Highlights on black hair: types and technique

Highlighting is a great option for changing the look of brunettes. Highlighting - partial coloring of certain short or long strands in different shades. Given the fact that not all strands are dyed, but only a certain part of them, this procedure is one of the safest types of dyeing. Initially, only owners of light curls could resort to this procedure, however, now highlighting is also available for dark-haired ladies.

With the right approach, highlighting on black hair will look bright, impressive and contrasting. In the process of painting, it is worth taking into account the fact that contrasting colors are very popular today. This technology for processing hair appeared a long time ago and during its existence was able to acquire a number of advantages. The procedure is used by ladies who wish to achieve the following effect.
- Change your look, make it fresher and more stylish, without subjecting all your hair to a full dye.
- Hide gray hair, which may appear focal. By highlighting, only those strands on which there is gray hair are painted.
- Exit black. The procedure is a great first step towards becoming completely blonde.
- Highlight some facial features. For example, painting some strands red will highlight the expressiveness of the lips and cheekbones.
- If you want to leave your natural color unchanged, but at the same time shade it a little.
- Achieve more well-groomed hair.
If you turn to a competent master, then thanks to a similar procedure, he will be able to achieve greater volume and density of hair.

Among other advantages of highlighting on black curls, versatility can be distinguished, because partial coloring can be carried out on both long and medium-length hair. Despite the huge number of advantages, highlighting on black hair has some disadvantages.
- Partial staining is very safe, however, it still damages the hair. If you carry out frequent dyeing, then after a while more than half of the hair on the head will be negatively affected by the dye.
- Discoloration, without which it is impossible to carry out high-quality coloring of black strands, has an extremely negative effect on the health of the hair.
- Strands can become brittle due to the procedure and lose their attractiveness, so they constantly need additional care.
- If you use the services of a professional master, then they will be quite expensive, and not every person will be able to carry out highlighting on their own at home.

Given the fact that this painting was able to conquer a huge number of fashionistas, stylists and hairdressers every year create more and more new types of highlighting. Today, partial staining on black curls can be done in the following options.
- Classic. One of the most popular and common options. It not only provides an attractive appearance, but also guarantees a visual increase in volume and allows you to rejuvenate the face. Classic dyeing can be carried out on both frequent and sparse hair, regardless of its thickness. One of the advantages of classic highlighting is that it can be done with almost any paint medium. These can be special brightening pastes or powders, which contain oxidants.
The choice of a specific product should be made by an experienced craftsman who is able to take into account all the features of the hair and scalp.

- Balayazh is one of the most unique types of painting. The essence of this procedure is that only the ends of the hair or bangs are exposed to the paint. The main advantage of balayazh is that such coloring can be carried out on any hair, regardless of its length. For black hair, it is best to use light shades so that they do not shimmer with the tone of the hair. In addition, in balayage, you can use not one, but a couple of shades at the same time, which makes it possible to create an interesting and stylish look.
However, in the selection process, you need to be very careful not to overdo it.

- American highlights - is very popular among Hollywood stars, as the use of modern dyeing technologies allows you to achieve interesting images. The main difference between this technique is that it is carried out using several mixed shades. It is thanks to this that the owner of black hair gets a smooth and gentle transition from black to light hair.
All this makes it possible to create not only an interesting play of colors, but also visually increases the density of hair.

- Ombre - such highlighting is carried out not only by horizontal transitions from a dark shade, but also by vertical coloring of strands in light colors. The only drawback of ombre is that such hair constantly needs care, styling and other procedures.

- Venetian highlighting is very popular today., thanks to which the hair acquires an incredibly attractive appearance and looks extremely impressive.Celebrities very often resort to such coloring, since the procedure almost does not harm the hairline.

Choice of shade
For owners of black hair, dyeing is a more complicated process, as it requires some effort and preliminary procedures. In most cases, it is necessary to carry out toning in advance in a certain shade. It should be noted that such a process is complex, so you will not be able to cope with it yourself at home.
For girls with black hair, it is best to use balayage and shatush techniques. Light or purple strands will allow you to make your hairstyle thicker and more voluminous, thanks to which the girl will resemble an actress from the TV series. Most masters advise owners of black hair to pay attention to honey, caramel and red shades.

Chocolate highlighting is considered one of the best options. Strands of this color will provide the hair with the necessary depth and allow you to get a discreet look at the output. In addition, such a haircut contributes to the visual rejuvenation of the face.

It should be noted that black curls are in perfect harmony with purple or red. Purple strands are the trend of the season and are in great demand among young girls. Among the popular colors, blue and white (complete discoloration) should also be highlighted.

Dyeing technology
Dyeing strands of hair can be done at home or at a beauty salon. It is best to entrust this process to a professional who can carefully study the features of the hair and advise the best option. Today, there are many technologies for highlighting, among which you can choose the following.
- With a hat. This technology will be an excellent solution for highlighting at home. She is preferred by ladies with medium strands.
The fact is that long hair can get tangled in the holes of such a hat.

- Use of foil. The use of such a material makes it possible to paint only the strands you need in different tones. The main advantage of foil strips is that they allow you to quickly lighten the desired areas. However, it is worth remembering that too much thermal exposure can adversely affect the hair structure.

- Rare highlights. The peculiarity of this technology is that only 40% of the hair is exposed to the dye. This can be bangs, ends, or some curls. That is why this technology is actively used when trying to hide gray hair.

What problems might arise?
While highlighting is a simple and safe procedure, it can harm your hair if done incorrectly. It is not worth resorting to such a procedure for girls who are distinguished by thin hair. If there are problems with the health of the hair, then after the procedure, they will begin to stray into bunches, then nothing can be done about it. If you ruin your hair during this procedure, it will stop growing normally. Hair loss can be another problem.
If this was observed even before highlighting, then after partial painting the situation can be significantly aggravated.

Error correction
Errors in the highlighting process can occur not only during the procedure at home, but also among experienced colorists. Among the main reasons are the following:
- the paint has been mixed in the wrong proportion or incompatible ingredients have been used;
- the product for highlighting was obtained with violations of technology;
- overexposed products on the hair;
- an aggressive oxidizing agent was used;
- strands for dyeing are large in width;
- coloring agent is not applied correctly.

If a mistake was made in the process of partially dyeing the strands, then you should immediately begin to correct it.
- If the hair is not dyed, then the problem can be solved by re-dyeing. In addition, you can only apply cosmetics to areas that were left unaffected the first time.
- If the problem is uneven application, then a correction can be tried.
- One of the most common consequences is the yellowing effect, which usually occurs due to the fact that the product has been underexposed. It will be possible to return everything to normal using various colored tonics.
- Another way to correct the consequences of an unsuccessful procedure is hair lamination. This technique allows you to return a healthy shine to curls and get rid of brittleness, as well as smooth out sharp contrasts.

The presence of streaked curls will allow you to change the look and achieve a more stylish look. However, in order for the hair to retain its attractiveness and health as long as possible, close attention should be paid to caring for it after the procedure.
The main problem is that highlighting affects not only the appearance of the hair, but also its structure. It begins to change, causing the hair to become unruly and fall out.
Hair care after partial dyeing is quite simple, and the products used for this can be found in any cosmetics store. In addition, you can always prepare hair dyes and special tinctures that will not only restore your hair, but also make it more resistant to external irritants. If after highlighting your hair can no longer boast of shine and strength, then you can fix this with the help of special shampoos and moisturizers.

On the market today, you can find shampoos that already contain moisturizing ingredients, as well as substances that help restore the hair structure. It will also be useful to use various medicinal balms. When purchasing cosmetic products, it is imperative to make sure that they can be used to care for curls after highlighting.
Often, after carrying out such a procedure, the hair becomes brittle and dry. To avoid such problems, you should make healing masks for your hair, and when washing your hair, you should definitely use a conditioner balm. Human hair under normal conditions already suffers from ultraviolet rays and chlorinated water, and after highlighting, these factors can have a negative effect on the scalp.
After washing, you cannot comb your hair immediately, as it is rather weak when wet.

Successful examples
- An example of a successful partial lightening of the ends of the hair, which radically changes the image and adds freshness to the face.

- Red shades on dark hair look very impressive and allow you to visually increase the volume.

- Partial bleaching of the hair makes the look elegant and visually rejuvenates the face, emphasizes the lips and cheekbones.

You will see the technique of milling on dark hair in the next video.