Maine Coon sizes

Maine Coon is an amazing breed of cats. There are many versions about their origin and lifestyle. These cats are striking in their size, thick long hair and frightening, wild expression of the eyes.

Features of the breed
Recently, scientists are more and more inclined to think that Maine Coons are home to Maine, in the northeastern United States.
The natural conditions in this region are rather harsh. The climate is cold, strong winds, a lot of snow falls in winter. As a result of natural selection for a long time, this species was formed.

The description of the breed includes the following main points.
- Big sizes - the average length is about one meter.
- Impressive weight - from 6 to 12 kg.
- Strong and graceful body oblong in shape, with strong muscles.
- Large head, heavy shoulders and neck.
- Powerful paws with hair between the toes.
- The most varied colors, including two- and three-colored individuals.
- Very thick and long fur, which is not afraid of moisture and almost never gets wet from snow.
- Luxurious fluffy tailmore than thirty centimeters long.
- Tassels on the ears, just like a lynx... The ears themselves are also pubescent and covered with thick hair, which serves as additional protection from frost.
- Animal sounds - a cross between rumbling and purring - characteristic only for this breed.

Despite the formidable appearance, the character of these giants is kind and flexible. Maine Coon loves its owners and is strongly attached to them, calmly treats children. It is considered the best breed for keeping in a family.
Cats are highly intelligent, well trained, understand and fulfill the requirements of their owners. They can remember the meaning of about three hundred words and respond to them with appropriate actions. Sociable and friendly, they take part in various games and amusements with great pleasure. They perfectly distinguish the mood of a person and can just sit next to them.

In addition, coons are naturally endowed with good health, they are not afraid of cold and drafts. They do not require any special care. The main thing that a pet needs is timely nutrition and communication with its beloved owner.

Of course, long fluffy hair creates some inconvenience, but you can put up with this - it is enough to comb the cat with a regular comb in a timely manner, especially during molting. It is better not to leave more valuable items from the wardrobe in the public domain.

total stats
According to statistics, the parameters of animals may differ slightly from the generally accepted standard. Moreover, the size of this breed is increasing faster than that of other species. If at birth the body length of a kitten is about 12 centimeters, then by five months it already grows to half a meter.
The same can be said for body weight, which can vary and increase unevenly. The weight of a baby born already exceeds the average statistical indicators of various breeds of domestic cats and is 125-170 g, and in other varieties - from 80 to 100 grams. Even in rather large Persians and Sphynxes, kittens are born with a weight of less than 120 g.
In the future, as it grows and develops, the difference in size becomes even more noticeable.
So, an adult cat weighs on average from 4.5 to 7.5 kg, and a large cat - from 9 to 12 kilograms. The maximum recorded weight of a Maine Coon cat is 14 kg. This giant lives in Great Britain and his name is Omar.

Even in comparison with humans, they seem to be giants. The increase in parameters and maturation continue up to three, sometimes up to four years. The record-holder cat with a body length of 123 centimeters is recorded in the book of records. According to unverified data, somewhere in the world there is a giant whose size is 135 cm in full growth. However, the average representative of this breed reaches no more than one meter in length.
An ordinary Maine Coon cat grows up to 40 cm at the withers.

What affects the size?
How a little kitten grows up depends on many factors:
- from heredity: the larger the parents of the baby, the more likely it will not be small;
- on the state of the mother-cat during pregnancy, her mood, as well as on what kind of food she receives during this period and when feeding the offspring;
- on the number of cubs born at the same time: the more kittens in the litter, the smaller they are, and, accordingly, vice versa;
- from the diet of a growing baby when he no longer receives breast milk.

Large kittens will grow faster than their smaller cousins.
The cat feeds the babies with milk for about seven to eight weeks. At the age of five weeks, they start trying different foods.
Until a year, the growth and development of animals is at an accelerated pace.

Dimensions by month
When growing up cubs switch to an adult diet, some weight loss is possible. However, by two months, the weight of a young Maine Coon can reach the mark of one kilogram, and sometimes even more.
Three-month-old kittens in terms of height and weight are ahead of adult cats of some other breeds.
At six months, the male cat already weighs more than five kg. The kitty girl lags far behind - her weight does not even reach four kilograms.
One year old is characterized by a sharp jump in body weight. And here the difference in weight between a cat and a cat becomes very clear.

Comparative table of the weight of Maine Coons up to three years old.
Animal age |
Average weight of a cat, g |
Average weight of a cat, g |
Week 1 |
190 |
230 |
2 weeks |
340 |
370 |
1 month |
600 |
700 |
2 months |
1200 |
1300 |
3 months |
1800 |
2200 |
4 months |
3000 |
3400 |
5 months |
3400 |
4500 |
6 months |
3800 |
5000 |
7 months |
4200 |
5500 |
8 months |
4800 |
6000 |
9 months |
5000 |
6400 |
10 months |
5300 |
6900 |
11 months |
5600 |
7500 |
12 months |
6000 |
8000 |
18 months |
6500 |
9000 |
2 years |
6800 |
9500 |
2.5 years |
7300 |
11500 |
3 years |
8000 |
12500–13000 |
The values given in the table are approximate. Each animal develops at its own pace, and the indicators may not be the same. It is important not to overfeed your pet in order not to cause obesity and related diseases.
The height and length of adult male and female cats also differ markedly. If at birth they are approximately the same, about 12-15 centimeters, then after 3-4 weeks cats become noticeably larger.
Raising such a magnificent animal at home is wonderful, because the Maine Coon will respond to care with love and affection for many years.

For interesting facts about Maine Coons, see below.