
Tender manager: qualifications and main functions

Tender manager: qualifications and main functions
  1. What kind of work is this?
  2. Qualification
  3. Functions
  4. Job description
  5. Personal qualities and skills

More and more often you can find new vacancies about which little is known. There are also those that you have never even heard of before. One of these positions is Tender Manager.

An interesting point is that there is no such specialty in any university in our country, and specialists are already required.

What kind of work is this?

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand the concept of tender, so that no questions arise in the future. A tender or a competition can be interpreted in different ways, but the essence of the concept does not change from this. Such competitions allow companies to compete among themselves for the opportunity to provide services or supply goods to a government customer. One won tender can provide the entire firm with work for several years in advance. That's why tenders are always a "tasty morsel" for any organization, and there is always excitement around them.

To win the competition, it is not enough just to submit an application and offer the most favorable conditions. You will need to take into account many factors, process a large amount of information, prepare a package of documents, and also perform a lot of other equally significant work. All this is done by the tender manager. Large organizations can afford to set up tendering departments in which each of the employees is responsible for a specific part of the work.


Tender manager training is not provided in any educational institution. It was only at the Moscow State Regional University that a bachelor's degree program in procurement at the state and municipal level was launched.

The following requirements are imposed on a specialist for the position of tender manager:

  • higher education in economics or law;
  • experience of at least 3 years in the field of public procurement;
  • possession of the legal framework;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​is encouraged as it opens up opportunities for participation in international competitions.

Formation of wages can be carried out in two ways.

  • The salary is primarily convenient for the employer. And also this option is suitable for a specialist without experience.
  • Rate and percentage of the earned profit - an option that will suit an energetic and experienced employee striving to achieve success.

The level of the tender manager's income will be directly dependent on a number of factors, among which the professionalism and experience of the employee, potential and focus on results, the specificity of the company occupy an important place. Large firms that constantly participate in tenders are ready to offer such a specialist a salary of 100 thousand rubles, but the amount of work and responsibility here will be appropriate.


The tender manager should be responsible for representing his firm in the public procurement market. This task is multifaceted and complex, it consists of many stages:

  • preparation of the procedure for submitting or receiving a tender at the formal and legal levels;
  • control over the assessment of the cost of the subject of the order;
  • budgeting;
  • compliance with the order of the board of directors / head;
  • development of draft specifications of tender conditions;
  • business negotiations.

To win a tender, it is not enough to make the best offer. The enterprise must fully comply with the stated requirements.

Job description

How the job description of a tender manager will look like depends on an important point - who the manager will represent: the customer or the applicant for the competition.

If a specialist works for a customer company, then his job description will consist of the following points:

  • registration of requirements;
  • acceptance of applications, their analysis and selection;
  • assessment of the profitability of cooperation with each applicant;
  • selection of the optimal performer;
  • informing the management about rejected offers;
  • cancellation of the tender in the absence of worthy proposals;
  • interaction with the accounting department;
  • conducting the documentary part of the work.

The job description of the tender manager who represents the contractor is as follows:

  • tracking opportunities;
  • registration of sets of documents;
  • control over the compliance of the proposal with respect to the customer's requirements;
  • tracking compliance with the deadlines and fulfillment of conditions for each tender;
  • control of pricing policy.

Personal qualities and skills

Becoming a good tender manager is not easy, and not everyone can do it. Here, we can say that such a specialist should be born. Let's consider what is the responsibility of a tender manager, what this specialist should be, what he should be able to and know.

  • It's worth starting from the legal side of the issue. Competitions are strictly regulated by laws and regulations, which are changed with enviable regularity, canceled and supplemented with new regulations. This situation must be constantly monitored and always be aware of legislative changes.
  • Diverse experience that will cover several areas at once, including winning tenders. Let there be few victories, but they must be. If the experience contains the preparation of various procedures, then this will be a big plus.
  • Continuous professional development - a requirement dictated by modern business principles. The legal framework, market conditions and technical capabilities are constantly changing, these changes must be monitored and promptly responded to.Effective work of a manager will be impossible without self-improvement, attending seminars and courses.
  • High professional goal, which stands in front of the manager, allows you to achieve high results in work. Ambition and motivation contribute to the professional growth of a specialist.
  • Certain personal qualities must be present with a specialist who deals with tenders. We are talking about business communication, neat appearance, manners, restraint and prudence, energy, readiness to quickly process a large amount of information, high erudition.
  • The pursuit of growth is not only about the desire to grow in a career plan... A specialist must have a focus on improving his performance: getting a more expensive contract or a serious tender.
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