Highlighting hat: what is it and how to choose?

The modern beauty industry does not stand still and constantly surprises women of fashion with new ideas and original solutions in the field of creating hairstyles. Already for many of the fairer sex, changing hair color has become a routine procedure that can be done without leaving home. Women have the opportunity to give their hair the desired tone or shade, depending on the mood, the upcoming celebration or the chosen outfit.
The only color change procedure that a specialist had to perform was highlighting until recently. Modern technologies have allowed manufacturers to make a simple device that allows them to independently give the desired shades to their strands. This development is a highlighting hat.

Highlighting - lightening strands of hair or giving them a bright color scheme. This method of coloring has been a popular method for creating both gentle and romantic images, as well as bright and creative hairstyles for many years. The classic method of coloring involves visiting beauty salons and using foil for this procedure, which requires not only financial costs, but also the availability of free time.

Manufacturers of this group of products have developed not only a new product for coloring, which is a highlighting hat, but also an affordable method of changing hair color at home.
A hairdresser's hat is a perforated product that makes it possible not only to independently apply paint to the selected strands of hair, but also to protect the root zone from lightening. The technique of highlighting with the help of foil is characterized by the likelihood of tangling strands and the inability to color them yourself. The main difference between the cap is the reliable fixation of the colored curls and the change in the color of only the selected strands.
The most successful coloring with a cap can be done with short or medium hair length. To give color to long and curly strands, you need to use the help of an outsider.

This fixture is most often used for painting in the Venetian or classic style.
For more complex graduated, asymmetric or diagonal highlights, you should give preference to classic foil.
- the ability to use at any age and with any appearance;
- wide range of colors;
- relevance;
- minimal amount of chemical attack;
- ease of application;
- the possibility of self-application;
- low price range;
- lack of chemicals in the root zone;
- high level of efficiency;
- the ability to paint thin strands;
- high quality of the procedure;
- the ability to hide gray hair;
- visual increase in hair volume and density.

- application only to healthy and unpainted strands;
- the inability to independently perform coloring of long curls;
- strict adherence to the rules and sequence of staining;
- inability to perform all types of highlighting.
Using this item, you can carry out the following types of coloring:
- classic;
- Venetian;
- Californian;
- zonal;
- selective;
- thin;
- thick;
- wide;
- with a glitter effect.

Modern manufacturers produce a wide range of products for this product group.
Depending on the material of manufacture of the caps there are:
- rubber;
- silicone;
- rubberized;
- latex;
- from natural rubber;
- polyethylene.
Products also differ in appearance:
- with a side;
- on an elastic band.

According to the method of use, the products are reusable and disposable.
The diameter of the holes can be small, medium and large, and their number reaches 1000 pieces. A special hook is often included with a branded product.
Silicone models are characterized by a tight fit, reliable fixation and the ability to make the necessary indent from the roots. Rubber products are suitable for women with thick and curly hair. Polyethylene caps have a thin structure and require additional fixation, and there is also a possibility of paint getting on the scalp.

What can be replaced?
If it is impossible to purchase a branded product, experienced hairdressers recommend making a hat yourself. This procedure will not cause difficulties and will require a minimum amount of financial costs. To make a hat yourself, you need to take a thick plastic bag and cut it in accordance with the size of the head. Hair holes can be made with any sharp object after fixing it to the head. The hole diameter should not exceed 3 mm, and the layout should have a checkerboard pattern.
Particular attention should be paid to fixing the homemade item, which should not move and slide during staining. The displacement of the cap can lead to the ingress of paint not only on the selected strands, but also on all of the hair.
For home coloring, you can also use bath and pool caps.

How to choose?
Before purchasing this product, you must carefully study the subtleties of choosing this product. The main criterion influencing the choice of a hat is the material of manufacture.Hats made of different materials have both a large number of advantages and certain disadvantages.
The most striking properties of various materials.
- Polyethylene. Advantages - low price range, fixing tapes, lightness. Disadvantages - lack of a snug fit, low resistance to mechanical damage.
- Latex. Advantages - affordable price, tight fit. Disadvantages - a thin structure, the appearance of mechanical damage during work, the appearance of an allergic rash, the presence of unpleasant sensations during the entire highlighting process.
- Silicone. Advantages - affordable price range, reliable fit, high strength, reliability, no damage during staining and no allergic irritation. Disadvantages - accurate selection of the required size, the creation of a high temperature in the root zone of the head (greenhouse effect).
- Rubber, rubber. Advantages - no leakage, secure fit, reusable. Disadvantages - high price range, large thickness.
The main condition for high-quality dyeing is a tight fit of the product to the head. Each cap must be selected in strict accordance with the size of the skull.

Polyethylene caps have a universal size that can be changed using special ties.
All other products are medium-sized and have a high level of elasticity.
Some branded products come in a range of sizes, but are only available from specialized hairdressing departments.
When buying a highlighting hat, you need to pay attention to the price range, which depends on the following factors:
- Country of Origin;
- material of manufacture;
- size and number of holes;
- type of model;
- product quality.
For a one-time hair dyeing, it is impractical to buy an expensive hat of a well-known brand. For this procedure, ordinary plastic or silicone products are suitable.

For reusable use, you should give preference to quality products that can be used over a long period of time.
Preparation for staining
Despite dyeing only individual strands, experts recommend preparing the hair for this procedure. The complex of measures for hair care before highlighting consists of several stages:
- using moisturizing conditioners for a month;
- regular application of nourishing oils and balms;
- creating a hairstyle without using a hair dryer, ironing and curling iron;
- applying paint only to dirty hair.

The choice of shade depends on the base tone of the hair. Highlighted strands should have a contrasting and eye-catching color.
Always wear rubber gloves to prevent paint from getting on your hands.
It is strictly forbidden to use a metal hook for a set of curls, the surface of which will necessarily react with chemical compounds.
To prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction to coloring chemicals, a test test must be done before coloring. Experts recommend applying a small amount of paint to the sensitive area of the wrist and leaving it on for 15 minutes. If after this period of time there are no red spots and rashes on the skin, you can safely begin the process of creating a new image.

How to use it correctly?
The procedure for coloring curls at home is very simple and will not cause difficulties even for novice fashionistas. Highlighting your hair yourself is not only fast, but also profitable. The key to high-quality dyeing is the correct fixation of the cap and taking the required number of strands.
To carry out this procedure, you must prepare the following tools:
- highlighting hat;
- thick-toothed comb;
- container for connecting dyes;
- sponge or brush for applying paint;
- a hair pulling tool or fine comb;
- household or medical rubber gloves;
- unnecessary towel;
- plastic bag or film;
- hair dye;
- moisturizing balm and hair shampoo.

The highlighting process consists of several stages:
- preparatory - straightening and smoothing tangled hair;
- pulling strands - extraction of curls from under the cap;
- staining - mixing the coloring agent and applying it;
- removal of the coloring composition - shampooing and applying a special balm after staining.
The dyeing period depends on the desired tone of the strands and can last up to 50 minutes. Particular attention must be paid to the strand recruitment process, which affects the final result of the work. To get thin and thick strands, you need to pull the curls out of all the holes. This method will liven up your hair and give it brightness and extra volume.
To create natural curls, experts recommend dyeing only every third strand. The hair should be pulled out in a checkerboard pattern. This method will give you the opportunity to make your hair in the Venetian and Californian style.

Stages of step-by-step performance of work:
- covering the neck and shoulders with a towel;
- hair straightening;
- reliable fixation of the cap;
- a set of the required number of strands;
- alignment of curls;
- mixing coloring agents in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
- applying paint with a special brush with smooth and uniform strokes;
- wrapping hair with a film or a bag for 30 minutes;
- removal of covering material;
- washing strands with a hat;
- reapply shampoo all over the head.
For short to medium hair, the procedure should be done every 3 months, and for long hair, re-coloring should be done after 4 months.

Consequences and visual effect of highlighting with a cap:
- short hair - creating the effect of dynamism and brightness with simultaneous visual illumination;
- medium curls - giving an original tone and visual increase in volume;
- long strands - the presence of the effect of a healthy and well-groomed structure, the creation of a visual summer hair burnout;
- dark and black hair - giving depth and saturation;
- light shades - creating shine and radiance;
- Brown hair - imparting dynamism and youthful effect.
Beautiful and well-groomed hair is every woman's dream. High employment and the presence of a large number of household chores do not allow the fairer sex to often visit beauty salons. Experienced hairdressers recommend trying to revive your hairstyle yourself and create a new look. The main assistant in solving this problem is a highlighting hat. A simple item will allow you to perform an expensive procedure without leaving your home.

For information on how to highlight on a hat, see the next video.