. Cats are very fond of such trays, since in a closed space nothing distracts them from the process. At the same time, such a toilet is not very convenient to clean, especially when the "roof" cannot be removed.
Therefore, when choosing a model, pay attention to all the "pull-out" parts. Otherwise, you will quickly get rid of the product. In addition, the Maine Coon Tray House should be large enough and roomy.

When purchasing a tray, think about its “contents”. We're talking about fillers. First of all, they must be of high quality and safe. Today, you can find various fillers on sale, but for Maine Coons it is best to purchase wood pellets. They perfectly absorb and “contain” odors well. In addition, unlike silica gel fillers, wood pellets can be easily flushed down the toilet. In addition, mineral fillers can be purchased at modern pet stores. They are known for their porous structure and are excellent at blocking unpleasant odors. In addition, unlike wood, "minerals" do not stick to the paws and do not spread throughout the apartment.
Note that playful pets can play with the contents of the litter box, so put a small rug in front of the toilet that can be washed frequently.
Please note that it is not recommended to fill the raccoon cat litter box with street sand.

How to teach?
The process of "acquaintance" begins from the first days of the appearance of the Maine Coon in the apartment. For a little "fluffy", a miniature tray with low walls will do. The kitten will quickly get used to it. The toddler is brought into the tray immediately after eating and is not released until he has done his "business." After the pet does what is expected of him, the owner praises him and treats him with his favorite treat. Thus, the baby will understand that the “friendship” with the tray is safe and even pleasant. If the "incident" nevertheless occurred, and the kitten went to the toilet "in the wrong place", then do not scold the pet. Calmly take the animal's waste products to the tray, clearly showing the pet where he should relieve himself.
As the cat grows older, the design of the litter boxes will change. The process of "acquaintance" with the new toilet of a grown Maine Coon is similar. Over time, the pet will be easier to perceive all the "innovations" in the apartment, and it will be much easier to accustom him to a different tray.

Where to put?
An important role in toilet training a furry pet is played by its location. Since the Maine Coon tray is large enough, it is not always possible to place it in the restroom. The corridor will become an alternative location. You can also put the tray on a glazed loggia. But in this case, the pet must have constant access to it. In addition, the litter box should not stand on the aisle and where there are drafts.
It is important that your pet feels safe and comfortable in the litter box. He must get to the toilet without obstacles from any corner of the house.

It is necessary to clean the litter box regularly. For these purposes, you can purchase a special safe disinfectant, which is sold in any pet store. The fact is that a dirty litter box can cause rejection in the Maine Coon, since raccoon cats have a very sensitive sense of smell. Sometimes the owners put two trays for pets - for "big" and "small" things.
For the intricacies of choosing a tray and filler for a Maine Coon, see the video below.