Description and content of gray Maine Coons

A distinctive feature of the Maine Coon breed, among all representatives of the feline family, is its size. The charming color, as well as the friendly character, only add to the beauty of this breed. In addition to its size, you can recognize it by the tassels on the ears, the powerful paws of the real king of domestic animals.
Representatives of this breed have a rich palette of coat colors. Only black and red are considered the main colors. All others are varieties of the original shades.

Today we will talk about gray Maine Coon. Many shades give the breed of domestic lynxes grace, mystery, mystery. There are several varieties of gray:
- cold marble;
- warm marble.

Pet selection rules
If you decide to acquire a unique, but at the same time unusually beautiful Maine Coon pet, carefully study all the information about this animal. There are five rules by which you can determine the purebredness of a kitten.
- Price policy. It is easy to understand that the price at which you can get a kitten will be very high. Beauty comes at a price. Maine Coon is no exception in this case.
- A package of documents. When selling a purebred kitten, the breeder is obliged to provide the buyer with a veterinary passport along with the pedigree.
- Appearance. Pay attention to the appearance of your future pet. There should be no matted hair, discharge from the eyes and nose.
- Content... The place of stay of kittens should be clean, dry, free of foreign odors.
- The age of the animal. The best age for a kitten to ideally enter a new family is 3 months. By this time, the breeder must carry out the first vaccination, and the baby must receive from the mother all the necessary skills for an independent life.

After you have become the owner of a beautiful gray Maine Coon kitten, you need to properly and carefully help him to turn into a big, as well as a good pet of the whole family.
Where to start education
Be sure to immediately give the pet a nickname. This is especially important for those animals that will be walking on a leash. Remember that the chosen name will directly determine the character of an adult cat or cat.
Define personal space. To do this, you can install a house or a sunbed in a certain place, where it is warm, with enough light.
If the breeder has not accustomed the baby to the tray and scratching post, then this task will fall on your shoulders. There are many ways to achieve this. To get used to the tray quickly, you can use special sprays as an option. It is forbidden to resort to physical strength at the time of education. In this way, you will turn the kitten against yourself.

The intonation of the voice is your faithful friend in the right upbringing and training. Rewarding your relationship is very important. Maine Coons love pleasantries. The use of vocabulary words is also encouraged during parenting.
Communication with an affectionate attitude is very important in building the right relationship. Heightened attention in the first year of life is an integral part if you want to achieve obedience, to tune the relationship in the right way.

In addition to upbringing, domestic lynxes also need proper care.
Maine Coon care
Owners of majestic raccoon cats should pay due attention to this animal. Eyes, ears, fur, muzzle and claws must be flawless.
- Lynx ears. Funny tassels at the tips of the ears give this creation a playful look. Check your ears carefully, preferably every day. Remove wax or other debris with a cotton pad and ear drops.
- Large eyes. Even a healthy kitten has dirt or liquid near the eyes.The main rule when wiping your eyes is not to use chamomile. This plant provokes hair loss in Maine Coons.
- Nice little face. Up to five months, it is necessary to examine the oral cavity every day to prevent plaque. To eliminate problems, you should contact a veterinary clinic. Use a toothpaste brush made for this type of animal.
- Sharp claws... Use rounded scissors to trim the nails neatly for comfort and to prevent them from grinding on furniture.
- Silky coat. Having a long, thick coat requires careful grooming. The resulting mats must be combed out or carefully trimmed with scissors. Just do not overdo it - this can lead to hair loss.
- Don't forget about prevention. Treat the pet lynx from fleas and ticks in accordance with the accepted norms.

What to feed?
First, select the necessary utensils for food and water. It must be very heavy so that it cannot be turned over. The main diet must contain meat and dairy products, as well as vegetables and cereals. Food can be combined with only premium quality dry food.
You can not add spices to food, especially salt, sugar. Maine Coon needs greens for proper digestion. Avoid street grass. Home-seeded grass can be an alternative. Do not forget about anthelmintic drugs for prophylactic purposes.

Raccoon beauties drink only purified water. For this reason, try to keep the bowl of water away from the food to prevent food pieces from getting into the liquid and vice versa.
In general, Maine Coons are not picky about their diet. The main thing is not to allow eating harmful, as well as too cold and hot food.
If you find any type of allergy or reaction to any product or type of feed, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for advice.

A high level of intelligence, quick wits, excellent memory and excellent appearance converged in one unique animal - the Maine Coon. They are great friends for adults and children.
For the Maine Coon breed, see the video below.