Fashion & Style

Many people choose to keep up with fashion, be it clothing or interior decoration. But at the same time, they manage to remain stylish. To maintain this balance, you need to clearly understand that fashion and style have their own differences, and it is worth figuring out what they are.

What it is?
We often hear that fashion is changeable. And indeed it is. Indeed, in itself, this word means a set of values and tastes that operate only for a certain time in a certain environment. Therefore, it is so often difficult to keep up with fashion. There are things that remain unchanged for a very long time, and there are those whose life is short, just one season. And it's good if there are tendencies that come back, or the old images are overgrown with new details and are already playing in a new way. And there are, indeed, disposable things that are later recognized as clearly unsuccessful.

As for the style, it has a more solid term, it is a set of values and features that may never become outdated. It is no coincidence that there are styles in painting, literature, music and other fields of art. And they firmly entered history under their definite names. The same can be said about architecture, interior design, clothing. This is something that is formed over the years and remains forever. But there is also an individual style of a person, and everyone develops it for himself, focusing on his tastes, views, worldview and other aspects.

It would seem that fashion and style are intertwined, and these concepts are somewhat close to each other, however, if you dig deeper, there are very big differences between them.

In ancient times, clothing for people looked very primitive and served only as protection from cold and bad weather. But with the development of man, the need arose to diversify clothes, making them beautiful and attractive, and not just comfortable.
Not a single source undertakes to say with certainty when exactly the concept of "fashion" appeared. But it is assumed that this was formed gradually in those days when clothes became more diverse, each wardrobe item began to receive a certain name, and every year certain products were supplemented with new details and elements. This is how the styles appeared.

Fashion historians suggest that tailoring began to develop rapidly in the 15th century. Women increasingly wanted to see a variety of outfits from different fabrics in their wardrobe. We can say that each European country has made its own contribution to the formation of the history of fashion. But if we talk about fashion as a larger-scale phenomenon, then it began to form more consciously in France in the 17th century. It is no coincidence that all the most famous fashion designers created their collections in this country, and it has always been a trendsetter.

As for such a thing as style, he walked hand in hand with fashion, since each country at one time or another had its own style of clothing. It was developed as new milestones appeared in the history of fashion. Thus, the connection between these two concepts is inseparable, and one does not exist without the other.

If you still ask the question of how fashion differs from style, then you can speculate a little on this topic, starting from those elementary things that are known about fashion and style to every person.

Fashion is a fleeting concept, and in a sense it can be compared to the seasons when the whole picture around them changes radically. In summer - flowers and butterflies, in winter - snow and cold. The same is in fashion: some tendencies are replaced by others, everything passes quickly. Today, stilettos are fashionable, tomorrow - a platform, this year straight trousers are considered fashionable, next - narrow ones. And so everything changes endlessly. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep up with fashion trends all the time. And not only for the reason that it is impossible every season to completely renew the wardrobe for absolutely everyone, but at least because it very often happens that newfangled things are not for everyone, and this must be taken into account. Therefore, people are divided into two categories - those who follow fashion in everything, are aware of all the latest innovations, and do not pay special attention to how well these new items fit, and those who pay attention not so much to fashion as to general harmony and on its appearance as a whole. This, perhaps, is the main difference between fashion and style.

Most often, a person's style remains for the rest of his life, if he suddenly, for some reason, does not dare to radically change everything.
Style is a deeper and more ambiguous concept, it is formed in a person over the years and consists of many components. The foundations can be laid even in childhood, and the formation of a sense of style depends on parents, environment, hobbies, personal knowledge and desire to improve themselves.

Fashion belongs to society, style is an individual concept. It is no coincidence that there are artists, writers, fashion designers who have their own style, and it is recognizable.
If we compare, for example, a stylish and fashionable person, then you can understand in more detail what are the differences between these two concepts.

A fashionable person with great financial capabilities can afford to purchase the latest novelties from well-known brands. But at the same time, if a person does not have taste, a sense of style and measure, does not know how to combine colors, fabrics, various accessories, even the most trendy outfits in the aggregate will present a deplorable picture. It is doubly sad if, due to certain features of the figure, some things do not suit him, do not decorate, but on the contrary, sometimes make him even funny and ridiculous, emphasizing only shortcomings.

As for the stylish person, here everything is a little different. Perhaps, fashionable things appear in his wardrobe every season. But at the same time, he clearly knows what suits him, how to emphasize the advantages of his appearance, and how to hide flaws.He knows exactly when to stop and intuitively feels what, with what and how to combine. Therefore, he always looks attractive and catches the admiring glances of others.

There is one more important factor. You can still learn many things related to style. There are special courses, schools where, if you wish, you can learn a lot of new things, which will help you become both stylish and fashionable.

Fortunately, fashion has its own moments that allow many people to always remain fashionable and at the same time feel comfortable. This is the so-called classic. After all, everyone knows that there are things that never go out of fashion, for example, the same jeans or a little black dress. In addition, over the past decades, many fashion trends recede into the background and then return.