Highlighting blond: features, types, choice of shade

Blond highlights are the perfect way to diversify your haircut and create a trendy look. Today stylists offer many different dyeing techniques for blonde hair, so every woman can choose exactly what will suit her face.

Highlighting is a technique in which not all hair is colored, but only individual strands of hair. Moreover, both a couple of small strands and a much larger part of the heap can be processed. By the method of applying paint, highlighting can be performed in several versions - curls are painted either from the roots to the very tips, or partially (for example, from the middle closer to the tips or, conversely, near the roots).
Highlighting blond looks very impressive, which allows a woman to lighten her hair by several tones without using a full one-color staining. In addition, as a result of such coloring, soft overflows are created on the curls, so that the hair looks shiny and well-groomed.

As a rule, different shades are used on light hair - they can be both as close to natural as possible, and bright contrasting ones, quite often several shades of paint are applied.
To perform blond highlighting, you often have to resort to preliminary bleaching of hair followed by toning.Highlighting turns out to be especially beautiful if done in the salon, since only a professional master with extensive experience in coloring will be able to choose the most successful shades based on the characteristics of the hair, the native hair color and the woman's color type.

Advantages and disadvantages
Blonde highlighting is very popular with women of all ages - this is not surprising when you consider it undoubted advantages in comparison with monochromatic staining:
- highlighting refreshes the complexion, makes it more youthful and fashionable;
- acts sparingly - when highlighting, only part of the hair is colored, therefore, the damage to the mop is minimal, in addition, the coloring does not affect the root zone, due to which the hair follicle is intact;
- thanks to highlighting, strands get additional volume, density and lightness, and therefore this method of toning is in special demand among owners of thin and rare curls;
- does not require frequent correction - as it grows, the border between native and colored hair remains invisible for a long time, so there is no need to tint the regrown roots every month, you can visit the hairdresser once every 3-4 months;
- the streaked head looks great on both straight and curly hair;
- coloring has no age restrictions - it looks spectacular on teenage girls and ladies of elegant age.

However, like any procedure using dyes, highlighting has its drawbacks:
- despite the fact that only part of the hair is processed, the mop is still exposed to the aggressive effects of the components of the composition, therefore the colored strands need constant care, otherwise the hair will become dull and brittle;
- all manipulations last at least two hours, and if we are talking about long curls, it can take up to 5 hours at all;
- high-quality highlighting is almost impossible to do at home.

For the procedure there are contraindications, namely:
- if the hair has previously been severely discolored or has undergone a perm, then dyeing can dry out already depleted and weakened curls;
- if the hair was previously painted with henna, basma or other dyes of plant origin, then it is better to refuse blond highlighting - the result may turn out to be the most unexpected and not always beautiful;
- with caution, dyeing should be resorted to by expectant and lactating mothers, as well as during hormonal and chemotherapy - such conditions affect the degree of penetration of pigments into the hair, and therefore the strands can be dyed unevenly.

There are several types of blond highlights.
Looks pretty unusual on blondes dark highlights, it gives the image zest and originality. Not every blonde makes such a choice, although in recent years this bow is gaining more and more popularity among owners of blond hair. In this case, individual strands are dyed with a dark color - this makes the hairstyle more textured and clear, since this property is inherent only in darkened tones.

This stylish coloring is called booking, most often here the root area is painted with a darker color, turning into a light one at the tips. The color scheme is dominated by shades of brown-coffee, chocolate or cognac, and most often they use a palette of several tones - from 3 to 15. This procedure perfectly hides gray hair, and also allows owners of light brown and dark brown hair to maintain the overall light shade of hair without the need stain the roots every 3-4 weeks.

Light highlighting is a very effective technique that makes the fair sex more feminine, sophisticated and noble.Such highlighting creates on the head soft play of several light shades, due to which the effect of strands burnt out in the sun is created. As a rule, the color palette for light highlighting includes beige, pearl, platinum, as well as honey, gold and other shades. The staining itself is carried out in this case both small and large strandsnaturally, in the first case, the appearance is more natural.

As the name suggests, this highlight was first introduced in sunny California, where it immediately won the hearts of many Hollywood movie stars and their female fans. Toning is lightening and subsequent coloring of individual strands in several different shades, which differ from each other by 3-4 tones. Thus, soft overflows are created on the hair, which add additional volume to the shock, and make the hairstyle lighter and more airy. Most often, natural shades are used for California highlighting - caramel, nude or beige, but in recent years, the use of bright colors has become popular - pink, lilac and light purple strands make the image truly stylish and effective.

The reverse
Reverse highlighting suggests creating a smooth transition from white strands to dark, almost black. This coloring has many advantages. First of all, it is a gentle effect on the hair, in this case the hair is not lightened, but, on the contrary, darkened, therefore, ammonia-free formulations are most often used here, they only envelop the hair shaft, and do not penetrate inside, destroying its structure.
As a rule, back highlighting aims to slightly dilute the monochromatic coloring of light strands, although it can also be used as an independent technique.

French highlighting is perhaps the ideal way to dye light brown and previously lightened strands. In this case, preliminary part of the hair is discolored and only then tinted in the desired shade. Today, there are many variations on the theme of French highlighting, but the most popular is coloring with nude and pastel shades, as a rule, I use from 3 to 5 tones.
By the way, the more shades are used for coloring, the more effective the result is.

How to choose a shade?
The correct choice of shades is the key to the success of coloring, if the colors for coloring were selected without taking into account the woman's color type and the characteristics of the hair, then the result can be dirty, faded and "cheap".
By hair length and color
Suitable for blond women and owners of light brown hair platinum, chocolate, cognac, wheat and amber shades... At the same time, keep in mind that warm curls need warm undertones, and cold ones - cold ones. Lovers of bold beauty experiments can be advised to resort to blue, red, burgundy or even purple coloring - in this design, the coloring composition is carefully shaded, so the transitions are soft and very harmonious.

For brunettes and women with ash hair platinum and pearl shades are suitable, such highlighting even has its own name - "salt and pepper". The technique has gained immense popularity among both young girls and older women - they add mystery and sophistication to the former, and they make the latter solid and well-groomed. The same shades go to the owners of natural blonde strands, since in this case you can achieve a perfectly pure shade, in contrast to light brown and chestnut hair.

For owners light red hair it is worth thinking about caramel, beige, honey and wheat shades.It is unlikely that it will be possible to create platinum and pearl ones here, since the color pigment is rather poorly washed out of the hair, and, instead of a noble color scheme, you risk getting unpleasant yellow strands of hair.

By face type and eye color
Eye color plays an important role in choosing shades suitable for coloring. Many believe that gray is considered a universal color, since almost any shade suits the owners of such eyes. This is not entirely true, it also has its own subtleties that must be taken into account when carrying out highlighting. In particular, gray eyes all pure shades, including bright blond, are strongly discouraged; here it is better to take a closer look at caramel, beige and cream tones.

The hardest thing to choose shades of blond for brown-eyed womenespecially if they also have dark skin. Much depends on what effect the girl wants to achieve. So, if she wants to look like a natural blonde, then it is worth choosing shades of honey and wheat color, a pink blonde with strawberry notes will very effectively refresh her face.
Looks pretty stylish in combination with dark hair ash staining or back highlighting - in this case, there is no contrast between eye color and hair color, due to which the image as a whole looks more harmonious.
For tanned and swarthy young ladies with brown eyes, honey and cognac colors are a good choice, especially if you dilute them a little with golden highlights.

For women with dark eyes you can also recommend the shade of coffee with chocolate, baked milk, milky or natural wood tones.

Hair coloring for women with blue eyes also has its own specifics, it will seem strange to many, but warm light shades are categorically contraindicated for such young ladies. Of course, everyone knows that it is a warm blond in combination with blue eyes that is considered the standard of a Slavic girl, but such coloring visually “simplifies” the face, makes the image more pastoral and outdated, the woman will more likely resemble a young peasant woman than a sophisticated and elegant lady. And here platinum and ash shades will make blue eyes truly bottomless and will look very advantageous.

Green eyes it is considered quite rare, therefore it already attracts attention by itself, here a strict taboo is imposed on a cold blond, but soft red shades - honey, golden, amber - will, on the contrary, harmonize very well with the eyes, emphasize the femininity of the image and the nobility of features.

Hair length, as a rule, does not affect the choice of basic shades, but when determining the optimal highlighting technique, this factor should be taken into account. So, for the inhabitants of long and medium curls, all options for partial staining will look good - French highlighting, ombre, shatush or bronding.
For short strands, you should give preference to zonal highlighting, as well as try various color experiments with bangs.

How to care?
In order for the highlighting to delight you with its soft overflows as long as possible, you need to constantly take care of your hair after dyeing.
- Use shampoos and conditioners only for colored hair - they do not contain sulfates, substances that wash out the color, therefore, they keep the shades brighter and more saturated for a rather long time.
- At least once a week Nourish your curls with masks and serums containing vitamins, minerals, silicone and proteins. But it is better to refuse the use of oils, since they tend to wash out the color, and the staining can become dull and faded. For the same reason, you should not resort to homemade masks based on kefir and other fermented milk products.
- Minimize all thermal effects - hot air during drying, tongs and curling irons - they all dry already weakened hair and can significantly worsen the condition of the hair, turning it into a bundle of straw.

If you cannot do without such manipulations, then before laying, treat the hair with thermal protective compounds.
And, of course, remember that all care products should be designed specifically for blondes - they contain special pigments, which eliminate any appearance of yellowness on the hair.

Beautiful examples
For several seasons, blond highlighting has been in the top of the most stylish dyeing techniques for light and dark hair. Such coloring has become the choice of many movie stars, popular performers and other media personalities.

The following video will tell you how to do two-tone highlighting for blondes.