Light hair highlighting

Every girl or woman wants to look beautiful and stylish in any situation. Therefore, many often think about changing their image. Some of them dye their hair completely, while others want to do only light highlights.
Is such a technique coloring or simply lightening individual curls... In some cases, only hair tips... As a result, the hairstyle immediately seems more voluminous and interesting.

This coloration has many advantages.
- Since not all hairs are exposed to chemical attack, but only part of them, then such highlighting is considered sparing... In order to achieve more impressive results, it is best to do such staining in specialized salons, where paints are selected of higher quality and sparing. As a rule, these are ammonia-free products that do not harm hair.
- After highlighting you can forget about correction for a whole year... Even if the hair grows back, it will not make the hairstyle look any worse.

However, some There are still disadvantages to this procedure:
- this is primarily the fact that highlighting is very difficult to do at home;
- also if a perm was done before, then highlighting is best to postpone for a couple of months, since in this case it can lead to damage to the hair structure;
- in addition, this dyeing technique takes too long, which is very inconvenient for busy girls.

Simple options
There are several options for highlighting, which must be considered separately.
- Lung... This staining option is considered the most gentle.Indeed, the composition of the paints that are used does not include ammonia at all. This method is chosen by girls who have very thin and weakened hair.
- Classic... In it, only the upper layers of the hair can be changed, and the rest of the strands remain intact.
- California... Curls are painted in both warm colors and cold ones. In this case, the strands for painting are taken of different sizes. Most often it is recommended to do it for girls with light brown hair.
- French... It is suitable for girls with light brown hair. Here the hair is lightened so that an even transition is obtained. The result is the effect of burnt hair.

In fact, all these methods are equally good, so the choice is made only on the basis of some of their own ideas about beauty.
Choice of colors and widths of strands
Having decided to do highlighting, a girl must take into account several factors. This is first and foremost hair length, as well as their structure... Is important and strand widththat are colored.
So, for example, for short hair, curls must be selected that are not very wide. For strands of medium length, as well as longer hair, there are no prohibitions - you can lighten both wide and narrower strands.

In addition, the frequency of lightening also depends on how thick their hair is. For example, for those who have very lush and thick hair, will fit pretty rare staining. But to the owners thin and very sparse hair the number of clarified strands should be increased in order to add volume to the hairstyle.

Strand color
When choosing a color for dyeing, it is necessary to take into account both the color of the eyes, skin, and the real shade of the hair.
- For light brown hair shades in warmer tones are perfect. For example, honeydew paint or ivory. In addition, these tones will suit the owners of green eyes. This combination will add femininity to the girl.
- For dark hair shades of ash or platinum are best suited. Due to the contrast, the color combination will look very stylish.

Of course, you can combine shades at your own discretion. The main thing is that the hostess likes the chosen color combination.
Step-by-step instruction
Not every female representative will be able to find time to go to the salon, so some girls try to do highlights at home. However, in order to do this efficiently, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the rules of this technique. Highlighting can be done in two ways: using a hat, as well as using foil.

Whichever method is chosen, first you need to prepare all the necessary tools that you need for highlighting:
- first of all, these are rubber gloves that protect hands from the harmful effects of chemicals;
- depending on the choice of method - foil or cap;
- a comb with very thick teeth;
- hook;
- polyethylene;
- paint brush;
- several rubber bands.

For beginners, it would be best to opt for highlights. cap... This will distribute the hair more evenly. The strands are pulled neatly. You need to trim the curls of the desired width. Then, using a prepared brush, apply the selected paint.
After that, the head must be wrap with plastic wrap and hold the paint as long as it is written on the paint package. Next, you need to remove everything and rinse your head with warm water.

Using the way with foil, it must be divided into separate parts. However, this must be done in such a way that the cooked the pieces were slightly longer than the colored curls... Then the foil must be placed under each strand and applied the selected paint or clarifier.
After that, you need to wrap it up. This must be done with each strand. After the allotted time, the foil can be removed, and the head can be washed with warm water.

Possible mistakes
When doing highlighting at home, many make simple mistakes from time to time.
- The most common among them is improper mixing or selection of paint... Its tone should be chosen lighter than you want to get on your hair. After all, on the head, the shade will look completely different.
- In addition, you need to know that for mixing paint it is best to use transparent corrector. It must be added in small portions, and also stir very thoroughly.

- If the shade is too yellow, you can get rid of it by applying oxygenated paints lowest concentration. In addition, a purple corrector must be added to this mixture. The corrector should be applied to the hair for no more than 15 minutes. In addition to evening out the color, this additional procedure will make the hair softer and shinier.

Care rules
Highlighting has a bad effect on the condition of the hair, so it needs constant care. The curls become dry, which means they become brittle. To avoid this, you need to use a variety of cosmetics. It can be masks, and the corresponding balms and shampoos.
In addition, all the funds used are best bought from one line, so they can complement each other.

You also need to know that it is not recommended to wash a painted head often. In addition, it is imperative to alternate shampoos, using at least once toning... Also worth refuse curling iron or ironing, because the hair will already be weakened. At this time, you can do with simple curlers. The result will be no less spectacular, and the hair will become healthier.
But for those girls who have curly hair, you can straighten them using special tools, for example, creams or primers... In this case, the curls will also not come into contact with the hot styler, which means they will be less damaged.

Recovery mask hair experts recommend doing it once a week. For this, those preparations are suitable, which include not only vitamins, but also proteins and ceramides... You can also make masks at home. For this, egg yolk or honey are suitable as a base. You should not add kefir or burdock oil, as these products will accelerate the washing out of the paint.

In addition, in winter it is necessary protect hair from temperature extremes, and in the summer - from burnout in the scorching sun. For those who wish to do highlighting in the future, it is necessary not to miss the correction time. You can dye your hair once a month, or less often. The main thing is that the hairstyle always looks neat.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that light highlighting is perfect for girls with any hair color. If the coloring is done correctly and ideally matched to the color type and other features of the appearance, then everything will look harmonious, regardless of whether highlighting is in fashion or not.

How to make a light lightening of strands with powder for long hair, you can see in the video below.