Food for pugs: types and features of choice

If you are the owner of a four-legged pet, then you know how important it is to follow all the rules and principles of caring for a dog. An attentive attitude to your dog provides her with a healthy lifestyle, prolongs her life, and, in general, has a positive effect on the growth and development of the animal.

Your pug's diet deserves special attention. It is important that the food is complete and comprehensive, saturated with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. In addition, many owners tend to choose a food option that would not require a lot of time and labor. What types of pug food are there? Which manufacturers to give preference to? How to choose the right feed and what feeding features should be considered? You will find the answers to these questions in our material.

Due to the fact that at present there is a huge variety of food compositions for the pug, they are grouped into classes. There are the following types of dry food:
- Economy class;
- premium class;
- super premium class;
- holistic.
Food of these categories differs among themselves in several characteristics, primarily in composition and price. Holistics are considered the highest quality and most expensive. The composition of such dog food contains only the most useful components, there are no chemical impurities, as well as ingredients that can harm your pet. Often this composition is hypoallergenic.
Cheaper, but relatively useful and suitable for a healthy diet are premium and super premium formulations... As for the feed that belongs to the economy category, they are cheap, but completely unsuitable for animals that have any peculiarities of the gastrointestinal tract.
These foods contain chemical impurities that are not suitable for sensitive dogs.

Manufacturers overview
Today, the zoological market has a huge variety of manufacturers who offer their customers different types of dog food. Many of them are very popular and trusted by consumers. Today, in our article, we take a look at the best manufacturers of pug food.
Royal canin
This brand is one of the most popular manufacturers. The company's assortment includes several types of dry food: some of them are intended only for small puppies, while others are used for feeding only adult dogs. The dry food particles are specially shaped to make it easier for animals to grip and chew food.
It is important to note that the feed contains special chemical components that facilitate the digestibility of food and strengthen the immune system. Also, the researchers of the Royal Canin trading company have carefully thought out the internal chemical composition of the feed, it contains proteins and fats in verified proportions.

This brand offers customers a whole line of food for small dogs. The feed contains meat products such as chicken, turkey and lamb. You will be able to choose food for your daily diet, as well as the food that can be given to pugs as a treat. It is important to note that if your pet has any of the peculiarities of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, then Hill's suggests choosing special food for sensitive dogs.
In addition, the range includes food for dogs with excess weight, dermatological problems and a tendency to allergies.

This company produces high-quality food formulas for pugs, feeds are categorized as holistic. This means that the food does not contain low-quality chemical and artificial additives that can harm the dog's body. At the same time, it should be noted that this high quality comes with a high price tag. However, it should be noted that there may be some negative consequences from the use of such food.
The thing is that Acana dog food is rich in protein and carbohydrates, which can cause weight gain or appear as a red tint on the nails.

Pro Plan
The heart of Pro Plan's feed formulations is chicken. The assortment line includes food that is intended for both small puppies and adults. In addition to chicken, the feed contains a variety of plant and chemical components: for example, corn, wheat, as well as various flavor enhancers, etc.
It is worth noting that such additional components can cause allergies, so it is important to consult your veterinarian before purchasing.

The assortment of this brand includes 26 types of food intended for small breed dogs. The homeland of this brand is Italy. The company's employees have carried out thorough research in order to provide for all the needs of the dogs.The composition of the products is saturated with all the necessary nutrients: vitamins and mineral supplements.
At the same time, it is important that the composition lacks various components that can cause allergies. Before you start feeding your dogs this food, it is important to read the instructions on the packaging to avoid negative effects.

The Brit brand produces premium and luxury food. The food is enriched with various minerals and vitamins, as well as other components that have a positive effect on the dog's body.
The bulk of the feed consists of meat, and the source of carbohydrates in this case is potatoes, and not cereals, as in cheaper feeds.

This brand belongs to the super-premium class. The country of origin of this feed is the United States of America. In the assortment you will find food of a very different kind: for both large and small dogs, for animals of different ages, as well as for dogs that have certain health features. Traditionally, the feed contains 2 types of natural meat, as well as natural additives such as eggs, fish oil, rice, barley and much more.

First mate
This trade mark has production facilities in several countries of the world: Australia, Columbia, Canada. The feed contains only natural meat and other ingredients of natural origin. This list of food for pugs is not exclusive, however, these brands are considered one of the most popular.
Today on the zoological market you can find dry formulations that are suitable for feeding dogs with any physiological characteristics, as well as food of various price categories.

Criterias of choice
Choosing food for your pet is a difficult and responsible task that must be approached with all seriousness. There are several characteristics to consider when buying and purchasing food.
Your dog's health is important. If your four-legged pet is completely healthy, then you can feed it with formulations suitable for daily nutrition. On the other hand, if the pug is allergic or has other physiological abnormalities, then it is important to consult with a veterinarian before buying food, who will help you choose the type of food based on the individual characteristics of the animal.
The second feature to consider is the age of your pet. So, there are special formulations that are intended only for small puppies, or such foods that are given to adult dogs. Usually, information about which food can be given from what age is indicated on the package. An equally important characteristic is your dog's lifestyle, level of activity and energy.
Remember that the composition for the animal must fully correspond to its temperament, weight and other individual characteristics and characteristics.

Feeding features
In addition to the fact that it is important to choose the right quality food composition for pugs, you must also follow all the recommendations for the implementation of the feeding procedure. It should be remembered that you need to observe the gramme of feeding the puppies. It is believed that 1 kilogram of weight should account for 20 grams of feed. If you notice that your pet is not eating enough, then you should replace the food with a more nutritious one, but it is not recommended to increase the serving size of the food. The fact is that if you do not control the portions of food, then the pug can quickly gain excess weight, as a result of which the animal may have health problems.
It is recommended to feed the dogs at the same time, and each time they need to be given the same amount of food. It is not recommended to alternate between natural nutrition and dry food - it is better to immediately transfer the animal to one of the two options and constantly observe it. It is also important to observe the water regime and hygiene rules. Remember to rinse the bowl after each meal to prevent bacteria and harmful organisms from accumulating on the sides of the bowl.
We are convinced that today there is a huge variety of manufacturers on the market, who present buyers with a variety of pug food to choose from. If you are not entirely sure which one to choose, then you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the specialists presented in our article, and also consult a veterinarian. Try not to get the cheapest pug food and do not save on your pet's health.
For tips on feeding your pug, see the following video.