
Manager: description of the profession, responsibilities and requirements

Manager: description of the profession, responsibilities and requirements
  1. Who is that?
  2. What does he do?
  3. Pros and cons of the profession
  5. Directions
  6. Required skills and knowledge
  7. Education
  8. average salary
  9. Prospects and career growth

In the modern world, management has become commonplace. Private companies and public organizations have managers on their staff who work in one structure or another and stand at various levels of the management hierarchy. The profession has no limits for growth, and an ordinary full-time employee can eventually become a high-paid leader. Whatever the manager does, his work is connected with assessing the situation, making a managerial decision and implementing it. The demand for talented and experienced leaders has been high at all times.

Who is that?

The English word manager, that is, manager, literally translates as manager, boss. Business process management can be carried out as hired labor, or the manager is the owner of the business. Managers can be junior, middle, or senior executives in the company. Unlike an entrepreneur who can work alone, a sign of management is the presence of people subordinate to the manager.

The definition of the main functions of a manager includes responsibilities for planning, the ability to organize business processes, motivate the employees entrusted to him for successful work, as well as control over the implementation of the tasks assigned to him. The characteristic of the powers of such a manager depends on the size of the object he controls and the importance of the tasks facing him.

In each specific case, the description of the functionality of such a specialist looks differently.

What does he do?

The manager's job responsibilities depend on the goals that he faces. This specialist can perform the functions of the head of the entire company or head a separate division of it. The activities of a manager can be carried out both with his direct participation and presence in the company, and in a remote format, when the manager gives orders and sets tasks, and managers of remote divisions carry out them.

The manager's competence is determined by the range of his powers. For example, enterprise management is limited by its scope and cannot be extended to other organizations and enterprises. But management includes a much broader concept. Functional roles can be represented at any scale. Take, for example, international management, which involves promoting the interests of a large organization in foreign markets. In such projects, a manager can perform his functions not only as a leader, but also as a consultant.

The main functions of the manager are presented below.

  • The main task of a manager is to create a working professional team. The leader must have the skills of personnel selection and reshuffle, since his professional success and the ability to achieve the set goals depend on the team he leads.
  • Developing and improving the professionalism of employees is another of the most important functions of a manager. In addition to his employees, the manager must pay attention to his own development. Striving to acquire innovative knowledge and skills makes a manager more competent and allows him to expand his sphere of influence both within the company and outside it.
  • Resource provision - this obligation implies the creation of comfortable jobs, providing employees with everything they need to perform work, awareness of urgent needs and the possibilities of meeting them. Any manager solves these tasks in a working order on an ongoing basis.
  • Setting tasks for subordinates, planning their work and monitoring the execution of assigned cases. In addition, the manager is responsible for motivating employees, developing a system of incentives and penalties, building a system of mentoring and adaptation for new team members.
  • Correctly organized work under the guidance of a talented manager leads to improved quality and increased labor performance. Performing an analysis of the activities of a division or an entire company, the manager evaluates the results and plans further steps, making the necessary adjustments to the commercial work plans.
  • Creating feedback and coordinating the work of subordinates or entire departments. The manager solves such tasks by building internal communications, the activities of which will be understandable, coordinated and aimed at achieving common global goals and objectives.

Talented managers are considered to be those specialists who are not only good performers and competent business professionals, but also those leaders who know how to effectively manage people.

Pros and cons of the profession

Modern management - this is a very multifaceted profession that allows people with great ambitions, extensive knowledge and aspirations to realize themselves. This kind of activity has its positive and negative sides.

Pros of the profession:

  • great prospects for career growth and professional development;
  • high demand in the labor market, where experienced professionals are especially appreciated;
  • a real opportunity to have stable and high earnings, as well as an interesting and diverse work activity;
  • an opportunity for personal and professional growth, communication with other people, the formation of professional connections and skills;
  • the possibility of traveling activities related to business trips, exhibitions, conferences, and so on.

Cons of the profession:

  • the level of competition among professionals is high, the most experienced and efficient specialist wins in it;
  • at the initial stage of work, the salary may be low;
  • work in multitasking mode and limited time, in connection with which the activity is associated with stressful situations;
  • individual responsibility for the adopted management decisions;
  • a lot of strenuous and routine work;
  • wages often depend on the results of the work performed.

Some university graduates believe that the manager and the salesperson are one and the same. But this view is absolutely wrong. The authority and responsibility of a manager is much broader than that of a salesperson, who has a narrow range of job responsibilities.


The profession of a manager has different types, and his position can be named in accordance with the functions performed. For example, in the labor market you can find the following vacancies:

  • art manager - a specialist who deals with organizational issues in the field of creativity and art;
  • event manager - this person performs functions related to the organization of entertainment and special events;
  • PR manager - is engaged in creating and maintaining a favorable image of the company in the eyes of the public;
  • brand manager - is responsible for the creation, development and marketing of a brand and his work is often associated with networks in the field of trade;
  • city ​​manager Is a hired manager who performs the functions of the mayor of the city.

The list can be continued, it gives an idea not only of the direction of application of management, but also shows the levels where the hierarchy of specialists differs from each other. There are 3 main types of manager level.

Top link

This includes managers of the highest category Are directors and business owners. This kind of leaders is responsible for the planning and development strategy of the organization. Their decisions determine the fate of the company not only in the present moment, but also for many years to come.

Top management is the highest paid segment, but the professional suitability of a specialist in this case should be at the highest level.

The average

This level of management implies leaders, who run low-level managers. The responsibility of such a manager includes the execution of tasks assigned to them by top management. It is in their competence to formulate medium-term plans, since the average stage-by-stage and systematically fulfills the global tasks assigned to it. Middle manager valuable for its diligence and ability to make the right decisions. Middle managers are heads of shop, department, small structural unit.


This includes the entry-level managers who organize and oversee the work of the frontline personnel. Low-level managers obey the leaders of the middle and higher hierarchy. Positions such as foreman, senior shift, administrator, supervisor, are representatives of the lowest segment of the management system... They do not have strategic planning tasks, but they implement the plans of the higher management.

The level of a manager is highly dependent on his education, experience and abilities. Real top-level managers start their journey from the very beginning, perfection in the science of management.


It is difficult to imagine today's business world without effective management. The directions of its application are so diverse that, perhaps, there is not a single sphere left where it would not be applied.

Here are some examples where a manager is in demand as a necessary specialist.

  • Commercial sector - management and administrative personnel, document flow specialists, analytic managers work here, a compliance risk management system has been built, a planning manager, a training manager, a corporate culture manager, and so on. There are many more subsectors in this sector, and managers of different levels of the hierarchy are also involved in them.
  • Trade sector - in this direction, there are sales managers, specialists in working with suppliers, as well as specialists who control the work of the sales area, called administrators, etc.
  • Manufacturing sector - it is characterized by a clear organizational structure with division of duties and responsibilities. Managers of various hierarchical levels work here, and you can also find such specialties as technical director, quality manager, safety specialist, production director, planner and many other similar positions.
  • Transport sector - all business activity of the business is related to cargo transportation. In this sector, you can find such positions as a manager for escorting customs clearance of goods, manager for air transportation, manager for cargo transportation, specialist in insurance, and so on.
  • Financial sector - in this direction work managers for finance, leasing, investment managers, working with clients, working with legal entities and other similar professions.
  • Construction sector - management of the construction process begins long before the start of construction work. A manager for work with architects and designers, for construction, for supply, an estimate manager, a manager for project approval, a construction site manager, a foreman and other professions work in this direction.
  • Culture and Arts Sector - specialists in social and cultural activities, producers, managers for organizing outdoor events, administrators, and so on work in this direction.

Choosing the direction of management for yourself, the future applicant must understand that most universities will give him a basic fundamental education, which, after additional professional training, will give him the opportunity to work in the chosen field.

Some areas of a manager's activity have such a narrow specialization that it is impossible to start working in them without experience and additional knowledge.

Required skills and knowledge

For a manager to be successful and effective in his workplace, he must be prepared and trained. There are key skills and requirements that a specialist must meet.


Knowledge characteristic of a particular profession is acquired not only during training, but also in the process of gaining professional experience. Here is some of them:

  • skill contact people and conduct business negotiationswhile observing the norms of etiquette;
  • basics of office work, the ability to use office programs and equipment;
  • Availability knowledge of economics, management, marketing, sociology;
  • understand financial system of commodity and money circulation, be able to work with primary accounting documentation;
  • have knowledge in the field personnel management, personnel selection and placement, know labor legislation.

And this is not the whole list of what a manager needs to be able to know and know. Moreover, each specialization has its own characteristics.


Since a manager is a management profession, then the personal warehouse of character must meet certain requirements:

  • high the level of sociability, the ability to convince and motivate people;
  • Availability expressed organizational skills and the ability to lead people along, inspiring by personal example;
  • good logical thinking, the ability to memorize large amounts of information;
  • skill quickly evaluate and analyze incoming information, the ability to find the information you need;
  • ability think quickly and make decisions, analyzing many factors.

The work of a manager always implies multitasking and versatility, therefore, without the personal ability to quickly cope with various situations, it will be difficult for a manager to fulfill his duties.


To work as a manager, you will need a higher education diploma - this is a requirement of all organizations, and it does not depend on their field of activity. The best case is when the diploma corresponds to the qualification or specialization for the position for which you are applying for the company.

After the 9th grade, you cannot enter the university, therefore, in order to become a manager, you need to completely complete the school basis and after the 11th grade, choose a higher educational institution for training. Each university has its own list of subjects for which applicants are selected. You will need to find out what items you need to take in advance. For admission to humanitarian universities, they usually take the Unified State Exam in subjects: Russian, mathematics, history or social studies. If your chosen higher educational institution considers that the USE results are not enough, you will have to take additional subjects or look for another university for admission, where they teach management.

You can get a manager's diploma at universities with a humanitarian or technical bias. There are management departments in many universities, located not only in large cities, but also in regional ones. After graduation, a good plus for your future career will be the availability of specialized additional education. For example, you can specialize in marketing and advertising, HR management, insurance, psychology, SEO copywriting.

During their studies at the university, students study economics, mathematics, philosophy, history, pedagogy, psychology, natural science. They will have to familiarize themselves with the history of management, management of financial flows, tax structure, and learn how to conduct a commercial business. Most of the programs contain the study of the types of organizational structures and their economic activities, the basics of personnel management. Marketing, PR and advertising are mastered in one volume or another.

average salary

The monetary remuneration of a manager depends on his hierarchical level, and the higher it is, the higher the level of earnings. In addition, how much a manager earns depends on the area in which he works, his position, experience, as well as the level of the company. The more responsibilities and higher responsibility a manager has, the more money he gets for it. But to grow to such a level, it will take years of hard work and self-development.

The average salary of managers in different sectors of the economy is as follows:

  • advertising manager - 20-25,000 rubles;
  • IT project management manager - 30-35,000 rubles;
  • sales manager - most often the payment is piecework and the minimum is from 15,000-20,000 rubles, and the maximum threshold depends on the specialist himself;
  • the head of the production department - 45,000-50,000 rubles;
  • director of an advertising agency - 70,000-100,000 rubles.

Often managers are judged by their performance, so it happens that they have no fixed income. Or there is a minimum rate to which a percentage of the plan is paid. For example, a sales manager has a sales plan, and if he fulfills it, then a bonus percentage is paid to the base salary. In large companies, middle and senior managers are provided with bonus payments, which are regulated by the company's internal regulations.

Prospects and career growth

A university graduate starts his career as an intern. The company that hires such a newcomer will arrange for a mentor for him. Soon, the trainee delves into all the subtleties of the work and begins an independent path.The scope of his knowledge is extensive, it can be an organization or a store. But with the accumulation of experience, the specialist becomes a versatile person who can easily adapt to new working conditions and is able to quickly join the work process.

The manager gains special value. In carrying out his duties, he applies the knowledge he has gained while working in various fields, so experienced specialists often bring innovations to the company, thereby helping to expand it and their capabilities.

An ordinary manager, conscientiously and actively performing his functions, will not go unnoticed and will soon follow a career path.

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