Highlights: features and types

Highlighting hair is a fashionable and extremely popular trend. There are a lot of coloring options here. It is permissible to refer to a wide variety of shades. You can find the perfect solution for any head of hair and any type of face. Today we will consider in detail what this type of staining is, and what types of it exist.

What it is?
Hair highlighting is a popular and demanded procedure. It consists in uniform coloring of individual strands. Both light and dark, both neutral and very bright scales are used. The optimal color combination can be made for a lady's look, sustained in any style.

There are several highlighting techniques. In this case, different shades can also be used. A suitable solution should be chosen based on the skin tone and facial features of the fashionista.
Advantages and disadvantages
Ladies nowadays are free to choose any of the ways to design their hair. This can be either a regular coloring or a more interesting solution, for example, a trendy ombre or popular highlighting. The last option is very popular, it is chosen by ladies of all ages. It is worth considering that highlighting has many positive qualities, for which many young ladies love it.

Let's take a closer look at what this staining technique is good for.
- This procedure is considered more gentle, especially when compared with the usual staining of the entire head of hair. In this case, the paint is applied only to certain strands, without negatively affecting the structure of the entire shock.
- Highlights do not need to be updated too often.As a rule, this type of staining is enough for at least 2-3 months. Thanks to this, you will save not only money, but also free time, which is often not enough. In addition, even after a long time, the hair will remain the same attractive - the lady's appearance will not suffer.
- This popular procedure can be safely resorted to, regardless of the structure and level of hair density. Their length can also be any - well-executed highlighting looks great both on long or medium, and on short strands.
- There are a number of techniques for performing highlights. This can be a fairly simple or complex solution that only an experienced craftsman can handle. You can choose the perfect solution for every taste and budget.
- Highlighted hair does not require special expensive care. Of course, it is recommended to use high-quality restorative and therapeutic compounds, but there is no need to resort to special procedures in the salon.
- Ladies who have naturally sparse hair often turn to highlighting. With this staining, the hair can be visually made more lush and voluminous.
- By highlighting, it is possible to hide gray hair. At the same time, the result is harmonious and discreet - attention is not drawn to unnecessary details.
- When done correctly, highlighting can revive the hair, giving it a more interesting, bright and original appearance. Thus, the lady's image as a whole can be noticeably updated.

Highlighting is not only a very popular, but also a fashionable procedure that does not cause serious damage to your hair. However, it is necessary to take into account not only the positive, but also the negative aspects of it. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Despite the fact that highlighting is a gentle procedure in comparison with classic dyeing, the paint used in this case still affects the strands. Because of this, the strands can become brittle and dry, especially if they did not initially differ in sufficient health. Of course, it is possible to restore the curls, but if the painting is poorly done, it will be very difficult to do this.
- The cost of highlighting your hair can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to dyeing long hair. Much also depends on the chosen paint application technique - if it is complex and time-consuming, then the cost will be appropriate.
- This procedure can take a lot of time. For example, if long curls are stained, then this may take at least two hours.
- Highlighting should not be addressed if the hair has previously been dyed with henna. After an aggressive perm, you should also not resort to this type of painting if you do not want to cause even more damage to your hair.
- Often, ladies are faced with the fact that after highlighting the hair is very difficult to comb and often gets tangled. Much depends on the paints and restorative agents used.
- You may well resort to highlighting at home, but the masters do not recommend doing this - it will be difficult to achieve a perfect result.

Only taking into account all the pros and cons of this procedure, you should decide whether to resort to highlighting.
It is not recommended to save on a hairdresser if you want to see a good result in the end.
In case of improper performance, highlighting can negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the condition of the hair. It often takes a lot of time to restore a damaged strand.
There are several types of highlights. Each of the options has its own distinctive characteristics and execution techniques. Let's take a closer look at the different types of such popular coloring and analyze what their features are.

The simplest and most popular is the classic version of highlighting.It is found more often than others, despite the fact that modern dyeing techniques have supplanted such solutions, due to the more original appearance of the hair, which is obtained at the end.
In itself, the classic highlighting is the discoloration of individual strands. In this case, no more than three selected tones are used.
In most cases, masters use a special rubber cap with holes for this procedure, through which strands are passed to apply a clarifying solution.

It is believed that this type of hair coloring can visually rejuvenate a lady, make her look fresher and more attractive. That is why young ladies of all ages so often turn to this solution. In addition, classic highlighting can add extra volume to the lady's hair, but at the same time dry out the roots a little. This feature is very relevant for those women of fashion who suffer from increased head fat.
It should be borne in mind that with this painting technique, oxygenates are usually used, and the tinting itself is carried out directly from the roots of the strands.
That's why it is not worth talking about the complete safety and harmlessness of this procedure. Classic highlights can make your hair too dry, dull and lifeless.
The masters advise resorting to this procedure only after you take care of the health of your hair, otherwise it may not turn out attractive.

In order not to do much harm to the hair with such coloring, masters recommend that you deviate from the roots at least one centimeter when applying the coloring composition. In addition, it is advisable to regularly trim the split ends of the hair afterwards.
When choosing a classic highlighting, you must correctly choose the appropriate paint color. Here it is recommended to pay attention to the color type of the lady's appearance.
- If by nature you have light skin and the same light eyes, for example, blue or green, then it is advisable for you to give preference to cool shades. The latter include wet sand, graphite, beige, pastel pink, and chic pearlescent blond.

- Ladies with a different color type "summer" (having peach-colored skin, light brown hair and eyes of any color) are recommended to select shades with golden notes for classic highlighting. For example, it can be caramel, wheat tones or golden nut.

- If you are naturally blonde, then the shades are perfect for you, close to blond palettes.

- Owners of a daring red head of hair will be best suited for amber, walnut and copper scales.

Classic highlighting, like any other type of this coloring, is recommended to be done in salon conditions.
No matter how simple this procedure may seem to you, it is advisable not to carry out experiments if you do not have the proper experience in such matters.

In addition to the technique with the use of a hat, there is another technique for performing the classic subspecies of highlighting.
- Hairdressers advise first to smear the skin on the ears and on the head with a fat cream or petroleum jelly. Cover your shoulders with a towel or a special cape.
- Next, you will need to mix the dye and oxidizer in the ratio indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Even if your hair is long, one pack of dye should be enough for the entire procedure.
- In order for the strands to recover as soon as possible after all the necessary procedures, it is recommended to add one ampoule of a special chromoenergetic vitamin complex to the dye. Usually the latter are sold in specialized cosmetic stores.
- Next, the strands need to be carefully combed and divided into 4 main zones - the parietal, crown, temporal areas.
- Prepare the foil - cut it into strips that will be wider than the strands selected for further coloring. The length of the cut sheets will need to be increased by about 20 cm.
- Select the necessary strands, put the prepared foil sheets under them. The edges of the latter must be carefully folded about 7 cm in the area of the upper edge. Apply the coloring component evenly to the curls.
- Next, you will need to gently bend the bottom edge of the foil up. Close the strands on the side sections. Please note - the material must completely cover the colored curls.
- According to this scheme, you should paint over the entire head.
- When the required retention time comes to an end, you will need to carefully print the strands and start rinsing them in the order in which they were painted and closed (that is, you should proceed from the back of the head).
In the final, it is recommended to use a balm. It usually comes with a purchased dye.
Trendy Brazilian highlighting is very popular today. It is often used by women of fashion who want to update their image, making it more luxurious and feminine. Competently executed staining of this type effectively decorates the hair.

Most of all, this type of painting is suitable for ladies who naturally have natural light brown curls. If there is such a basis, then correctly performed Brazilian highlighting will only emphasize its beauty, while retaining its natural attractiveness.
As you know, most types of highlighting involve the use of foil, but in the case of the described painting, there is no purpose to make strands sharply contrasting with each other, therefore the whole procedure is carried out in the fresh air. Neither foil nor plastic bags are needed here.

Brazilian highlighting is one of the interesting varieties of the popular Californian highlighting, in which a complete color change is not performed, but only the main natural tone is emphasized. As in the case of California highlights, Brazilian staining is done by selecting individual strands and applying the dye with strokes.

The main advantages of the popular Brazilian highlight are a number of points.
- As in the case with most other types of highlighting, the effect on the hair here will be gentle, because you do not have to completely repaint the entire hair, but only certain strands.
- The thickness of the hair, like its length, does not matter. Moreover, curls can be not only obedient and straight, but also curly.
- With such highlighting, a lady can rejuvenate, since brightening palettes are used here, which not only look spectacular, but also distract attention from various facial defects and problem skin.
- Frequent correction with this method of staining is not required. Even with certain temporary changes, Brazilian highlighting usually remains attractive, does not spoil the appearance of the hair. Of course, this fact takes place if the staining was done according to all the rules, using high-quality paint.
- Brazilian coloring is a perfect solution for thin and thin hair, because with this method the hair visually becomes more luxuriant and voluminous.
- With this stylish highlight, you can effectively hide gray hair. In this case, the appearance of the hair will remain natural.

There are no serious drawbacks to this trendy highlighting. One has only to take into account that usually it is not very cheap, especially if you go to a good salon with experienced hairdressers. But we must also remember that the so-called Brazilian woman is not suitable for all young ladies.

If you decide to resort to such a trendy solution, then you should take into account a number of contraindications for carrying out such a procedure.
- On excessively thin, lifeless and brittle strands, it is not recommended to do such highlighting, so as not to aggravate the situation.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding are other serious contraindications that cannot be ignored.
- If there is an allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide, which is part of most modern lightening agents, then the "Brazilian" should be discarded. If you do not know what reaction you will have to such formulations, then you should first conduct a test: apply clarifier with peroxide to the elbow or wrist and follow the further reaction of the skin. If redness, swelling or itching appears, this will indicate that the use of these products is contraindicated for you. It is not worth experimenting here, since the consequences can be very serious.
- If you have recently turned to a perm, then Brazilian highlights are also not recommended.

The choice of the most suitable shades for such a painting should also be done based on the color type. Here the recommendations will be the same as in the case of the popular classic highlighting. If you naturally have dark skin and dark eyes, then it is advisable for you to use gold or caramel colors.
In order not to be mistaken in choosing the perfect palettes, it is recommended that you contact experienced craftsmen who will help you choose the perfect shades, or they themselves will choose what you need.

Before resorting to such a procedure, you should consult a stylist or hairdresser. Experienced masters will tell you if this coloring is right for you based on your image, style and color type.
It is not recommended to do Brazilian highlighting on your own, since this procedure is not too simple.

The technique for performing this highlighting consists of several stages.
- First, the clarifier will need to be diluted with the dye. The correct proportions are usually indicated on the branded packaging - do not neglect these rules.
- Divide all hair into 4 main sections. It is permissible to prepare two partings - horizontal and vertical in a criss-cross pattern. Secure the strands at the temple with hairpins.
- Select the strands from the back of the head. Apply the dye to them with simple strokes. At the same time, the brush must be kept parallel to the selected curls. It is advisable to paint over the ends more carefully.
- Then you can move to the temporal region. Select the desired strands, paint them, making indents from the roots (7-8 centimeters will be enough). Such actions will make it possible to form the effect of naturalness.
- Let the composition soak into the hair for the required specified time.
- Next, the pigment will need to be thoroughly washed off with running water. Do not forget to treat your hair with a good conditioner balm to restore water balance.
To create a feminine and sexy look, modern young ladies prefer to turn to spectacular Venetian highlights.
This type of dyeing is a coating of separately selected strands with a dye composition.

This type of coloring differs from the classic solution in that it uses paints that are a couple of tones lighter than the base hair color. More approximate scales can be used. Thus, a multi-tonal glare effect is formed, which will definitely not leave the lady unattended.
Masters advise to resort to Venetian highlighting for ladies who by nature have dark shades of hair. This painting is suitable for a brunette, brown-haired woman and the owner of dark blond hair.

The main advantages of this ultra-fashionable and feminine highlighting option are several parameters.
- In this solution, paint is applied in open air. Neither bags nor foil is needed here, which means that there is almost no negative effect on the strands from chemicals.
- Several dyes are used at once, due to which it is possible to achieve an amazing multi-tone effect, which will certainly attract the enthusiastic glances of others.
- Thanks to this type of highlighting, it becomes possible to highlight an effective layered haircut, for example, a ladder or a cascade.
- The hairstyle can be made more voluminous if you use burnt-out palettes with such highlighting.
- Frequent correction with this type of staining is not necessary. You will need to renew the paint no more than once every 2-3 months.
- As in the previously described cases, by means of Venetian highlighting it will be possible to paint over the gray hair, making it almost invisible.
- Hair texture and length can be absolutely anything.

If you decide to turn to this interesting highlighting, then you need to consider not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages. Here is some of them.
- Venetian highlighting is done on any strands, but if they are naturally dark, then first they need to be lightened. The latter process is often bad for the health and structure of the hair.
- The scheme for performing this highlighting is considered rather complicated. It is very important to get to a truly experienced professional master, otherwise you can seriously harm both the health and the appearance of the hair.
- Usually, such a cosmetic procedure costs a tidy sum, since it is painstaking and time-consuming. In addition, the craftsmen try to carry out it using ammonia-free paints, which are expensive.

Before heading to the salon for such a service, you should figure out who it suits best.
- Venetian highlighting looks great on curls of almost any length. The exception here is exclusively ultra-short haircuts, for example, garcon or pixie. This feature is due to the fact that on too short strands of color transitions will practically not be visible, and the whole point in highlighting will come to naught.
- A competent dyeing looks best on smooth and silky strands. If you want to achieve a softer and more natural effect, then wavy or curly curls will be the best option. As a result, the hair will look interesting, but natural, because the clarified strands will not be so striking.
- For Venetian highlighting, luxurious thick hair is also suitable. If by nature you have rather thin and sparse hair, then this type of coloring will be able to visually "revive" them, making them more voluminous.

Now let's look at step by step how the Venetian highlighting is carried out.
- First you need to combine the oxide and paint, as indicated on the original packaging. Next, these components will need to be thoroughly mixed.
- Now the hair will need to be divided into horizontal and vertical partings. The necessary strands should be secured using clamps.
- Next, take the first strand, the width of which is no more than 3-4 cm. Pull it parallel to the floor.
- Then apply the paint with light and free movements. Please note that the strands are dyed, making an indent of 5-8 cm from the roots. You do not need to touch the root zone, especially if the health of your hair cannot be called ideal. If you want to achieve an interesting effect of burnt hair, then the roots can be dyed.
- As soon as you prepare all the hair in the described way, then you should give it a little "breathe". In this case, neither foil nor polyethylene cap is needed.
- As soon as the dye stops acting on the hair, the dye will need to be washed off immediately. Don't leave it on your hair for too long.
- Now you need to tint your hair with a dye of a suitable shade.
- Next, you need to wash off the paint, dry your hair and make your favorite styling.
In search of fresh and original ideas, many young ladies turn to flirty French highlighting, which is also called majimesh.
This type of staining is the coloring of individual strands using safe dyes, which do not contain ammonia.

Once this technique was created by stylists from France, for which it got its name. This decision gained particular popularity when Hollywood stars began to turn to him often.

As is the case with most other types of highlights, with the French version, you can process both the largest part of the head of hair, and make a partial staining.
Stylists advise not to be afraid of experiments and combine different highlighting techniques on one head of hair.
For example, French highlighting and balayage will look very original and bright on the hair.

Let's consider what are the main advantages of French highlighting.
- Usually, with such coloring, hairdressers use safe paints that do not contain ammonia. These funds practically do not have a negative effect on the hair.
- With the correct execution of this highlighting, the hair does not lose its naturalness, but looks as if the sun itself "touched" it.
- If there are problem areas on the skin of the face, then this type of highlighting is ideal - it will distract attention from many of the shortcomings.
- The color here is stretched vertically, due to which the hair becomes visually more lush and voluminous.
- Frequent corrections are not needed here.
- Suitable for ladies of any age.

However, the fashionable French highlighting also has its weaknesses:
- such a procedure is costly for customers, since it is difficult to implement;
- this highlighting does not suit brown-haired women and brunettes, since in this case it will not be possible to fully reveal new colors;
- such a staining procedure takes quite a lot of free time.
French highlighting suits many young ladies. It is not recommended to refer to this solution if the curls are ultra-short.
As in the case with other types of staining, here you should correctly choose the optimal suitable shade of paint. So, for light or light brown hair, the best solutions will be:
- pearl;
- platinum;
- copper;
- wheat;
- golden;
- milky shades.

If your hair is naturally dark, then shades such as are ideal for French highlighting:
- copper;
- caramel;
- mocha;
- cognac;
- cherry;
- plum;
- eggplant.

Usually, weak dyes are used in French highlighting. That is why hairdressers advise you to thoroughly wash and completely dry your hair before starting the procedure. If the head is dirty, soaked in sebum that stands out, then the pigment simply will not fix on the curls and will be little noticeable.
At the end of this dyeing, on the contrary, you will have to forget about frequent hair washing for about 3 days.
The use of a hair dryer, curling iron and ironing should be minimized, and it is advisable to comb the strands using a wooden comb or a special brush made using natural bristles.

Carrying out the procedure for such staining consists of several stages. Let's get acquainted with each of them.
- Comb through your pre-washed and dried hair well.
- Next, divide the hair into the zones necessary for work: the occipital, crown, two temporal zones. Secure the curls at the top using small clips, as dyeing will need to start from the bottom.
- Prepare the dye - dilute it correctly by combining a tube of dye with a pigment.
- Separate small strands, and then paint them vertically. It is advisable to leave indents of 1 cm from the roots. In order to achieve a flawless effect, the selected tones can be alternated. If the dye gets on the strands that you did not plan to touch, then you should not worry - this coloring does not imply sharp and contrasting transitions.
- The same should be done with the strands on the crown and on the temples.
- Leave the dye on your hair and hold it there for 30-40 minutes.Do not cover your hair using foil, a hat or a bag, because the coloring pigment for perfect penetration into the curls must be enriched with oxygen.
- After the specified time, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water using a quality shampoo.
- In order for the dye to fix, it is recommended to use a special conditioner balm, which most often comes with the dye composition.

You can also change the image thanks to the stylish American highlighting.
In accordance with this technique, not one, but several shades are used (usually 3-4).
The latter are selected in such a way that they are as close as possible to the natural tone. Staining of this type itself must be carried out by applying the dye composition to wide, and not narrow, strands.
There are several main subspecies of the popular American highlighting. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Classic. With this option, natural color overflows are formed to the maximum using 3-4 suitable shades. Due to this solution, the highlighted hair acquires a more natural look and a spectacular gloss. Usually, gentle products are used that do not negatively affect the hair.

- California. This type of coloring works best on blonde girls. It is possible to achieve any shade you like here, for example, spectacular honey, beige or even chic golden. If you want to dye your hair so that it looks like it’s burned out in the sun, then Californian highlighting is also suitable. At the same time, the curls will remain shiny and radiant.
This technique is very complex and is made with the use of special pasty agents, which contain natural wax.

- Red. The masters advise to apply to this type of highlighting only to those young ladies who by nature have dark-colored hair. Here, colors such as red, bronze, red or even brick red are most often used. With the help of such scales, you can noticeably revive dark hair without spoiling the hair structure with aggressive clarifiers.

- Colored. If you want to turn to a more original and daring solution, then you should consider this type of highlighting. In this case, you can safely use non-standard and varied shades, despite their similarity to the rest of the scales. However, it should be borne in mind that the described staining does not differ in durability, because during the painting process weak compounds are often used, which are washed out within 2-3 weeks.

Consider what are the main advantages of American highlighting.
- The opportunity to resort to it for ladies of any age and style.
- Painting made using this technique looks original and fashionable.
- The structure and condition of the curls do not play any role.
- This type of highlighting is not done from the roots, therefore, it belongs to safe and gentle solutions.
- The length of the strand is not important here either. Even the shortest strands are acceptable.
- Due to this highlighting, the hair becomes more voluminous, shining and shiny.

The disadvantages include the following points:
- you cannot dye strands previously dyed with natural means in this way;
- with a high level of certain hormones, such staining cannot be done;
- the painting procedure itself can take about 4-5 hours;
- it is very difficult to carry out such staining at home;
- often it is impossible to paint in this way, so as not to harm the hair;
- you can not paint over so sick and weakened curls;
- it is very difficult to choose the right shades for highlighting on your own.

American highlighting is performed according to a certain scheme.
- First, choose the tones for painting.
- Then they move on to coloring, starting with a strand on the back of the head, using a ponytail comb with a thin handle so that it is convenient to separate the hair.
- After styling the pigment, wrap the hair with foil. After the occipital zone, you need to go to the temples (you need to start from the bottom). It is necessary to complete the painting in the area of the crown.
- After the main color, you need to start applying tint. They must be painted in the same order, alternating among themselves. They move here from the face to the crown.
- Leave the dye on your hair for the right amount of time.
- Foil should be removed starting from the darkest areas, moving to the lightest.
- Then wash your hair with a special shampoo for colored hair.
Let's take a look at some interesting design ideas for streaked hair.
- Expressive black highlighting looks gorgeous on different hair. Effectively, it is combined with a light base, sustained in shades of blond. In this case, the length of the hair can be any.

- Highlights made using one or more shades of brown look luxurious on long wavy or straight hair. For example, this can be a delicate chocolate back highlight.

- Purple highlighting is a bold solution for daring ladies who like to attract attention. It can be a spectacular gradient with a transition from a dark top to a light bottom of the hair, or discreet dark purple strands in black curls.

- Highlighting in the “darning” technique looks gorgeous on the hair, especially if it is done with the use of sharply contrasting shades.

Judging by the numerous reviews, in the procedure for highlighting hair, the ladies noticed the following advantages for themselves:
- creating a new image without drastic changes and loss of thickness / length of hair;
- great variability of staining;
- the ability to effectively hide gray hair without losing the naturalness of the hair;
- frequent adjustments are not needed;
- the possibility of forming a visual volume;
- with a well-chosen highlighting, you can "throw off" a couple of years and hide many face imperfections;
- highlighting often allows you to dry pathologically fat roots;
- with many methods, the roots do not need to be dyed - the hair does not suffer because of this.

And now we will find out what disadvantages the ladies revealed in this procedure:
- even with the use of sparing products, highlighting still harms the hair;
- you cannot use it on dry and brittle hair - the situation may worsen, and it will take a long time to restore the hair;
- lightening sometimes greatly spoils the hair - burns it, makes it dull and lifeless;
- certain types of highlighting are very expensive in the salon;
- highlighting is not for everyone, so girls recommend that you first consult with your hairdresser or stylist;
- frequent dyeing is very harmful to hair health;
- it can be difficult to find a really good and experienced master when it comes to complex staining techniques.

Some ladies for themselves did not find any disadvantages at all, and someone did not reveal for themselves a single plus in highlighted hair.
Much depends on where exactly and how the hair was dyed, as well as on the means that were used.
Ladies who have applied to proven salons with a good reputation are usually satisfied with the result, despite the high cost of such a service.
Beautiful examples
Color highlighting looks very interesting on black short and medium hair. For example, on an elegant black square without bangs, an ombre painting with turquoise ends dyed to the middle of the length will look amazing.

Highlighting on black hair using a purple shade is an excellent solution when it comes to dyeing long, large curls. In this case, the bangs can be laid on one side or be absent altogether. It is permissible to make the tips torn.

Highlighting using black and ash strands, smoothly turning into a dark crown, looks simply incomparable and ultra-fashionable. The length of the strand can be any, as well as styling - hair can be straightened or curled.

For videos demonstrating various modern highlighting techniques, see below.