Highlighting "veil": features, pros and cons, shade selection

Today, it is already impossible to surprise anyone with the usual classic highlighting on hair. It has become so popular that it can be made in absolutely any salon and even at home craftsmen. Those girls who prefer to be at the height of fashion make more complex coloring. Californian or French highlights, shatush or ombre are all types of lightening and coloring of individual hair parts.
However, apart from them is the highlighting using the “veil” technique, which covers the hair, like a cape of the finest threads.

Veiling - in essence, represents the same lightening of individual strands as regular highlighting, but performed with a special method. In order to create the effect of thin lace or even a cobweb, strands with a thickness of no more than 2-3 mm are chosen. Such thin curls should literally shine through in the palm of your hand. Lighten them along the entire length, but at the same time only the outer surface of the hair is colored.
You can choose the strands for lightening in different ways. Most often, veil dyeing is carried out using the darning method. In this case, a wide (2-3 cm) strip of hair is first separated, and it is already divided into small strips. Such stripes are dyed through one, like stitches with a needle or darning. In some cases, every third strand is dyed, or the necessary parts of the hair are separated, carrying out zigzag parting with the thin end of a special comb.
The clarification itself takes place in a closed type using foil strips.

One of the most popular techniques is Ice Tint. In this case, they seek to obtain strands of a cold blond shade, which gives the impression of the ends of the hair burnt out in the sun. In order to make the color transition smoother, the master can use a stretch of 3-5 colors.
This coloring is suitable only for owners of light hair and skin, but it looks very unusual and, despite the bright white color, is more natural than the usual highlighting with wide strands.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other hair coloring technique, veiling has its pros and cons. Among the advantages of this type of lightening strands, several factors can be distinguished.
- Looks great on any hair. The treatment of such thin strands allows you to create the effect of natural volume and splendor of even the thinnest and most lifeless hair. At the same time, the appropriate shade and frequency of bleached strands can be selected for almost any length and type of hair.
- Does not completely change hair color. When highlighting using the “veil” technique, a brunette will still remain a brunette, and a redhead will remain a redhead. Thin bleached strands do not change the color of the hair, but only favorably set it off and give a certain sophistication.
- Gentle method. Since dyeing is carried out on a very small part of the hair and only on their outer side, this method can be called quite gentle. Unlike conventional dyeing, veiling retains about 80-90% of the hair.
- Disguises gray hair. In the event that a woman does not want to have gray hair, but is not ready to spoil their health by full dyeing, veiling is perfect for masking individual gray strands. If you make a long stretch of color using several shades of paint, you can get an interesting overflow effect.
- Correction is carried out less often, and the growing roots are almost invisible. Veiling allows you to feel more relaxed about coloring due to the fact that the colored strands are thinner at the roots. In the event that the desire to renew the highlighting does not arise, the strands can be safely grown without resorting to full hair coloring or lightening.
- Helps to correct facial imperfections. The correctly chosen color and width of the streaked strands can shade too round cheeks or, conversely, emphasize high cheekbones.
The main thing is to choose a good master who knows how to follow the dyeing technology itself and who knows how to best apply certain features of the client.

Unfortunately, the disadvantages of this technique can also be highlighted.
- Duration of the procedure. Separating the finest strands, dyeing them piece by piece and wrapping them in foil is a task that requires 3 to 6 hours. The duration, of course, depends on the thickness and length of the hairstyle, but even a short bob or bob will require at least 2.5-3 hours from the master.
- The complexity of the procedure. Not every trained professional knows how to lighten hair using the veil technique. Not to mention the self-taught masters. Experts strongly recommend that you give up trying to veil yourself even for short hair at home. The result can be quite sad and require dramatic lightening or hair dyeing to get rid of the consequences.
- The high cost of the procedure. Based on the duration and complexity of such highlighting, there is a rather high price for such a service. Along with other popular dyes, veiling is considered the most painstaking hair operation. However, it is not recommended to save on such services, since an execution error will negate the entire effect of the veil.
- Dries and damages hair. Even such a gentle procedure is a lightening that spoils the hair, makes individual strands more brittle and dull. In this case, the closed method, in which foil is used, is considered more harmful.

Thus, it is up to every woman to choose whether the pros of veiling hair outweigh the cons.According to polls on the network, the majority prefers highlighting with thin stripes due to the fact that in this case the hairstyle looks fresh and voluminous longer, even without adjustment. And the correction itself can be carried out much less often, once every 2-3 months, depending on the rate of hair growth.
How to choose a shade?
Despite the fact that veiling is great for almost any hair and color types, it is rather difficult to choose the ideal option. The exact shade is very individual and depends both on the length or base color of the hair, and on their type, shape of the face and its features.
In order not to spoil your hair, sorting through the many shades and width of the bleached strands, it is enough to contact a professional salon. The specialist will give a recommendation based on certain rules.

By hair length and color
Owners of light hair of a warm shade are better off choosing beige and honey tones. A shade of light wheat or champagne will allow you to achieve the effect of strands burnt out in the sun and will make your facial features softer and calmer. For those whose natural hair and skin have a cool tint, the Ice Tint technique is perfect. The strands are dyed in ashy, pearl and mother-of-pearl. The noble ivory color accentuates the depth of the eyes and the jawline.

On dark hair, contrasting strands of saturated color will look great. The best choice will be a noble honey, cognac or caramel shade. For red-haired beauties, a shade of copper and gold is suitable.
The strands on dark hair should be slightly wider, it is better to dye using several colors to make the transition softer and more natural.

Fair-haired beauties should opt for a light blond shade, honey or nut. Veiling implies naturalness. This means that the shade of the paint should be selected quite close to the natural one. So, burning brunettes should not make a veil with strands of pearl color, and natural light brown will be lost against the background of a bright caramel.

Hair length does not affect the color of the dye, but rather strongly affects the thickness and number of colored strands. In this case, the rule works: the shorter the haircut, the more frequent and thin strands are taken for coloring. A thin cobweb 1-2 tones lighter than natural hair will shimmer beautifully in the sun on a short haircut. And wide smooth transitions are more suitable for owners of thick and long curls. More frequent and thin strands look better on straight hair, and vice versa on wavy and curly hair.
At the same time, the greater the density and length of the hair, the more difficult it is to make veil highlighting so that the result retains contrast, but does not look rough.

By face type
Depending on what geometric shape the client's face resembles, the master selects the highlighting method and its features.
This type is considered a reference, any haircuts, styling and coloring are suitable for it. However, it can also be favorably emphasized by the correct selection of color. Golden shades will help the skin look healthier and younger, while silvery shades will mask redness and irritation of the skin.

The main disadvantage of such a face is considered to be an excessively massive chin. In order to soften its line and emphasize the cheekbones, it is worth highlighting the upper parts of the strands with a lighter shade, and the lower ones with a darker shade. The same technique works for a square type of face.

In this case, a lighter shade at the chin and a lighter shade at the forehead can slightly balance and even out the shape of the face. In the event that the face resembles not a triangle, but a rhombus, the strands should be lighter on both the forehead and chin, and have a darker shade in the middle.

A round face is perhaps the only type for which highlighting is not very suitable, whichever technique is chosen.Owners of this type should pay attention to coloring individual strands, on the contrary, in darker shades.

How to care?
Lightening hair makes it dry and brittle. In order to restore their health and shine, it is necessary to use special products purchased in a pharmacy and a store or made by yourself. It can be a variety of masks, gels, serums and fluids. At home, you can prepare various decoctions that rinse your hair during washing. In addition, after staining, it is very useful to massage the head.
This procedure does not require special knowledge and skills; it can be carried out independently for only 10-15 minutes a day.

In winter and autumn, during rain and frost, it is best to tuck your hair under a hat, scarf or hood. A daily comb should be made from natural materials and have wide teeth that will not injure your hair and scalp. Do not overuse the use of irons, curlers and curlers, as they spoil the hair very much during heating.
And most importantly, do not forget that the most beneficial for health, hair density and shine is a healthy diet, walks in the fresh air and restful sleep.

Beautiful examples
The intensity and shade of lightening can be varied to your liking. Both more contrasting transitions and a soft, subtle veil on light hair look great.

In addition to the color intensity, you can choose both the length of the clarification and its beginning.
It is not at all necessary to start dyeing the strands from the very roots. The effect of a slightly regrown hairstyle will add freedom and relaxation to the image.

Such coloring on a bob haircut looks the most spectacular. In this case, the hair does not have to be very short, you can grow it up to the shoulders, and even slightly lower. The whole highlight of this coloring is that each strand is clearly visible due to the same length of hair from all sides.

Below is a video tutorial on how to perform the veil highlighting technique.