How to choose paint for highlighting?

There are several options for how you can embellish your look by creating a certain effect on your hair. Highlighting is one of the simplest. It is done from the root zone along the entire head or only along the parting. For dyeing, special products are used, which are worth knowing more about in order to reduce their negative effect on the hair to a minimum.

Features of the procedure
Foil is used for highlighting, this is the main distinguishing feature of this staining method. Hair is divided into strands along the parting. Curls can be either very thin, but frequent, or large, but rare. The rest of the hair remains natural or tinted if there is a lot of gray hair.
The coloring composition is applied with a brush. Its exposure time depends on the type of hair, the amount of natural pigment in it.
The darker the hair, the longer you need to keep the dye on your hair.
The product itself consists of hydrogen peroxide and a powder clarifier. They are mixed in a plastic container in a ratio of 2 to 1. Metal dishes cannot be used, as they react with paint.

Types of dyes
Hair dye can differ not only in brand, but also in consistency, intensity, safety. Among all the funds on the market, the following should be distinguished.
- Powdered... They are in the form of a powder, most often used in professional salons, but recently you can buy powder in portions in the amount required for one painting. In large containers, it is very expensive, although it lasts for a long time. A similar tool is sold in a specialized store, an oxidizer is also sold there.It is worth working with such material very carefully so that the powder does not rise into the air and does not get into the nose and eyes.
It is required to strictly observe the staining technique, since one wrong movement - and a white spot remains, which stands out against the background of the rest of the highlighting. Inappropriate proportions also cause burnt strands or dry hair.

- Paste... Such a tool implies gentle highlighting, so this is the best option for home use.
This paint contains vitamins, innovative ingredients and minerals. The curls become not so brittle, moreover, the paste is not powder, therefore it does not spray, does not enter the respiratory tract. After dyeing, the curls acquire the necessary shine, shine in the sun.

- Formulations without ammonia. These are oil paints that are ideal for home use as well. They do not lead to brittle hair, do not dry it out, but, on the contrary, restore its structure. The only drawback of such formulations is that they do not take on gray hair and cannot demonstrate intense lightening, so they are used by natural blondes or girls with light blond hair.

- Oxidants... Paints with oxidizing agents, which do not spread during application, have a creamy consistency. They are sold in different concentrations - from 3 to 12%. The higher the percentage, the higher the content of hydrogen peroxide in them. These are exactly the colors that are able to qualitatively lighten dark strands and hair with a dense structure. Their main drawback is that they cause significant harm to the curls, therefore, after highlighting, it is required to provide high-quality care. The lighter the natural shade, the lower the percentage of the oxidizer should be.
Blondes have enough and a 3% solution. If there is no experience, then it is worth buying a ready-made highlighting kit.

- Brightening cream... This tool is suitable for those girls who are not yet ready to suddenly turn into a blonde. The strands will turn out to be only slightly lightened, which will refresh the image. The transition is very smooth, you do not need to dilute such a product, it is immediately ready for use.

The best remedies
There are many professional hair dyes on the modern market. For coloring, it is better to choose time-tested funds from leading brands.
- Kapous... Brand from Italy. It is used not only at home, but also by stylists and professional colorists. Its advantage is that the manufacturer is constantly updating the composition, offering more innovative approaches. The paint is renowned for its quality and durability. Designed for professional use, but can also be used at home. Among other things, the cost of these products is in the middle price category.

- "Supra"... It is also called white henna. It is great for lightening blond hair, but not suitable for naturally dark curls. The composition contains natural ingredients, so the paint does not have an intense effect. Lightening occurs in one or more tones. This composition is perfect for Californian technology, as it allows you to create a smooth transition. To remove yellowness on the strands, it is necessary to use toning after staining.

- L'Oréal. French paint, which is made from quality ingredients. It is used with equal success both for professionals and for home highlighting. There is a series of seven blonde shades on sale. The latest technology allows you to quickly achieve the desired color. For beginners, the company offers a ready-made kit for high-quality staining, with which you can quickly and easily create a unique image. The composition of the paint includes vitamins, and ammonia is completely absent, so the curls are soft and silky.

- Matrix. The American version of a quality highlighting product.Offers gentle coloring and 11 blonde shades. The paint has a creamy texture, so the product does not spread on the hair. Lightening occurs in several tones, while the structure of the hair remains practically unchanged.

- "Watercolor". The company offers six tones for lightening. The advantage of this paint is that it has no unpleasant odor, no burning sensation on the scalp. A dazzling shine is given by liquid crystals, which are applied to the hair after dyeing as part of the care product.

- Estelle... It is especially popular with the domestic buyer. There are several shades of blond offered on the market. The described paint has a mild effect on the hair structure. Other advantages include color stability and color saturation. There are also ammonia-free products in the collection that spare the hair, while helping to quickly and easily create an attractive image at home.

- Garnier. Increasingly, it can be seen as a paint for home highlighting. The product is distinguished by the high quality of the components in the composition, the presence of natural oils inside.

- Palette... This dye cannot but please with its durability, after using the dye, the hair becomes soft, while the product has an affordable cost.
Of the paints most often used by girls for home highlighting, the leader is the products of the Loreal company. It is not only generally available, but also offers high-quality hair care, since it includes components such as natural oils and vitamin complexes.

Selection recommendations
It is not difficult to dye your hair at home, the main thing is to choose the right product to get a shade without yellowness. The choice of the composition depends on how many tones you want to lighten the curls. Highlighting does not always turn out to be immediately white, more often of a wheat shade.
If you don't want to lighten your hair too much, then you should choose natural dyes. If this is the first staining and the woman is not sure that she will like the result, white henna is the right choice. It has minimal effect on hair. If more intense clarification is required, then it is worth using paint with ammonia or in powder form with an oxidizing agent.
The first time on dark hair, highlighting never turns out to be white, but then you can additionally use toning shampooto neutralize yellowness. The darker the natural hair color, the darker it turns out to be blond. It will be possible to achieve a lighter shade only after several procedures.
In strong colors, ammonia and peroxide work together to remove natural pigment from the hair. Such formulations have the most negative effect on the curls, so they need subsequent careful care.

The brightening cream is the most gentle composition for whitening hair. Such an effect is less intense, but it is not always possible to achieve the desired shade the first time, only after several procedures.
If a girl has very dark or black hair, and she dreams of being a platinum blonde, it might be time to reconsider her plans and take a more realistic look at the possibilities of modern colors. Even a professional hairdresser will say that dramatically lightening curls by more than 6 tones is too risky. The result can be disastrous. There were cases when girls burned their hair and it just fell out.
The first time you need to lighten the curls by several tones. If earlier they were painted black, then two will be enough. Gradually, the darker shade will go away and the curls will take on the desired highlights, however, you may have to cut off the ends, as the intense staining will lead to a split.

If the composition for highlighting is purchased for the first time, then it is better to choose a paint:
- from a well-known brand;
- without ammonia, if you do not need to intensively lighten the curls;
- with vitamins and minerals in the composition;
- it is better if it is a creamy base, since it is difficult to work with the powder and it is necessary to mix the components correctly.
It is worth mentioning separately about paints that must be diluted with hydrogen peroxide. They have a strong effect on the scalp, they can burn it, cause a strong allergic reaction, especially if the composition is made from low-quality products.
Depending on the natural shade of the hair, hydrogen peroxide is selected in a certain percentage. Optimally - 6%, but for dark curls, 9% are more often used, very rarely 12%. The latter composition is very harmful, it has such a negative effect on the hair that thin and weak ones simply cannot withstand it and fall out.

If this is not a professional composition, but a means of the "Blondex" type, which can be found in any specialized store, then an oxidizer is already supplied to it in the kit in accordance with the proportion that is necessary for the existing weight of the paint. Professional products are sold in very large containers, the same goes for the oxidizer. The hairdresser chooses the proportion individually for each client and the type of his hair.
You can highlight your hair yourself at home and at the same time achieve high-quality results if you choose a good dye. It is very important to look at the expiration date of the purchased product, because if it has expired, then you cannot use the product. At best, nothing will happen, at worst - instead of highlighting, it will be possible to get an unusual shade of green, blue or another color. Girls rarely think about it, and as a result they suffer. If there is a fear of making a mistake, then it is worth contacting a beauty salon, where the master will help create the desired effect, and at the same time, he will correctly select the coloring composition and its proportions. Sometimes this is exactly the option that saves you nerves, money and time.

Reviews of hair highlighting products can be heard in the video below.