Maine Coon keeping recommendations

This handsome man is difficult to confuse with any other breed - long hair, slanting eyes and elongated ears do not allow the Maine Coon to be considered an ordinary cat. Such obvious differences of some cat-lovers lead to a dead end - you never know, suddenly such a miracle of nature requires a slightly different care than ordinary domestic mustachioed tetrapods. To dispel all doubts, let's briefly go through all the features of caring for such an animal.

Maine Coon character features
It is not for nothing that such a pet has become very popular all over the world in recent decades - it is not only beautiful, but also has a pleasant character. Compliance and kindness - these are the main characteristics that any Maine Coon meets, and such a cat is also very calm and reasonable. The animal, unlike most of its relatives, is unlikely to spoil the owner's furniture, will not make noise in the middle of the night and will not climb into a place from which it will not be able to descend on its own. Consequently, the Maine Coon does not give reason to take offense at him, and therefore the owner will not offend him.
For this breed, any hostility is completely uncharacteristic, its representatives are kind, like dogs. This, by the way, applies not only to people, but also to other animals. These animals love the owner, and therefore they themselves often try to be closer to him, although they do not climb into the soul at all.A loyal predator also lends itself well to training, which additionally resembles dogs.

What and how to feed?
Proper nutrition of a pet is the main guarantee of its good health. At the same time, Maine Coons have some features that are only incidentally related to feeding, which must also be taken into account.
For example, in the wild, the ancestors of Maine Coons always used their paws to clear the surface of the water from debris before drinking. There will hardly be fallen leaves and branches in the drinking bowl, but the reflex has not gone anywhere - the animal will still carry its paw in it. To prevent an eternal puddle from forming around the drinking bowl, heed the advice: either choose a heavy model, or secure the drinking bowl securely. Also, do not place the drinker near the food - splashing water can sometimes spoil the food.
Of dry food for Maine Coons, only the premium class is suitable - it has everything you need for your pet, but canned food can only act as a bonus. If you decide to feed your cat with natural products, the emphasis should be on meat and dairy products, as well as cereals and vegetables, while vitamins must be added to the diet separately.
If the menu includes both dry food and natural products, the preponderance should be on the side of the former.

In general, almost all of the above foods can be fed to your pet, but there are some unwanted foods. For starters, sugar, salt and any other spices are completely unnecessary things on the cat's menu. In addition, the beast will not even master the bones of a bird, or they simply will not do him good. Maine Coons are not given fatty meats like pork, goose and duck, as well as most processed meat products - smoked meats, sausages, and so on. Chocolate (due to the presence of sugar) will also be harmful, as well as legumes and even potatoes.
The cat needs greens, but dusty vegetation from the street can do more harm than good. Plant some wheat and oats at home, and let the cat feast on the sprouts of its own accord.
Some cats also have allergies to certain foods, if such a phenomenon is noted, remove the allergen from the diet. Do not feed your pet cold or hot food - it should be at medium room temperature. Pre-grind food for babies.
Up to two months of age, feline babies need 5 meals a day, from 2 to 8 months, adhere to a 3-time regimen, after that it is enough to feed the cat twice a day.

How to care?
In general, representatives of this breed are not too demanding for home care, but if you want your pet to always remain as healthy and beautiful as possible, you will have to keep it at least minimal. The necessary procedures are not so difficult, but you need to get used to the fact that the correct maintenance of the animal requires their strict regularity.

Oral cavity
Maine Coons are good because they practically have no problems with plaque, but all the same, the oral cavity of babies should be examined at least twice a month. Any violation of the correct shape of the teeth is a reason to contact a veterinary clinic for specialists to correct the bite. As a preventive measure for such problems, feed the kitten with dry food and buy special toys for him so that he can chew on them. The pet is unlikely to appreciate, but for its benefit, you should brush your teeth daily with a soft brush with a specially produced paste.

The cat cannot wipe his eyes on his own, because dirt and mucus can accumulate in their corners. This is not yet a sign of the disease, but such accumulations can cause them, therefore they should be periodically removed - for this, a cotton swab is used, which is dipped in weak tea
... Please note that chamomile infusion is not suitable for such purposes - because of it, hair falls out around the eye sockets!

Like humans, the Maine Coon's ears can accumulate sulfur, so the auricle needs to be periodically examined and cleaned with cotton pads - this is less unpleasant for a cat than sticks. The accessory is pre-moistened with special drops that are sold in veterinary pharmacies - they are also useful for fighting ear mites.
If you teach a cat that such a procedure is only an element of the game, he will not particularly resist.

Too long claws are uncomfortable for the animal, so you either take care and look for a solution, or you will face problems with the integrity of the furniture. A scratching post or special cushion for claws are useful things, but they also do not replace the need to shorten excessively long claws. Removal is carried out with special rounded scissors, while the pigmented claws are removed carefully, cutting off only the edges.

Long hair in cats of this breed requires constant grooming. Some owners, for greater ease of combing, use two or three different combs with different length and density of teeth. Hair removal is first carried out with a less dense device, this allows you to collect the bulk of the hair without getting stuck in the total mass, after which the procedure is repeated with a comb with more frequent teeth to collect the remains. If the strands are too thick, you can separate them with parting, while it is not recommended to touch the zones of the tail, neck and hind legs.
The matted hairballs should be tried to untangle and comb out all that is superfluous, if this does not work out, just carefully cut off the knot. At the same time, you should not get too carried away with combing - they will give a useful effect only if they are carried out no more than once every four to five days.
In addition, the predator is very clean, but licking alone will not be enough for him. In order not to severely injure the animal with an unpleasant procedure, bathing is carried out no more often than once every two to three weeks - it is good not only in terms of hygiene, but also has a beneficial effect on the growth of wool. Specialty cat shampoos and bathing gels are available from veterinary pharmacies.

The animal is bathed 4 hours after eating. You do not need to rub your pet - you will just mess up the thick coat in vain. The optimal washing scheme is to put in shallow water and rinse with a shower.
Drying is done both with a hairdryer and in a natural way.
How to educate?
Maine Coon - the animal is quite "correct", but not all important responsibilities will be perceived by him at once. It's not only and not so much about going to the toilet in the right place, but about the general rules of behavior in the apartment and the habit of not the most pleasant sanitary and hygienic ones like bathing or combing. All this is included in the concept of raising a pet.
The meaning of the above procedures for a cat is incomprehensible, but they themselves are unpleasant, therefore do not be surprised if a good-natured animal suddenly resists and even bites. The baby should be accustomed to the procedures from childhood, ideally - when he is tired after playing, then he is more relaxed. Start with a short imitation of an unpleasant activity - for example, at first just turn on the hairdryer in the presence of the baby when he is eating, so that he gets used to the sound, then bring it closer without aiming at the pet, even later direct the stream of air at the cat for literally a few seconds, and only at the end, gradually increase the duration.

It is very easy to train Maine Coons, but you need to understand the peculiarities of the behavior of these animals, since they naturally do not understand verbal commands. First of all, forget about any physical punishments like beating or even poking your nose - the beast will not understand why you are doing this, and will simply consider you not a very good person. Experts advise each time to punish the kid for a misdemeanor, but by the method of "remote punishment", for example, by firing at him with a stream of water from a spray bottle. This must be done immediately upon the fact of a misconduct, then the pet will develop a negative association with the action for which he is punished, but he will not perceive you as the executor of the punishment.
Any training involves not only a stick, but also a carrot, and the emphasis should be on the latter. Every right action the cat takes should be rewarded with the animal's favorite treat - this will help develop positive habits. With a competent approach, a representative of this breed can not only be trained to the tray, but also teach many different tricks.
Tray training, by the way, is quite simple, and it won't take much time - the animal will quickly understand what's what. Usually the kitten wants to go to the toilet immediately after eating - watch him and catch the moment when he starts to show anxiety, and then immediately grab and put in the tray. Perhaps the Maine Coon will not immediately understand what is happening and will want to run away, because the trainer's task is not to let the animal go until he has done all his deeds.

Please note that the litter box must be kept clean at all times, as this breed is very clean and will prefer a dirty litter box wherever it is cleaner.
If the female was mated and became pregnant, this can be determined after about 3 weeks, since the cat's nipples noticeably increase and acquire a noticeable pink tint. Contact with other animals is contraindicated for a cat during pregnancy, as they can transmit some dangerous infection to a weakened body. Various vaccinations and deworming are also prohibited.
In general, pregnancy lasts about 65 days, but, as in the case of a person, deviations from the norm are possible. Experts note that kittens usually do not survive when carrying less than 60 days. Toxicosis is a typical complication of pregnancy.
If you are really worried about the health of your pet, about 15 days before giving birth, arrange a comfortable nest for her, lining it with clean rags. After two months, that is, a few days before giving birth, keep constant monitoring of the animal.
If you saw that the mucous plug has come off, it means that babies can be born even in the coming hours.

A cat ready to give birth begins to rush or seeks a secluded corner. Carefully place the animal in an equipped nest and give birth. Please note that kittens are born in a bubble of film, which must be torn near the baby's mouth. Cut the umbilical cord at a distance of 2 cm from the calf, but do not tie it, instead, gently wipe the muzzle with a clean cloth and make sure that the animal is breathing normally, then leave it in the care of the mother.

Castration and sterilization
The Maine Coon female is ready to breed at a fairly early age - sometimes starting from 8 months. An unsatisfied instinct makes the animal suffer, it can even get sick, but in general, in this breed, the desire to reproduce is expressed by rolling on the floor and loud cries. It's a little easier with cats - they just mark the territory, which, however, is also unlikely to please the owners. If keeping a pet in your home does not imply intercourse, it is better to take measures right away to allow the animal to forget about instinct.
With cats, the situation is a little easier, since castration, that is, the removal of the testes, takes only 5-7 minutes, and does not even involve stitching. For a cat, the procedure can take on different scales - it can remove either the uterus, or the ovaries, or both at once, because of this, the duration of the operation can vary significantly from 10 to 20 minutes.Since such an intervention is a priori more complicated, suturing is mandatory; after one and a half to two weeks, you will need to look at the veterinarian again to remove them.

Possible diseases
Maine Coons are not among the most painful breeds, and yet they face a huge variety of dangers and ailments. They can infect almost any system of the feline body - the heart, joints, muscles, and the urinary system. Highly visible problems include bleeding gums and falling teeth, as well as gastrointestinal problems.
As is often the case, it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of anxiety symptoms than to eliminate them later. The last three reasons from the number named are among the most common, they can be prevented both by choosing the right, carefully balanced food, and by regularly brushing cat teeth. Worms that enter the cat's body from the outside are often to blame for digestive disorders, therefore, if such a problem is suspected, anthelmintics from a veterinary pharmacy should be offered to the animal.
At the same time, many diseases are associated with the penetration of bacteria, for which dirt and unsanitary conditions are comfortable conditions, which is why it is so important to bathe and comb the animal in a timely manner, as well as to get vaccinated in a timely manner.

Necessary vaccinations
A widespread, but no less erroneous, opinion is that the Maine Coon is not threatened with any infections in the apartment - they can easily enter the room on the same shoe soles. WITHTherefore, it is advisable to vaccinate any cat if you want him to be healthy. At the same time, there are some situations when vaccination is not just very desirable, but a prerequisite - for example, without it, the animal will not be allowed to participate in the exhibition and will not be allowed to live in a cat hotel. In addition, conscientious owners usually refuse to mate their animal with an unvaccinated partner, and transporting such an individual is a very risky undertaking.
Only the veterinarian himself draws conclusions about which vaccinations need to be done and which not - he starts from the characteristics of the region of residence of the predator, the conditions in the owner's housing, as well as the state of health of the pet itself.

Unfortunately, according to the results of the vaccination, Maine Coon does not acquire eternal immunity, therefore the procedure will have to be repeated several times in the future. The first episode happens to a kitten at the age of two months, the next - after only a month, then it is necessary to be shown to the veterinarian every year to renew the protection. Moreover, the whole process is not so fast - one and a half weeks before vaccination, the animal must undergo deworming.

The story of the Maine Coon is in the next video.