Metals and alloys

All about samples of precious metals

All about samples of precious metals
  1. What it is?
  2. History
  3. What are the samples?

If you want to know everything about the fineness of precious metals, the first thing to note is that it is not only such well-known metals as silver and gold that have a fineness. Any metal product, the material of which consists of more than two elements, can be punched. Strictly speaking, assay is a method that allows you to determine the proportion of a specific material in a product. Based on this, the value of the product is formed and its fixed market price is assigned.

What it is?

Probing is a modern way to determine the volume of gold or silver, for example, in a ring or bracelet... Today it is no longer a secret that most jewelry in one way or another consists of a mixture of various materials that have a number of properties, and together they give the finished bracelet or ring the necessary reliability, a level of plasticity or a color shade. The test shows which materials were used in the composition of a particular product.

For example, when nickel is used, it can be ensured that the article is more fluid during melting. Copper increases the hardness index, while silver can change the final hue. The use of palladium or zinc increases the heat resistance, while platinum makes the material more elastic and gives a slight whiteness effect. All these metals, like gold and silver, also have their own samples, which you need to pay attention to when buying jewelry.

The most popular of the above will be palladium and platinum, the latter is often an indicator of a person's financial wealth.


Test and brand are mandatory elements for any jewelry... It is due to this that the quality and compliance with state standards are guaranteed. The sample indicates the content of the precious metal.Considering that most metals are soft in texture, a number of additional impurities are used. If the user sees on the price tag, for example, 585 samples, this can be deciphered so that per 1000 grams of product weight, 585 grams falls on the share of the main precious metal, everything else is impurities.

Prior to the modern assay method, several methods of product quality control were invented.

  1. The touchstone was invented in Ancient Greece. To do this, an ornament was carried along a flint block, as a rule, with a sharp side, and we looked at what a trace remains. Depending on the color of the residue, the sample and the quality of the material were determined.
  2. Another test method was fire the decoration heated up, and then the expert watched how exactly the color tint changed while the metal was cooling down.
  3. Test of strength Is one of the most ancient and popular methods. Gold coins were tested for the tooth. Since the metal itself is soft, the quality of the coins was determined by the trace and the change in shape.

All of these methods were the forerunners of modern probing and have played a very important role in history. After the introduction of a single hallmark and assay system for different metals, quality standards also changed. But even today, when buying jewelry, the likelihood of stumbling upon a fake product has not diminished.

To avoid this, the user will need to be as attentive as possible to a number of details.

What are the samples?

In jewelry, samples and indicators may differ depending on what kind of metal is meant. But today, a full-fledged record of precious materials and their use is being kept not only in jewelry, but also in other institutions. There are sampling systems, among which the most popular can be identified:

  • spool;
  • lot;
  • carat;
  • metric

This is not a complete classification of all possible verification methods, but the most popular and effective ones. They allow you to determine the quality of the product at the legislative level in a short time. The spool system was used for a very long time, first in Tsarist Russia, and then in the USSR. Unlike the carat system, here the metal content was denoted by the number: 96. This is the highest indicator of the gold content in the product. Anything below contains more impurities and usually costs a lot less.

The karat system was invented in Britain. Carat means part of the alloy, and in addition to the British Isles, this test is widely used in the USA, Canada and Western European countries. Ireland, for example, uses both carat and metric systems at the same time. The highest figure is considered to be 24 carats - this means that there are no impurities in the product. 14 carats, on the other hand, is the lowest rate, where impurities are as much as 10 parts.

If we consider the types of test samples, then this one is considered the easiest and most memorable for beginners.

The lot system was actively used in a number of European countries; it is based on stamps. The stamp contains up to 16 lots. This is a very unusual method, since to convert a sample to another (for example, a multiple), the indicator is first divided in half, and the resulting number must be multiplied by 3. For such a check, the ideal accuracy of calculations is very important. For the metric system, the sample is divided by 16, and the result is multiplied by 1000, followed by a comma transfer.

The simplest of the modern probing methods in Russia is the metric system. The product specifically indicates how many grams of metal are contained in the composition of the total weight. A consultant in any jewelry store provides a table with sample designations and their decoding. Such a sample must necessarily indicate:

  • assay supervision code (usually put after state inspection);
  • sign of identity that is entered into the database;
  • sample showing the designation of the metal in a particular product.


In Russia and the CIS countries, the metric system is actively used. By the stigma, you can determine how much gold is in a particular alloy. Several samples are officially approved for release in the country:

  • 500 and 585;
  • 375 and 750;
  • 900, 916 and 968.

Average in the price category is 585, everything that is higher in terms of indicators is several times more expensive. The most prestigious and widely used for an expensive gift is the sample 750. It's still not prohibitively expensive, but a pretty solid gift. The material harmoniously combines all the basic properties, from temperature resistance to elasticity.

Jewelry of this type does not darken and does not wear off during active use, even after several years.

As for the cost, then the average price of a high-quality gold product at the time of 2020 is from 3,500 thousand rubles and more. The cheapest sample will be 375, in which more than 50% of the total composition includes other metals. Sample 958 is extremely rare in a jewelry store. The product is short-lived due to the softness of the metal and is suitable for some kind of decoration that will be stored behind a glass display case, but nothing more.

How much this makes sense from a practical point of view, it is up to the user to decide.

The sample is usually not in a conspicuous place; it is rather difficult to see it without a magnifying glass. For earrings and chains, the location of the sample was selected locks, for rings - the back of the bezel. The sample itself is only 3 digits. On Russian jewelry, the personal mark of the manufacturer is also added there.

For gold bars and coins, the markings look different. The weight is indicated in grams and the number. Gold bars have a high purity, therefore they are stored extremely carefully in special boxes and packages. Coins usually also have a fineness above 900 and today are classified as antiques. Also, rare and prestigious awards are often presented in the form of coins.


Silver, like gold, is actively used in combination with other materials. It tends to fade with time and lose its presentation. Mixins are intended to correct this problem and provide a number of additional properties. It turns out in each product a specific alloy of metals, and depending on the sample, the range of use of the finished product also changes. As a result, the shape and appearance may turn out to be different, however, the main varieties can be distinguished.

  1. Technical items with a minimum amount of silver... The sample is usually below 800, in which case the product itself is not marked at all.
  2. Sterling white products are used in the jewelry industry. The sample is usually indicated from 925 and above, in addition, the stamp of the master or manufacturer must be indicated.
  3. Silver cutlery has become another popular area specifically in Russia.... In addition, such products were often used in those days for medical purposes, it was believed that silver purifies water qualitatively.

But for the modern user, the quality of jewelry is much more important than the metaphysical properties of silver. In addition to the proportion of metal content, the fineness also indicates a number of distinctive features that can be guided by when buying silver jewelry. They will help you recognize a fake in time.

  1. Up to 600 it is used mainly in industry, it looks reddish in the light.
  2. 720 - low-quality jewelry that quickly becomes covered with a film and oxidizes over time.
  3. from 750 to 800 - a recognized sample for cutlery, but it should be borne in mind that the material will need care and cleaning, as it is susceptible to oxidation over time.
  4. 875 - decorations and interior items, more durable, but still need care and cleaning at least periodically.
  5. from 916 to 960 - the best and highest quality sample of silver used in jewelry. Does not require constant maintenance and is almost not exposed to negative environmental influences.

Silver fineness 999 - a rarity, It is used in industrial and electronics applications, and is also used to produce round and acute-angled silver bars. They are easier to store than gold, and their cost is much higher. The easiest way to determine the sample is by seeking the help of a specialist in jewelry. Experts are guided by GOST standards and quality certificates.

Silver markings can also be checked at home, there are several working methods for this. The simplest is a magnet, silver is not attracted to it and conducts heat efficiently... It darkens from exposure to sulfur or iodine. It is best applied from the inside, if neither one nor the other is at hand, you can rub it with chalk. If, for example, the ring darkens, this is a clear indicator of a high silver content. After that, you will have to contact a specialist to return the jewelry to its original appearance. The average cost of a high-quality silver product ranges from 3,500 to 4,000 rubles.

Other metals

Other precious metals that are popular in the jewelry industry include platinum. For an ordinary user, even the name itself is already associated with a rather expensive and prestigious piece of jewelry. Externally, platinum has a white-gray hue and is mined from ore or rock nuggets, due to its high density, it is more durable than silver or gold. Accordingly, it is better suited for everyday jewelry wear. There are several samples for the jewelry sphere:

  • 850;
  • 900-950.

The latter has the highest content of platinum, therefore, such jewelry is more expensive. Their distinguishing feature is their bright white color.... Try 850 much more resembles silver, for this reason many craftsmen often abandon the idea of ​​making any original jewelry out of it. Depending on the additional elements in the composition, the basic properties also change. For example, copper in this case makes the product softer. The melting point decreases. Cobalt improves mechanics, while tungsten and other minerals with similar properties can increase product life.

There is another material that is quite popular for products - palladium. The appearance and shade resembles silver, while its physicochemical properties are much closer to platinum. Palladium is also distinguished by the relatively low weight of even massive jewelry. The metal itself is very soft, so the sample for the product must be high. Pure palladium cannot be used for decoration; craftsmen prefer to work with alloys.

The material is fluid and forgeable, making it relatively easy to process and shape. In the alloy with palladium, nickel and silver are mainly used, as for the sample, then 850 is best suited for jewelry.

Products made from this material are resistant to wear and tear and last much longer than ordinary silver.

Sample 950 can be used for wedding rings... Palladium is a kind of alternative to white gold or just gold rings, which in one way or another require maintenance during long-term use.

Knowing the sample will help not only to buy high-quality jewelry, but also to choose the most suitable material at an affordable price.

For information on what the sample of precious metals is, see the next video.

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