Pink highlights: features and ideas

Pink is the most feminine, delicate and romantic color. Today it is one of the most popular shades for highlighting. Both girls and women choose colors from the pink palette because these colors have a very wide range of benefits. Pink highlights are a good way to change your look, bringing femininity and freshness to it.
In this article you will find answers to the questions of what such highlighting is, what are its features, and what options for highlighting in pink exist on dark and light hair.

The name of Jacques Dessange has been widely known since 1951. It was he who suggested dyeing the strands of hair on the head. The creation of fashionable and bright images attracted the attention of many women, and soon the term "highlight" spread throughout all hairdressing salons. He means by himself dyeing individual strands, making them stand out from the rest. The process is carried out in two ways:
- using foil;
- with the help of a special hat - by an open method.
Each method is unique in its own way, as it has its own result. They also differ in complexity and cost.

It is becoming more and more popular to use a wide range of colors for highlighting. They may be both close to the natural shade of the hair, and completely different from it... There are several staining methods.
- Horizontal (transverse)... An ideal technique for creating the now very popular look of a "slightly unkempt" girl. Hair color changes in the direction of their growth - at the base it is slightly darker than at the end. This technique resembles a slightly sun-bleached hair.It includes such types of coloring as ombre, sombre, balayazh and deepday.
- Vertical (longitudinal)... Overflows of shades are achieved by completely dyeing the strand with one color. This method is older than the horizontal one and is still popular among fashionistas.

By frequency.
- Frequent... Many thin strands are taken, they give the impression of a "dominant" color, which would not look monotonous.
- Rare... Adds some bright accents to the hairstyle. The strands are mainly taken from the temples - when they are collected in the tail, they are on top and create a beautiful wave. The width of the strand can be any.

Who is it suitable for?
Dyeing the strands pink is suitable both for owners of short or medium hair, and for those with long curls... Many people think that pink is a color exclusively for young girls, but this is not the case. With the right shade of pink, it will also look harmonious and natural if you dyed it blond or brown-haired. An important aspect is that Highlights are not suitable for those with brittle or dry hair. It can aggravate the situation and greatly affect the health of the hair in general.
Highlighting saves those who are not ready or do not dare to dye completely.

Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this shade for highlighting include the following points.
- Novelty... He will give it to the image of any girl, diversify memorable photographs.
- Brightness... It's not every day that you meet a girl with a nice pink hair tint. Such a personality is remembered.
- Versatility... Combines with a variety of clothing styles.
- Ease of execution. You don't have to go to a beauty salon to get highlights. It can be done at home by purchasing paint from proven cosmetic brands (Garnier, L'Oreal, Estel and others).
- Popularity... This method is used by many stars and celebrities.
- Practicality... It's no secret that the pink color helps to hide gray hair and at the same time does not resort to full hair coloring. Also, the pink color rejuvenates and refreshes the face.
- Color highlighting Is a great way to highlight your personality. It is often used by creative people.

The disadvantages include the complexity of the selection of tone and hair care... It is possible that tinting after a certain period of time is possible. Pink color highlights imperfections of the skin quite strongly, so if you choose it, you need to remember many little things at once. He not suitable for women of bright oriental type or owners of dark olive skin.
Highlighting is carried out only on healthy hair. Make sure in advance that you are not allergic to coloring chemicals. When staining, it is important that the color is evenly distributed.
Mixing paint with balms and shampoos is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to a change in tone and damage to the curls.

The most popular shades of pink for highlighting are as follows.
- Pearl... Light and casual, it shimmers a little silver in the light.
- Ash pink... A muted pastel shade reminiscent of a rose in a fog.
- Pink tree... Close to the shade "mahogany", beige, slightly darkened tone.
- Cherry blossom. A pale, usually cold, light shade, reminiscent of cherry blossoms.
- Light cherry. Bright cherry blossom.
- Night violet. In between lilac and pink.
- Fuchsia... Light purple-pink shade.
- Lilac orchid. Mostly pink, but slightly lilac.

To successfully choose a shade, should be considered:
- color of the skin;
- eye color;
- hair color.
Girls with a warm skin tone hairdressers recommend choosing warm pink, for girls with a cold skin tone - ashy, pearl. For those who have a mixed type of skin tone, you can choose any. Pink is beautiful highlights the beauty of green, gray and blue-gray eyes... If you have blue or turquoise eyes, then you should look at the cold pink, and if you have hazel, hazel or honey, then the warm one.

The darker your hair color, the brighter the color pigment should be for highlighting.
- Dark hair. Pale pink, raspberry, or lilac colors suit brunettes. They also include purple, lilac, lingonberry and cyclamen.
- Light brown. For fair-haired girls, hairdressers offer neutral warm or cold pink, the color of pink terracotta. In most cases, girls with light brown hair prefer light, delicate and soft shades.
- On light ones. Blondes and blond - ash, pearl and pale pink.
- For redheads. Red-haired girls should be careful when choosing a shade. The best option would be to choose a tone that is close or not very different from the main hair color. It can be pink with a touch of strawberry, coral, red, powdery, caramel or gold shades.
If you can't choose the right shade, don't panic. The matter is easily fixable. Wrong shade can be softened by using a deep cleansing shampoo (or other special product). After the strands are re-tinted with a softer shade.
In another case, paint in a blond or light pink tone is used.

The nuances of staining
To obtain a rich pink, dark-haired women first need to lighten their hair. It is advisable to do this using foil (note, it is not suitable for burned hair). For this use oxidants 3-9% concentration. Usually they take 6-9% of funds, since there is a risk of failure at 3%.
Oxidizing agent dilutes lightening powder or paint. Moreover, the paint, in contrast to the powder, does not leave rough stains during staining and makes the transition soft. For the same effect, it is not applied at the base of the hair.
Keep the paint as long as prescribed in the instructions. Usually this 20-30 minutes... After it is washed off.

If you already have bleached or dyed strands, you should not re-highlight them. It is best to separate them initially so that when you rinse off the paint that lightened your strands, they do not mix with the rest.
Tinting pink paint applied to dried hair without oxidants. It should go continuously along the entire length of the strand, you can paint the space at the roots. So with further regrowth the transition between natural hair color and pink will be imperceptible. The paint is also kept in foil for 20-30 minutes. Dyes from different manufacturers last for a different amount of time.

Highlighting can be done in different ways:
- feathers;
- strokes;
- stripes;
- superficial;
- partial (zonal).
It can also be of different tones - it is not necessary to choose one. Different pigment aging options contribute to the color play. It is important that the tones blend smoothly into one another, and not "cut" the hairstyle. If you do not want to turn into a "minke", you must warn the master in advance.
Dye products that care for the condition of the hair are now very popular.

Unusual watercolor ebb give translucent correctors... The color is pastel and calm. When lacquer is added, it becomes more pronounced and brighter.
The ebb can lie not only in the difference in pink colors, but also in their lightening. For example, at the roots of the hair, the color can be saturated pink, and from top to bottom, smoothly turn into a slightly lighter color pink, or vice versa. The effect you want to get depends only on your choice.
If the condition of the hair has worsened, dull or brittle strands will need liquid primers, serums, and a course of restorative masks. Primers and serums are applied after shampooing every day. The better and more effective the product, the hair will recover faster.
You will learn more in the following video.