
What kind of managers are there?

What kind of managers are there?
  1. What is this profession?
  2. Basic types
  3. Types by the type of activity performed

Despite the fact that today almost every specialist with a higher education is called a manager, in fact this profession includes a specific list of specialties with certain job responsibilities. The material in this article will tell readers what is meant by the word "manager" and what are the main types of this profession.

What is this profession?

A manager is a process control specialist. His responsibilities include the solution of management tasks of various kinds. In fact, this is a professional in a certain activity, who is engaged in the organization and production, sales and service, capable of independently solving administrative and economic issues.

This is the leading position of an employee in a specific area of ​​work. His job responsibilities include various tasks, for example:

  • organization of production of competitive products;
  • introduction of new technologies into the workflow;
  • improving the quality characteristics of manufactured goods;
  • bringing the production process to perfection;
  • decrease in financial costs of production;
  • increase in the company's profits;
  • customer satisfaction;
  • increasing the efficiency of management.

Basic types

The “manager” profession is not universal. Experts do not solve the same problems, they differ in functional level (for example, there are ordinary and main employees of enterprises). Each organization has its own differentiation associated with the level of complexity of tasks and responsibilities assigned to a particular specialist. According to the vertical division, Managers are conventionally classified into 3 levels: higher, middle and lower.

Top link

Top managers of this level are general directors, directors, as well as members of the board. It is they who determine the main direction of the work of a particular enterprise. They set goals and objectives, define strategies for business formation, establish contacts with suppliers of raw materials, banks, authorities. Leading specialists are well versed in their work, they are the highest paid category of managers.

They know the technology of production, implement programs and work plans, control the activities of subordinates, know how to assign personnel in accordance with the vertical division of labor.

These company employees are constantly analyzing information from middle managers. On its basis, they make adjustments to the work plan of the enterprise.

The average

Middle management specialists are subordinate to top managers and are responsible for the practical implementation of their decisions and strategies. They are engaged in planning, organizing, coordinating, and also controlling the work of employees of their departments. This group of specialists includes directors of commercial structures, heads of departments of a particular enterprise (heads of departments, heads). These managers know as much as their top-level colleagues.

However, they are limited in terms of making independent decisions. These are leaders who are intermediaries between top and bottom managers. They prepare information on the basis of which top management makes certain decisions.

The decisions made by such specialists are presented in a form that is more convenient from a technological point of view to lower-level managers.


Production managers are engaged in solving operational problems. These are junior bosses who are subordinate to executors and workers. Their job is to manage specific groups within structural divisions. Along with leading activities, such managers are directly involved in the implementation of assigned tasks.

This is the largest group of management personnel. They plan the work of staff, motivate them, and make sure that resources are spent rationally. In addition, they collect, analyze and provide the higher management with information about the results of the work of their department.

Types by the type of activity performed

The classification of managers implies the division of managers according to the type of tasks they perform. The list of specialists includes more than 10 varieties and directions. Each of them implies certain requirements for a person. Job assignment is considered one of the best classification methods.

Managers are different. These include administrative, operational, creative, innovative, banquet, visa managers, call center managers, warehouse managers. In addition to them, it can be such specialists: bar manager, SEO manager, booking manager, insurance manager, compliance manager, salesroom representative, operator.

The division of management is vertical and horizontal.... The second defines the line organizers of the work. Line managers give work to employees of their department at their own level, while the manager's level depends on the hierarchy of the company. Functional managers are responsible for the activities of the departments in the company entrusted to them. They enable line managers to make independent decisions.

By sales

These executives are responsible for the financial well-being of the company. These specialists are hired to increase sales, expand the client base, and strengthen partnerships. A sales manager must be stress-resistant, communicative, and proactive.In addition to organizational skills, such a leader has a customer-oriented approach, analytical and mathematical thinking.

He knows how not only to hear people, but also to convince them, shows patience and commitment. Such a specialist works for the result at a tactical level. He identifies potential sales opportunities, and also works out a strategy for product promotion.

This is a highly paid job with career opportunities.

By purchases

The job of this manager is to purchase goods from suppliers at prices that are optimal for a particular company. Such a specialist is not only attentive and sociable. He is responsible, active, decent, stress-resistant. The list of his functional duties differs from other colleagues.

Purchasing manager is well versed in the assortment of goods of the enterprise where he works, as well as pricing methods, the basics of civil and commercial law. His responsibilities include monitoring the filling of warehouses with the necessary goods, planning their volume. The procurement operator finds suppliers with low prices, resolves claims issues with them.

By advertising

An advertising manager can be called a product and service promotion specialist. This work differs from a marketer by a practical approach, using various means to increase sales. The manager communicates with the staff of the enterprise, he establishes external contacts, develops promotional campaigns and advertising tactics.

A specialist in this profession chooses a strategy for promoting a product, increases sales, analyzes the activities of the company, and builds up a client base. He concludes contracts, maintains documentation, places advertising materials. Apart from that, he works with graphics and design. Depending on the specifics of the company's activities, he can deal with presentations.


Such specialists are in demand both in large and small organizations. They are engaged in conducting events, the purpose of which is to identify the target audience with its needs. These managers are engaged in researching the demand for goods, studying the market for competitive goods and services. They monitor the industry, organize the work of interviewers who find out the preferences of buyers.

Professional marketers not only do market research, they develop and promote brands, and attract consumers. Such specialists understand the basics of economics, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, mass communication, linguistics.

They develop and adjust marketing plans, are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the reports, as well as for the quality of the analysis.

Brand manager

This specialist is engaged in the promotion of goods of a specific brand or brand. He uses all available methods in order to popularize the products of his company. He is a strategist with organizational job responsibilities. Such a specialist is engaged in the study and analysis of supply and demand for specific products of the company.

A manager of this type is in demand among manufacturers of goods in large and small businesses. He monitors the reputation of the company, studies the competitors' market, plans brand promotion, forms prices and assortment. His responsibilities include conducting marketing research. He works with merchandisers, predicts the volume of sales, develops sales schemes for the product, prepares reports.

By transport

The transport manager is well versed in the organization of loading and unloading operations. He coordinates the transportation of raw materials and finished products of the enterprise. This is a specialist who understands the state of the transport services market.He assesses the state, trends of the transport services market, knows the addresses of the main customers and suppliers.

His job responsibilities are to coordinate the transportation of raw materials and finished goods in order to obtain the optimal result of the ratio of costs and quality of services. He chooses the best routes, organizes the work of his own transport, cooperates with transport companies.

Such a leader is responsible for the safety of the material assets entrusted to him.

For work with clients

The account manager captures the customer sentiment and offers them what they need most. Specialists are looking for clients through various available channels. Such managers analyze the market, identify the target audience and monitor the work of competitors. In addition, they attract customers, forming their interest in the company's product.

The duties of these specialists include processing of incoming calls, as well as e-mail. They are customer-oriented, work at a high level, turning potential customers into regular customers of the company. This is the leading link of the company, account managers draw up business plans, commercial proposals and contracts.

By development

A development manager is none other than the company's internal business development consultant. He looks at the business as a whole, finds critical points for its growth and development. His job is to build relationships with customers. He thinks over a communication strategy, implements it in each of the departments of the enterprise.

Such a person knows how to manage personnel, he quickly resolves conflicts, finds a way out of difficult situations. This is a confident PC user, working in graphic editors, fluent in English. He knows how to convince, active, firm, persistent, strict, teach, punctual, decent.

This leader quickly copes with a large flow of information, he knows how to back up his arguments with arguments.

Project manager

Such specialists are engaged in the implementation and delivery of customer projects on time. The position is considered highly responsible, the manager controls every stage of the project. The final result and customer satisfaction depend on his work. Among the demanded branches of the profession, it is worth noting spheres of finance, construction, sports, IT-technologies.

The specialist leads the project, is determined with the timing of its implementation and the budget. His powers include the conclusion of contracts, he fully manages the project campaign, agrees with the client the deadlines for implementation, stipulates the nuances of projects.

In addition, the profession involves the maintenance of technical documentation.


This specialist deals with the management of the enterprise's money. His responsibilities are the efficient use of resources, as well as optimization of cash flow.... The financial manager assesses the potential of the firm, he is involved in planning and control of expenses, works with customers, ensures the solvency and liquidity of the company. Besides, he also has organizational responsibilities.

Since a financial manager is involved in financial activities and management, he must have a higher education in economics. Such a specialist should be versed in the analysis of the financial market. This is a person with knowledge of accounting who knows how to work with securities and credit institutions. It is needed to attract financing for the enterprise.


Such a department head is necessary for the formation of the personnel structure of the enterprise. The responsibilities of an HR manager include the selection of specialists necessary for the company. In addition to monitoring the personnel reserve, he is engaged in the creation of non-material motivation for work.The HR manager develops the organization of trainings and refresher courses for employees.

He works with candidates, conducts interviews, ensures staffing of the organization with employees of the necessary professions. The HR manager manages the employees subordinate to him. He oversees the labor market, informs the management about the situation with personnel, their wages.

Such a specialist manages the personal files of employees, makes decisions on hiring, transferring, promotion of hired employees.

Other specializations

In addition to the main activities, the number of managers includes other specialists. For example, tourism manager organizes tourist trips. He takes over the work of his company's clients' recreation program. Such a leader develops a strategy for the route to the resting place and back.

He chooses a location, a hotel, selects an entertainment program, sells a company's product. In addition, such a manager analyzes the activities of competing firms and designs advertising products.

Office Manager deals with documentation, controls the state of equipment at the enterprise. His responsibilities include purchasing the necessary office supplies. He keeps a time sheet, prepares business meetings, issues passes, monitors the maintenance of equipment.

Bar manager in charge of the bar, this is the main person in the bar. He organizes the work, provides the bar with the necessary equipment. His job responsibilities include communicating with suppliers, ensuring proper conditions for storing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Such a person is the main consultant of the designer when drawing up a project for a bar zone.

Cleaning manager controls the cleaning of premises. He teaches personnel the basics of correct technological cleaning, develops and corrects cleaning technological maps. This manager distributes tasks and areas of cleaning between employees subordinate to him. In addition, he controls the appearance of employees, maintains a positive psychological climate in the team.

Production managers are engaged in the optimization of the volume of production. Suppliers and distributors are responsible for the purchase, delivery, storage of raw materials and goods, they are involved in the signing of contracts. Innovation managers manage research projects. They create product prototypes.

For more information on this profession, see the next video.

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