Micellar water: what is it and which one to choose?

Washing your face with plain tap water, it is almost impossible to get rid of absolutely all impurities left on the skin of your face. In addition, after such procedures, unpleasant sensations of dryness and even itching or peeling often remain. To keep your skin clean and healthy, you can use high-quality micellar water.
It is an effective liquid that has many positive properties. In today's article, we will get acquainted with all its features and find out how you can choose the right composition.

What it is?
Before proceeding to a detailed examination of all the features of such a cosmetic product, you should understand what it is.... Micellar water is a highly effective cleansercharacterized by a delicate effect on human skin. Such a liquid differs from the usual one in that it can remove much more remaining contaminants with it.
Micellar water is often used to wash off makeup, which can be very difficult to remove with plain water.

What are they made of?
Micellar water removes dirt and makeup well, but this does not mean that it contains aggressive components. A solution of this type, on the contrary, does not contain silicones, parabens, alcohol or fragrances. In quality products, there are components made from herbal infusions, and various natural oils.But these are far from all the components that may be present in the solutions under consideration.
On branded packaging or a bottle of micellar water in the list of composition, you can find various extracts of plants and flowers. These are the components that have a high content of phytophenols, which make human skin much softer and effectively eliminate redness. Also, elements such as zinc may be present in the composition of the considered products for washing. This component is responsible for controlling the secretion of sebum.
The branded make-up remover with activated carbon is very popular today. Such a composition acts softly and has an unusual black color.

As mentioned above, in the composition of modern compositions with micelles, different components can be present - only soap and alcohol. Let us consider in more detail what other elements such a solution can be made of.
- Purified water. Glacial or melt water can have a calming effect on the dermis. It works with maximum softness. The thermal fluid contains a large amount of minerals, since it turns out to be much more effective than the first 2 indicated types. Flower water is usually obtained when plants are processed. It is able to tone and cleanse problem skin, moisturize dry dermis. The composition may also contain sea water. It soothes, has a bactericidal effect, helps to get rid of edema, and smoothes wrinkles.
- Hydrolates. These ingredients are herbal tinctures. They have healing properties, contribute to the speedy recovery of the epidermis.
- Vegetable oils... These components, which are present in the composition of micellar water, should be selected in accordance with the specific skin type. Some people are more suited to formulations without oils at all.
- Tenzins... These are components of plant origin. They form obstacles for adhesion of fat molecules so that no sediment is present, and the suspension remains stable.
- Panthenol and Glycerin. The listed components have a healing effect. They help to moisturize the skin and prevent the unpleasant feeling of tightness. Panthenol is an excellent ingredient used in acne treatments. It is recommended to choose liquids in which glycerin is vegetable rather than synthetically produced.
- Plant extracts, aloe. For normal and oily skin, dispersed water is suitable, which contains rosemary, lavender, calendula, mint and citrus fruits. For dry and hypersensitive dermis, it is better to use products that contain aloe, chamomile, ginseng, jasmine, thyme, sage. For mature skin, micellar water with mallow, cornflower, lotus, rose, linden and cedar extract will be an ideal solution.
- Gasoline salicylate. It is a component that protects the dermis from the negative effects of the sun's rays.
You can find different brands of micellar water in stores. The compositions may differ from each other. The listed components are far from all. For example, some manufacturers offer excellent hyaluronic acid and colloidal silver products for customers to choose from.

Properties and principle of operation
Let's consider in detail what is the principle of action of modern micellar solutions for skin cleansing.
- The active component of such funds are micelles... These tiny compounds, when optimally concentrated in water, form surfactants.
- The specified components deactivate harmful chemical elements.
- "Tie up" and take away even the tiniest fat particles.
- Weaken the action of aggressive compounds in cleaning solutions.
According to experts, the compositions under consideration can simultaneously provide a positive effect, coupled with excellent cleansing.
The particles that are in the composition of high-quality micellar waters work like a magnet - they attract absolutely any pollution.

Benefit and harm
Modern micellar water is an effective cleansing agent, which can have a positive effect on the condition of the human skin.
- With the right composition it will be possible to effectively remove even the most intense makeup. At the same time, the whole process will take very little time.
- Quality micellar water does not provoke dry skin... She can treat the dermis on the face and neck - both in the first and second areas after the procedure, there will be no unpleasant tight feeling.
- The agent in question perfectly affects sensitive skin type.
- After treatment with a similar effective product on the dermis there is no film left, as is the case with many skincare gels and lotions.
Of course, you can only feel all the beneficial properties of micellar water if the product has not expired yet.

It should be borne in mind that such cleaning agents can also cause some harm.
- After treating the skin with certain products, its surface may remain slightly sticky... This effect is unpleasant for many girls.
- If, after using the product in question, the skin feels tight, this indicates that the product is not of high quality... In this case, the best solution would be to buy another water.
- In case of contact with eyes, certain foods can provoke a slight burning sensation.
- Sometimes micellar water contains components that can cause allergic reactions... That is why it is recommended to test the tool before direct use.

Let's figure out what factors can be a contraindication to the use of this solution.
- It is not recommended to use cleansers that are if you have oily skin prone to breakouts. There are some types of micellar water that contain silicone. It covers the dermis with a thinnest film that does not allow oxygen to pass through itself.
- Pregnant women should not wash their face with such a remedy.... Some products contain preservatives and fragrances. This explains the fact that it is undesirable to use such products for removing makeup for expectant mothers and lactating women.
- Too high sensitivity of the skin may also become a contraindication.... If artificially synthesized glycerin and bromides are present in the product, they can cause itching and flaking of the skin.

There are several different types of micellar water. Let's get to know them better.
- Universal... On sale you can find micellar water, which is marked "for all skin types." This is a real find for makeup artists and for ordinary fashionistas. The universal composition is suitable for daily use. It is suitable for removing almost any type of makeup (including around the eyes), as well as for washing.

- For sensitive skin... If you know that your skin reddens easily and quickly, reacts poorly to the effects of winds, frost and hard water, and not all creams are suitable for it, then you need to be especially careful when choosing micellar. In this case, only a highly sensitive dermis-oriented composition can be the best solution. The product must be hypoallergenic and gentle. The content should be free of fragrances, and the presence of a large number of emollients is encouraged.

- For problem and oily skin... Micellar water of this category is usually supplemented with a matting effect, which is provided due to the presence of absorbing and sebum-regulating elements. These cleansing products are not recommended for use on the eye area.And for a very sensitive dermis, they are categorically not suitable.

- For dry skin. Micellar water, designed to "work" with dry skin, will not contain alcohol or aggressive components that differ only in the superficial cleansing effect. Suitable (often biphasic) formulations are moisturizing and nutritious. With such products, it will be possible to provide dry skin with high-quality comprehensive care.

Many of today's manufacturers produce quality cleansing products of various types. Well-known brands produce products for oily, dry and combination skin, as well as highly effective products for removing even the highest quality waterproof makeup. Let's take a look at a small list of renowned manufacturers offering the best products.
- Garnier. A well-known brand produces micellar for different skin types. The products of this company are presented in a wide range and are inexpensive. Many Garnier products today come in their own branded pink packaging.

- Armelle... This is a Russian brand that produces a wide range of cosmetics. In the arsenal of the manufacturer there are universal compositions that are relatively inexpensive. Many of them are designed for delicate cleansing of the face and eyelids.

- Langeige. It is a popular Korean manufacturer of premium quality micellar water. In the assortment of the brand from Korea, you can find many excellent cosmetic care products. True, most of them are incredibly difficult to find in Russia.

- Masstige. This popular Belarusian brand produces good micellar water. Masstige products are renowned for their gentle and effective action. The original Belarusian micellar is in great demand among modern women of fashion.

How to choose?
Consider what you need to look for in order to choose really high quality micellar water.
- Decide in advance what exactly you are buying micellar for... There are notes on different trains that you should pay attention to. There are products that are suitable for the face and body, formulations only for removing makeup or for eyelash extensions. You should also take into account the type of skin for which the cleansing composition is suitable. This parameter is also usually indicated on the branded liquid packaging.
- Look at the composition of the selected micellar water... Make sure it is free of ingredients that could cause you an allergic reaction. The liquid must be hypoallergenic.
- Be sure to pay attention to the shelf life of absolutely any micellar water. If the product has expired, you should not buy the product, even if it is attractively cheap.
- Only branded products are recommended for use... Micellar water, available as a liquid or spray, is made by many major pharmaceutical and professional cleaning mix manufacturers. Do not be afraid of the too high cost of branded liquids - in fact, many well-known companies produce high-quality, but budgetary funds.
- Make sure the packaging is intact... Micellar water should not leak somewhere. The container with it must be tightly closed. The liquid bottle should be free of dents or other serious damage. Be sure to pay attention to this.
- It is recommended to buy such cosmetics only in specialized stores.where quality cosmetics and care products are sold.
It is strongly discouraged to purchase micellar on the market or in a dubious shop.

How to use?
Micellar water is very easy to use. You just need to follow a number of important rules for carrying out such a procedure. Let's get acquainted with them.
For cleansing the face
Let's consider step by step how to correctly use micellar water to remove makeup:
- first you need to apply the cleanser to a clean cotton pad;
- gently wipe your face;
- if you are removing eye makeup, wipe the corresponding areas requiring cleaning with the same gentle movements;
- when cleaning the eyes, a cotton pad moistened with micellar should be applied to the upper eyelid; wait 20-30 seconds;
- moisten another cotton pad and apply it to the bottom of the eyelid;
- if the mascara or eyeliner cannot be completely erased, gently rub it again, moving in the direction of the growth of the eyelashes.

To moisturize the skin
In a situation where your goal is to moisturize your face with micellar water, the procedure will be standard:
- generously moisten a clean cotton pad with micellar;
- treat your face with it, moving along the massage lines.

Do I need to rinse off?
Most manufacturers of the cleaning products in question claim that their products do not need to be rinsed off after application. Moreover, this is often written on the product label. However, many experts and cosmetologists consider such assurance to be a common advertising stunt. In fact, there are enough surfactants in the composition of such mixtures, therefore It is simply necessary to wash off the micellar. Otherwise, after some time, the skin may begin to peel off and redden.

What can be replaced?
Many ladies are interested in whether it is possible to replace micellar water with some other remedy with a similar effect. If the use of micellar is contraindicated, other safe means can be used instead. Fit high-quality thermal or ordinary boiled water, prepared at home. The main thing is not to take ordinary, unprepared liquid from the tap. A good solution can be a special mild milk.
According to many girls, if there is no micellar water, hydrophilic oil can demonstrate a good effect.

Review overview
Micellar water has long been a popular cleanser that not only helps keep skin looking good, but also removes any type of makeup. Ladies leave different reviews about such products. Among them there are both positive and negative.
Consider what good modern ladies have noticed in such solutions:
- many girls note the good condition of the skin after using quality products;
- most formulations perfectly remove cosmetics without causing discomfort;
- the fashionistas were also pleased with the fact that most products do not exude harsh and obsessive odors;
- many micellar specimens are sold in large volumes, which attracts consumers in such products (most often ladies notice such a plus when buying formulations from Garnier);
- most of the branded formulations do not cause dryness and tightness of the skin;
- the girls noticed that correctly selected cleansers do not cause allergic reactions and have the most gentle effect on the skin;
- Women could not fail to please the women and the fact that micellar water from many brands is quite inexpensive and is sold in many stores (the only exception are original Korean products - they are not so easy to get);
- ease of application with minimal time costs is another important plus noticed by modern young ladies who look after their beauty;
- pleasant design of bottles - although this plus is insignificant, but it is noted by many girls.

However, it was not without things that customers did not like. Consider what most often upset girls in micellar formulations:
- many formulations do not easily cope with well-applied waterproof makeup;
- using some products, you have to press too hard on a cotton pad and on the surface of the skin in order to quickly remove makeup;
- some ladies, using such means, feel a burning sensation in their eyes (everything is strictly individual here - perhaps the purchased composition simply did not suit them);
- often girls are confused by the composition of micellar liquids - it seems to them that they contain too many suspicious components and allergens;
- some branded makeup removal products seem unreasonably expensive for girls;
- after treatment with micellar water, some girls experience discomfort on the skin.

Many beauties have not noticed a single drawback in micellar water. Here you need to take into account that everything is strictly individual. Someone such products are ideal and suit in all respects, while others experience pain, dryness and burning sensations from their use.
In addition, it is important to select formulations that are suitable for a specific skin type, since products designed for oily dermis are not suitable for dry dermis, but many girls simply do not pay attention to this.

For what micellar water is and how to use it correctly, see the next video.