
Sales manager: features of the profession and functional responsibilities

Sales manager: features of the profession and functional responsibilities
  1. Description of the profession
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Types of specialists
  4. What industries does it work in?
  5. Qualification
  6. Education
  7. Skills
  8. Achievements
  9. Personal qualities
  10. Functional responsibilities
  11. Goals
  12. Tasks
  13. Career expectations

Sales Manager - a specialist in demand today who, in a market economy, must promote a product. And not just to promote, but to implement, using more and more new market instruments. This should be a person who is well versed in both what he sells and the sales themselves.

Description of the profession

I must say that the sales manager had a wide range of responsibilities before, but today the description of the orders he performs has become even more voluminous. And this is due to the emergence of new platforms for product promotion (the same social networks), the study of sales mechanisms on these new platforms.

Consequently, the manager, ideally, should be a flexible person, ready for new knowledge and skills, understanding the need for constant intraprofessional development.

What a sales manager (or sales manager) should be able to do:

  • develop, regulate, coordinate dealer relations;
  • work on ways to attract a client, generate interest in products;
  • draw up contracts and other basic documentation;
  • maintain a trusting, benevolent relationship with a client after successful transactions;
  • develop an active sales strategy;
  • know the basics of business etiquette;
  • develop, create successful trading channels;
  • build partnerships with the buyer.

The profile of the position also presupposes the fulfillment of related professional duties: a good manager also understands the basics of the work of an advertising agent, promoter, PR technologist. We are not talking about knowing the nuances of these positions, but only about the basics of their activities. If the company is large, the sales manager works in conjunction with these specialists, if small - often replaces them or fulfills their duties.

The sales manager not only communicates with the consumer - he collects and analyzes information, creates a strategy, prescribing it point by point, carefully maintains documentation on concluded transactions. The job description of a sales manager should list all the points of his activities (from doing work in social networks to specific areas of product sales).

Advantages and disadvantages

As usual, both the merits and demerits of the profession are subjective. For some, this is an ideal professional path that allows them to find an ideal business for self-realization, corresponding to a person's temperament, and the rhythm of life, and education. But if the schedule, the specifics of work and business communications do not meet the expectations of a person from the profession, even outstanding skills and amazing abilities will not overcome such contradictions.

Pros of the profession:

  • career opportunities (and not only within one company);
  • demand (this is not such a rare profession, therefore it will not be difficult for a good specialist to find a job);
  • busy schedule, variety of activities;
  • working with people is important for those who lack communication in their professional activities;
  • good salary and a promising premium forecast (the premium depends on the profit);
  • there are no strict requirements for the age of the candidate;
  • part of the work can be done remotely, remotely;
  • the opportunity to gain excellent business experience in front of your own startup.

Cons of the profession:

  • for those who are not very stable psycho-emotionally, this work may seem too stressful;
  • it is difficult to work from scratch as a sales manager, economic education prevails;
  • not always a strict and clear schedule, part of the work may be overtime;
  • people who are slow, melancholic, such work is hardly suitable;
  • sometimes you have to wait a long time for the first results of successful deals or strategies;
  • in small companies, the sales manager also controls a whole layer of other work: from advertising to maintaining social networks, analyzing business correspondence, maintaining control documentation;
  • There really is stress, and without the ability to take a hit, becoming a successful sales manager is difficult.

Initially, you need to understand what the risks and what bonuses are in this profession. It is necessary to understand whether the applicant is ready for situations involving the need to make quick decisions, skillfully make forecasts and not be afraid to look for V.

Types of specialists

Sales manager is a very general name for the specialty, the range of his activities is quite wide.

  • May be employed in the active sales department. This specialist usually works outside the office. On his shoulders - cold calls, expanding the client base, attending events that promote the promotion of products.
  • Work in the passive sales department. Such specialists process incoming calls from interested customers. The task of the manager is to convince the already found person in further cooperation.
  • Be a direct sales specialist... He personally meets with the client, and this is an important difference from an active sales manager. In a sense, it is the face of the company. Therefore, this is a person who not only promotes a product well, but also “sells” himself well. The skills of business communication, self-presentation, and even storytelling are important here. In a word, he is a specialist who is also aware of his own diplomatic mission in the company.
  • Work as a development specialist. This is actually a universal position with many directorship responsibilities.On the shoulders of the sales development manager are the strategic objectives of the company, market research, etc.
  • Be a wholesale sales manager. Specification both for the product and for the business as a whole - this is the thesis of this specialization.

And these are not all possible options. Large companies also have a regional sales manager who deals with a specific geographic segment of the organization's market. There are also corporate sales departments, and there is also a customer support manager - an actively developing specialty today that allows you to build long-term relationships with the buyer.

What industries does it work in?

The list can be huge: from auto parts to petroleum products, from meat to windows, from clothing to special equipment. The key requirement for such a manager is a clear knowledge of the market of his industry and an understanding of the main processes involved in it. So, it will not be so easy for a specialist who previously sold spare parts to start promoting logistics services. It is necessary to delve into the specifics of the sphere, which, of course, is possible, but laborious. Therefore, it is easier to move from the sphere of spare parts to related structures.

In which industries are sales managers most in demand today:

  • the sale of petroleum products (one of the most promising areas with a good salary);
  • sale of medical equipment (some companies require at least secondary specialized medical education);
  • sale of apartments in new buildings, wooden and brick houses, concrete buildings (there is always a demand);
  • sale of agricultural machinery, electrical products;
  • metal rolling services;
  • sale of interior and exterior doors;
  • sale of banking products (specialist in a bank);
  • sale of fitness club services;
  • sale of plumbing;
  • promotion of legal services (actively developing sphere);
  • sales of cosmetics and beauty products;
  • sale of building materials, furniture, etc.

The transition from one area to another is sometimes difficult, but it can also become an impetus for development. It also happens that a person wants to leave the profession, but changes his mind, deciding to change just the sphere.

So, there are women who perfectly sell both spare parts and special equipment, but they get a completely different level of professional self-realization by moving into the sphere of selling beauty services or art objects.


A person “off the street” is rarely hired for a highly paid and, more importantly, a very responsible position. Although work can be found without experience, without a sensible portfolio, if there is zeal, desire to learn and ability. But in most cases, to become a good sales manager, you need to meet the basic requirements of an employer.

And it is very important to write and send your resume correctly, providing it with a competent cover letter.


In the item "Education" it is not necessary to indicate all courses and retraining (if there are more than 3-4). You need to write the main place of study: university or college. If you did not study in the profile for which you are applying, but you have specialized courses in your asset, focus on them.

If we are not talking about a resume, but about the choice of an educational institution, the professional standard assumes an economic specialty. It can be a specialty with the same name "sales manager", but the most common standard is "manager". This specialist should know the basics of economics, accounting, auditing, etc.

A specialized education (even college) is a great start for a beginner specialist.

    You can also enroll in a secondary school, subsequently receiving a higher education either by an abbreviated training program, or by correspondence and distance learning. You can choose a combination of a university and a secondary school-partner, so there are more guarantees to successfully continue your education in a higher educational institution, bypassing a serious competition.


    They are sometimes more important than basic education. They are those professional tools that help to achieve success in the chosen business.The first sales skills can be obtained while still a student and write them down as an asset.

    Some companies require sales assistants: these positions are often hired by newcomers who gain decent experience and skillfully combine theory (college or university studies) and practice.

    Going for a promotion after such a professional "experience" is, of course, easier.


    If you are writing a resume, the item "Achievements" will be one of the accent ones. What to add to it - successful work experience, listing of the most successful deals and events, personal awards and gratitude. At this point, you need to concisely and consistently list those moments of professional activity that the specialist himself defines as key.

    There is no need to describe achievements in detail - it is enough to mark them, for example:

    • conclusion of a deal with company "X", the organization's most profitable annual contract;
    • participation in a major seminar (name) as one of the leading speakers;
    • gratitude, diplomas, diplomas (if any, indicating the year);
    • professional recognition, salary increase by (indication in percentage) based on annual sales.

    For some, the main achievement will be a promotion: from an ordinary manager to the head of the sales department, for example. Or moving from the regional office to the head office (with higher wages and a beneficial social package).

    Personal qualities

    The item, which is still at the stage of choosing a profession, needs to be very carefully considered. The personal qualities of a salesperson directly affect his professional success.

    • Ability to communicate with a client, with management, with partners. This refers to the language of business communication, and the ability to build a dialogue, establish contacts, listen and understand the interlocutor. To do this, you need to have a well-delivered speech (this can be developed, and it certainly will not interfere in a career), psycho-emotional flexibility, the ability to remain calm even in difficult situations.
    • Convincing appearance... It is foolish to deny that this is important. You need to not only talk with your partner so that he listens to you, but also look so that he wants to listen to you. It's not about physical beauty, but about the image of a self-confident specialist who favorably emphasizes his external strengths. A business image, an emphasis on attractive features, and fortitude, which can also be traced in an external image, are powerful personal tools.
    • Attractiveness, charisma... It does not depend on whether a person's face or figure is perfect. It is the ability to please people, it always sells well. In order to interest a client with a product or service, sometimes he has to be initially interested in himself. Simple schemes of attracting attention, the formation of sympathy work.
    • Stress tolerance... In business, too vulnerable and anxious people actually do not take root. It is difficult for them to switch from the mode of "failures" and "defeats in small combat". But this is the basic quality of a manager - not to give up, to look for new solutions.

    Some qualities are acquired (or "pumped") in the process of professional activity. And this is another plus of the specialty in question.

    Functional responsibilities

    Even if a person becomes an ordinary manager in a department where there are several like him, the productivity of the department still depends on what each of the employees does. It is great if in the first days of work the specialist already clearly understands what his key functions are, whether he has enough competencies. Everything is initially negotiated when applying for a job, it is prescribed in the job description.


    The main duties of a sales manager are as follows:

    • organization and maintenance of sales;
    • planning and implementation of analytical work;
    • ensuring the sales themselves;
    • control of shipment of goods, settlement with customers, etc.

    Based on this, goals are set before the specialist, the fulfillment of which is the main condition for his professional suitability. Goals are always start with verbs: for example, increase the flow of new customers, expand the customer base, increase the efficiency of passive sales, find new tools for attracting customers, offer opportunities for profitable business collaborations, etc.


    They are more specific than goals and correspond to them. Selling a product correctly, being able to look for customers, expanding the company's capabilities - this is what the management expects from a sales manager.

    The main task of a specialist is to see errors that are relevant, consider what slows down sales, and do it with great analytical calculations.

    Management must see that the manager does not offer unreasonable actions, but concrete solutions with good, calculated forecasts. First, the manager deals with them, and only then starts working with the consumer, the client. Its main mission is to develop a strategy for the implementation of which other specialists can be involved.

    At the same time, a sales manager is an employee who clearly understands business regulations, relies on the basic goals and objectives of the company, is able to delegate authority and attract colleagues to carry out large-scale projects.

    Career expectations

    If a person has taken the position of a senior or lead manager, he has the right to count on high wages. It is impossible to say unequivocally how much a successful specialist earns, because this indicator depends on the status of the company. The salary varies from 50 to 150 thousand rubles and more. Salary increases are usually proportional to the manager's performance.

    If you have to start with a small company, then dedication may not always meet salary expectations. But this is how experience is often acquired, skills are developed, connections appear, abilities are trained. It is not uncommon for an excellent salesperson to join a modest company, and the company will soon “shoot” in the market.

    As for the prospects, the opportunity to take a higher position (to become the head of the sales department, move to the head office) is always there. The bosses evaluate the work and the willingness to go forward, preferring to “grow” high-quality specialists in their company, and not “lure” them from the outside. In addition, corporate loyalty is also generally highly regarded by management.

    The job of a sales manager is varied, challenging and challenging. This specialist not only establishes contacts with customers - he motivates consumers to cooperate, informs dealers and distributors, draws up contracts, and monitors the potentials of outlets. He has to organize trainings and master classes, participate in exhibitions and seminars, monitor competitors and draw up detailed reports.

    If all this seems interesting and not intimidating, a sales manager is a specialty that can bring a passionate person both a good salary and the pleasure of professional self-realization.

    Producer 22.07.2020 13:17

    Things are good! But it's so stressful! Customers are simply pissed off, the sales plan, until you fulfill it, you are very worried. Perhaps the sphere needs to be changed. And it is better to choose those companies where there are courses and trainings.

    Alyona ↩ Producer 13.08.2020 12:58

    I agree with you, and as I understand it ... Much depends on the company - what kind of order and atmosphere prevail there. In some of them there is a mess, and the atmosphere is like in a serpentarium.There is a leadership that, instead of calming and harmonizing the atmosphere in the team, making friends of colleagues, only warms up the atmosphere and promotes all kinds of intrigues. Therefore, in such companies, as a rule, there is a lot of turnover. This is especially true for companies of mobile operators - mainly in branches, in the regions. Apparently, the metropolitan government does not delve into the work on the periphery too much, puts the wrong people at the head, so the situation there is not very favorable.

    In the field of sales, people with an ideal nervous system and an imperturbable temperament should work. Nervous and emotional people have nothing to do there - everything will affect them. Moreover, here you need to constantly take the initiative, constantly make outgoing calls, be able and have the desire to impose and "push" ... It often happens that they simply do not want to talk to you, they will send you away, or even run into frank negativity. You always need to be ready for this. And decide for yourself: is this job suitable for you, are you ready to do this all your life? Or, before it's too late, change the sphere and gain new experience ...

    Alya, professional sales manager 13.08.2020 13:21

    Yes, it is very important when the company provides the right training for newbie managers. I believe that you need to conduct training for at least a month: teach sales theory, ethics of behavior and appearance, teach the basics of psychology, be able to work with objections and refusals, study visits and calls in practice - trainings are needed: so that a group of newcomers is present at the same time and disassembled together all the shortcomings and mistakes. At first, it is necessary to write down all the problems that may occur in work and short ways to solve them, and then only this will be deposited in the head and go into experience.


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