Pugs: description, character, colors and choice

Pugs are one of the most adorable dogs, good-natured pets, which are very difficult to refuse anything. They are great companions that easily get along with other animals. The breed has millions of fans around the world and has consistently ranked among the most outgoing pets.

At first glance, dogs with an intelligent, clear look and a sad expression on their muzzles evoke a desire to warm them up and feed them.
But in addition to expressive appearance and excellent acting skills, this breed has a lot of other significant advantages.
One of them - complete absence of aggression, which allows pugs to be considered ideal companions for children, the elderly, and people with special needs. With such a dog, you can easily afford an active lifestyle or turn into a full-fledged stay-at-home. The pug will willingly support any regimen of the day, does not require many hours of walking or difficult care.

Origin story
Externally similar to typical European molossians, pugs have a slightly different origin. Their homeland is Ancient China, where compact dogs with silky hair were integral companions of the nobility. Unlike many other breeds, the history of their origin is not based on myths and legends, but on real facts.
One of the first mentions of dogs with a characteristic phenotype and a shortened muzzle are historical documents dating back to the 6th-4th centuries BC. In the texts of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, there are also references to the ancestors of modern pugs - lo jie, whom the local nobility preferred to transport on their chariots.

European glory
Representatives of this breed came outside of China many centuries later. It is believed that one of the first Europeans to have an exotic pet at their disposal was the legendary traveler Marco Polo. But dogs gained real popularity with the onset of the 16th-17th centuries, when their original appearance and kind-heartedness were appreciated by European monarchs.

The successful coincidence of the color of the dogs with the colors of the ruling dynasty of the Kingdom of the Netherlands led to the fact that it was in Holland that the Lo Jie found a second home. They also got their new name "pug" right here. And after the faithful dog Pompey literally saved the life of his royal owner Wilhelm the Silent, the fame of fearless pet dogs with a charming appearance spread throughout the Old World.
And even after the death of the owner, the image of this pet remained for centuries in the form of a sleeping dog carved on the lid of the sarcophagus, and the established dynasty gained its live mascot.

English period
In Great Britain, where there has always been a special attitude towards animals, pugs arrived about two centuries ago. At the request of Queen Victoria, one of the best representatives of this breed was brought to the country. And soon the love of the monarch led to the formation of a whole population of English pugs - light-colored dogs with an elongated muzzle, high legs and a lean body.

Later, as a result of military operations in the Western countries from China, black pilots came, which had remained unknown for a long time. Fancy dogs instantly rose in value and are still considered quite rare and expensive.
The first breed lovers club also appeared in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century.
After that, breeding became more centralized, and specialized literature appeared. The first standard was developed in 1888.

Description and standards of the breed
A dog-specific breed description implies that the animal meets the specified standards adopted by the FCI in 1966. Both the puppy and the adult pug look very unusual, have pronounced folds. Characteristics allowed by the modern standard: height range 25-30.5 cm for bitches, up to 33 cm for males. Permissible body weight 6-8 kg.
Initially, in the 19th century, a weight of 7 kg was considered the norm, a height of 30.5 cm.

A pug that is too large does not fit the standard as well as a pug that is too small. The pygmy molossus must have all the characteristics of its class: a proportional body, large head, strong limbs. The mini-format does not imply increased wrinkling, the dog should look natural for its size, without exaggerated amount of skin.

The requirements for the balance of the dog's articles led to the fact that pugs with an old-breed physique had practically no chance of a successful show career. In total, 4 main phenotypes are distinguished.
- Terrier. It is considered the most preferred. It is characterized by a slightly elongated torso, expressive proudly set neck. Dogs with such a physique are doing well today at a dog show of any level.
- Sharpeyny... It is considered the least characteristic of the breed and causes serious criticism from the judges. Dogs of this type have an excess weight, an abundance of folds throughout the body. As a rule, such an addition is formed on purpose to hide the flaws of the topline - sloping, excessive elongation of the back.
- Bulldog... This type implies the presence of an oblique set of shoulder blades, an overly wide, barrel-shaped torso. The forelimbs may have twisted elbows. The dog looks squat, short-legged, disproportionately wide in the chest.
- Dwarf... The mini-variety was developed in the USA. It includes all dogs weighing less than 4 kg, and no more than 21 cm in height.
The tasks of breeders are primarily to preserve the main breed type of pug, compact and strong, with an expressive appearance, balanced parameters of height and weight.

According to the FCI requirements, the pug must have proportions, corresponding to the breed standard.
- Body type. This is a dog with a square body format, emphatically stocky, compact, without excess dampness, with well-developed muscles. The body is short, well knit. The topline is straight and even, without hump, sagging. The rib cage is wide, the ribs are well defined.
- Limbs medium length, emphasizing the correct build. The height from the withers to the tip of the paws corresponds to the length of the body from the chest to the base of the tail. The shoulders of the front ones have a good angle of inclination, the legs are straight, strong, located under the body, the toes are collected, black claws are required. Hindquarters - Set straight and parallel, with a pronounced knee angle. Manifestations of short-toed feet, excessively long or thin legs are excluded.
- Tail high rise, curls over the thigh. The double curl of the tail is considered a pedigree.
- Neck strong, thickened, the length ensures a proud set of the head. There is a slight ridge-like bend. A disadvantage is the dog's thin or overly short neck.
- Head round, volumetric. Quite large, but proportional to the body. The disadvantage is the apple-shaped form. Skull without depressions; forehead folds clear, without excessive depth.
- Nose without folds above it. Only black is allowed, the nostrils should be large, well-defined, of sufficient width. An unpainted nose is a serious defect.
- Muzzle with a pronounced nasal fold. Short, square, blunt-pointed, without signs of upturned. The nasal fold should be deep enough not to overlap the nose or eyes, obstructing the animal.
- Dental system with a light snack. The lower jaw is wide, the incisors are almost straight. When the mouth is closed, the teeth or tongue should not be visible. The staggered arrangement of the lower incisors is considered a defect.
- Eyes round, rather large, dark brown. The expression should be attentive, gentle. Required maximum brilliance, fire, filling the eyes when the dog is emotionally excited. The disadvantage is excessive bulging, the appearance of the edge of the squirrel when the dog is looking forward. Defects also include low or wide eyes.
- Ears are of two types. The most pedigree is considered to be a "button" laid forward, with a tight fit of the edge to the head. The shape of the "rose" ears suggests a small shell size, raised cartilage, a tip retracted. The correct version resembles black velvet. The ears are thin and soft to the touch.

Color options
All permissible colors are clearly described in the breed standard. The shiny, fine coat of a pug is always smooth and short, rather thin. The breed can have beige, apricot or peach (with red in tone), silver, recognized in the EU and the US, or a black base background. Marks should be as close to black as possible. Pugs should have a "belt" on their back, a muzzle or mask that contrasts with the basic tone (except for black), ears, a "diamond" in the forehead and "birthmarks" on the cheeks.

Light colors must have a pronounced difference between the background and dark blotches. The stronger the contrast, the higher the score. A white spot on the chest is considered a fault. In the black color, there should be no blotches of red hairs. Beige can be very bleached, almost to ivory.

Non-standard color options can be very different.
- Albino pug. It is characterized by a snow-white color with a contrasting black muzzle, or completely devoid of dark blotches.
- Steel or light gray.
- Chocolate with a light brown nose.
- Tiger, with pronounced stripes. It is obtained by mixing the blood of dogs of different colors.
- Pale yellow with a mask of chocolate brown shade.
- Marble with a silvery-beige background and black spots.
Dogs of these colors are not found in the show ring, but they become wonderful pets.
It is important to consider that pug puppies colorize with age. To avoid surprises, you should pay attention to the puppy's ancestors - to study the dominant shades of the coat.

The docile nature of these small dogs often becomes a reason to acquire them into a family where there are children or pets. But there are subtleties that only experienced breeders know about. The general lightness of temperament that pugs possess is indeed present. But in fact, the dog remains playful and active only in his youth. As you grow older he will definitely turn into a reference couch potato, the inhabitant of the sofa.

Character traits make the representatives of this breed easy to maintain for those people who often have to travel on business trips. At the time of caring for a pug, you can entrust friends or relatives, the dog can easily adapt to the temporary conditions of stay. A big advantage is the lack of the habit of giving voice to trifles. The only sounds that most owners hear are characteristic snoring and manifestations of flatulence in an animal.

The sex of the dog also matters. The girl is always more contact, controllable, better amenable to training. It should be turned on by people who are not inclined to violent manifestations of feelings.
Surprisingly, in this breed, it is the fair sex that has a balanced disposition.
Boys are much more stubborn and have their own "view" of training. Such a pet is quite difficult to train in adulthood. And also males have a more violent temperament, they can demonstrate incredible activity when the owner returns home.
In general, the dog can be recommended for purchase to those who want to find a faithful friend and active, emotional companion for many years. Due to the increased independence, it will be difficult for a child or an elderly person to cope with it.

Advantages and disadvantages
Evaluating the pros and cons of the breed, we can confidently state that the pug is almost an ideal pet, and small minuses only give it additional charm.

Several factors can be noted among the obvious advantages of these dogs.
- Attachment to a person. Pugs are natural companions who need to express their affections. They willingly demonstrate feelings to their beloved master, easily make contact, generously bestow their love on all family members. If you need to make a choice between communicating with your beloved owner or fellows, the pug will choose the opportunity to be with a person.
- Child friendliness. The pug can be safely left alone with a nursing baby or preschooler, without fear that the dog will offend the baby. Children themselves are very affectionate towards pets with silky velvet fur. You can safely allow them to play together or have fun.But before you start a pet, you should teach the child how to handle him correctly.
- Pretty good health. Pugs do not carry most of the genetic diseases common to small molossos. They are pretty well protected due to their strong immunity. But when choosing, it is worth carefully monitoring the pedigree of the dog, buying it from proven kennels, following the recommended diet for life.
- Charming appearanceb. The unique appearance of these small dogs is eye-catching like a magnet. They do not leave indifferent even the most severe heart.
- Compact dimensions... A miniature pet can easily fit even in small-sized housing, and will not constrain its owner when living together.
- Brave Heart. Despite its very modest size, the pug is courageous and ready to rush to protect the owner or warn him of danger. Even to guests, despite the general good nature, the dog always first shows a certain distrust.
- Ease of adaptation... A pug is a dog with which you can afford any regimen of the day. The pet will easily adapt to the requirements of the owner and will be a convenient companion in everyday affairs.
- Versatility - suitable for hosts with any experience. The minimal need for physical activity allows even older people to enjoy walking with a pug. The dog will not make attempts to escape, will slowly follow alongside.
- Minimal care time... There is no need to regularly carry out haircuts, comb out the undercoat, spend a lot of time preparing for the exhibition.

There are also disadvantages. Pug breed dogs are different excessive gullibility they easily go to strangers, they can take a treat from their hands or let themselves be taken away. One more problem - omnivorous and gluttonous... The tendency to be overweight in miniature dogs is quite common, but these dogs surpass all others in terms of the speed of weight gain.
Eternal dietary restrictions lead to the fact that the dog is ready to eat any conditionally suitable food.

Stubbornness is not at all what the owner expects from the always docile pug. But one has only to start training, and this character trait will manifest itself in all its glory. In addition, animals need constant attention, they are egocentric, they love to be the "center of the universe" for the owner, his family members.
Dogs they do not tolerate loneliness, they get very bored, they can start hooliganism. In addition, they are touchy, capable of depriving their master of attention, ignoring his commands after being rudely treated.

Among the physical features of the breed, it is worth noting an abundant year-round molt. The owner will find wool both on ceremonial clothes and on house slippers. Another important point - high need for hygiene, the rapid appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Life span
Pugs, like other miniature dogs, can well live a long and happy canine age. The average age of animals reaches 13-14 years, but some specimens significantly exceed these limits.
In order not to face early death or difficulties with the health of the pet, breeders recommend checking the results of the parents' genetic tests.
Dysplasia of the hip joints, encephalitis, epilepsy, spinal deformity can be identified among the hereditary problems dangerous to the life and health of the dog. Most often, these problems are associated precisely with closely related breeding of dogs, the use of animals with obvious genetic defects in breeding.

How to choose a puppy?
Many people dream of becoming the owner of a little pug. What you need to know before purchasing an animal, what newborn puppies look like, who is better to choose from a litter, and at what age - the answers to all these questions are best found before making a final decision.

Among the selection criteria, a number of points can be distinguished.
- Pet class. If you plan to conduct exhibition activities, you should choose show-class puppies from titled producers with an impeccable exterior. The offspring of the breed category are slightly cheaper - they are allowed for breeding, but may have small defects in appearance. Pet-class allows non-standard colors, you should not hope for a show career or selling puppies.
- Gender... Boys are courageous, sociable, intelligent dogs with a developed sense of territory. They can mark their own living space, but otherwise they are not a hassle. Girls are calmer, more self-confident. The inborn behavior of a lady changes only twice a year during estrus, but with a spayed dog this problem is completely eliminated.
- The age of the animal. You can take a pug puppy home no earlier than 1.5 months old. But a more reliable option would be to purchase an already vaccinated pet. The optimal age is 2.5 months and older. A grown-up puppy needs to be fed less often - about 4 times a day, without getting up at night.
- Social adaptation... By the time of separation from its mother, the puppy should play with peers, easily come into contact with people, not show aggression or fear. If the breeder keeps the droppings in a cramped cage or paddock, does not let them walk, the new owner will have to correct the pet's behavioral problems all his life.
- Health. The animal should not have skin rashes, dandruff, discharge from the eyes, ears, genitals. The body and paws of a healthy baby are thick, proportionally developed. The smell from the animal should come out pleasant and dim. The presence of parasites - fleas, ear mites - indicates poor care.

By the time of transfer to the owner, all puppies must have a puppy card with blank owner data, a stamp that matches the number indicated in the documents. The vaccination certificate must contain information about the vaccinations carried out.

Maintenance and care
When purchasing a pug, it is important to remember that this dog needs the attention of the owner, and caring for a short-haired pet, although it may seem tedious, brings joy to both the owner and the animal itself. The main thing is not to turn hygiene procedures into a heavy duty, and to make sure that both the puppy and the adult or old dog receive the necessary amount of physical activity.

The Pug is a sturdy strong dog with good muscles. But due to limitations in mobility, he can quickly gain unnecessary fat reserves. Walking helps to overcome hypodynamia.

However, in the case of pugs, there are three important rules to follow.
- Systematic... Daily walks are beneficial and necessary for the dog. For a small indoor dog, two half-hour walks will be enough - in the morning and evening hours. In extreme heat, it is better to postpone walking to a time when the air temperature is minimum, these are dawn and dusk hours. In winter, it will be enough to take the dog out for 15 minutes twice a day - pugs are not at all adapted to the cold.
- Game loads... The dog should be getting moderate levels of physical activity. It is worth teaching your dog to play outdoors, light jogging, not forgetting time to rest from childhood. When shortness of breath appears, the pet is given a break.
- Rich wardrobe. Due to the difficulties with thermoregulation, dogs of this breed need to purchase clothing for the season. Warm overalls, boots, blankets will help maintain health and protect the pet's body from hypothermia.

Choice of clothes
Consider what clothes a pug needs for walks. First of all, the wardrobe must be matched to the size and season. For winter, it is better to choose bright outfits with reflective stripes. Insulated jackets, coats, overalls of different lengths will be appropriate here; in products with panties, the groin area remains open.It is good if the top is equipped with a hood to protect the head; in severe frosts, they pry down a fleece or knitted blanket.

A raincoat is considered a demi-season clothing for pugs; it can be equipped with a little insulation, look like a windbreaker or a light cape.

The heat is not a reason to leave the dog without clothes. To protect against overheating, the dog should wear a panama hat and a light cotton jumpsuit. All materials for pug clothing must be breathable, contributing to normal thermoregulation. It is very important that the outfit does not hinder movement.

In addition to outfits for walking, the owner will need a harness and a leash. Collars for these animals are not very comfortable to wear. It is better to choose high-quality leather accessories that do not interfere with the dog's standing, walking, running. The clothes should be provided places for attaching the leash to the harness ring.

Pug dogs have a special protective cover on the skin and coat - it looks like a fatty film that naturally protects the body from cold, overheating, moisture and other external influences. When bathing, this layer is washed off and formed anew for quite a long time. That's why often do not bathe your pet.
It will be enough to take a bath with heavy pollution and according to the schedule - once every three months. If possible, the dog is washed with or without special mild shampoos using warm water.

When preparing to receive water procedures, you should take care that the animal does not freeze after them. All sources of draft are necessarily excluded, the temperature in the room rises to a comfortable +25 degrees Celsius. Pugs are not cowardly and are great at bathing. It is enough to lay a non-slip mat at the bottom of the bath, and you can water your pet directly with a shower head on a flexible hose.
Dog ears pre-closed with cotton swabs to prevent water from entering the ear canal.

General hygiene procedures
Regular hygiene is essential to the successful maintenance of good dog health. In order for the pug to look and feel good, you should regularly perform manipulations with it that are mandatory for this breed.
- Cleansing folds in the skin. Inside the wrinkles, food debris, dirt that gets on the dog's body during a walk can linger. It is the improper hygiene of the folds that leads to the fact that the animal begins to smell unpleasant, inflammation and areas with diaper rash form on the skin. To prevent such problems, you need to wipe all folded areas at least twice a week with hypoallergenic wet wipes. After bathing, wrinkled skin is thoroughly dried without leaving moisture.
- Combing the coat... The short hair of the pug sheds quite profusely, his coat needs a weekly careful brushing with a natural hair brush. Such cleaning helps to remove impurities, stimulates blood circulation. With abundant shedding, it is worth making the hygienic treatment more frequent.
- Ear cleaning. The structural features of the pug's auricle are such that she does not need too much care. Wipe down the inside twice a month. For processing, a soft napkin moistened with boric alcohol is used. After the procedure, dried skin is powdered with powder.
- Eye care. Slightly bulging eyeballs increase the risk of injury and require special attention. Inspection of the eyelids and skin around is carried out daily, detected whitish or gray contaminants are removed with a damp cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction. With profuse lacrimation, the formation of purulent discharge, it is imperative to visit a veterinarian.
- Shortening of regrown claws. Lack of vigorous physical activity leads to the fact that grinding does not occur naturally. The stratum corneum must be removed using special "pedicure" accessories.The guillotine nippers will help to make the process less traumatic, and the file will help to avoid splitting the ends at the cut. Uncut claws gradually begin to curl, dig into the pads of the paws, and cause pain.
- Teeth cleaning. The peculiarities of the dog's bite require the most careful attention to oral hygiene. Enamel processing with a brush and a specialized toothpaste is performed 2-3 times a week. You should carefully monitor the condition of the gums, the presence of caries, tartar, and if they appear, consult a doctor.
- Washing the paw pads... They are examined and cleaned of contamination and chemical reagents. When wounds, splinters are found, they are treated with antiseptics, foreign objects are removed. In winter, it is recommended to protect the paws of the animal with boots or socks.

Peculiarities of toilet training
Smart, active and lively pugs easily make contact with the owner from the first days of living in the house. This can be used for quick toilet training.

Puppies have a good memory, you just need to help them navigate in an unfamiliar environment.
- After waiting for the first puddle to appear, you need to moisten the diaper in it and transfer it to the prepared tray. The pet is shown the place where he has to send his natural needs. For the first month, you can simply use a diaper.
- After sleeping or eating, it is imperative to carry the puppy to the diaper, wait until he goes to the toilet. If the puppy "did not run" to the place, you need to increase vigilance, more often offer him a visit to the prepared tray.
- For any successfully completed action, it is imperative to praise the baby. This will inspire him to new exploits. Pugs really appreciate this kind of attention to themselves, and try to repeat the feat for which they received encouragement.
- After the skill is fixed, the diaper is removed from the tray, the puppy continues to visit the toilet in its usual mode. It can take several months to reach the goal - do not rush or use force. Sooner or later, the pug will learn the rules of cleanliness in the house, and will follow them.

Feeding pugs is quite simple - these dogs are different an enviable appetite and do not give up their portion. But the natural tendency to be overweight makes abundant meals deadly for representatives of this breed. The diet will have to be limited, carefully following the recommendations of the veterinarian. In choosing the type of food, various options are permissible - from ready-made industrial feeds to an individually selected menu.
The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the dog. An adult animal is allowed to the bowl no more than twice a day, giving only water without restrictions. Puppies should be fed 3 to 7 times a day, and as they grow, the number of servings is reduced.

Natural diet
The calculation of the daily amount of food for a dog is based on its body weight. This indicator is multiplied by a factor of 0.04. That is, with a mass of 6 kg, a dog can be given no more than 240 g of food. The optimal food composition will be as follows:
- about 40% of the diet is raw high-quality meat (beef, veal, chicken), occasionally boiled fish;
- about 20% should be occupied by low-fat fermented milk products;
- 20% fresh or boiled, stewed vegetables - beets, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, pumpkin;
- 15% of cereals - rice, buckwheat, oats.

In addition, the dog relies on a small amount of vegetable oil, fruit as a treat, half an egg yolk daily. It is permissible to give cheese, rye crackers. Before giving to the animal, the meat is pre-frozen for three days, then poured over with boiling water, crushed.

Ready meals
Among the wide range of food available on the market, pugs need to choose the best and highest quality. The optimal solution will be a product that takes into account the tendency of the dog to gain weight, its age category, physical condition.
It is worth paying attention to several types of ready-made feed.
- Royal Canin Pug Adult. A food specially formulated for pugs. The French brand offers a high protein, low fat product. The composition is based on high quality chicken meat. The food is suitable for feeding adult dogs.
- Acana Regionals Wild Prairie Dog Grain Free. This Canadian holistic food is suitable for feeding adult dogs, puppies, juniors. The unique formula consists of more than 50% quality poultry meat and fish fillets. In addition, the feed contains valuable fiber and a host of other ingredients, low in calories.
- Orijen Adult Dog Fit & Trim Grain Free. Canadian food of the Holistic series for dogs prone to obesity. Protein volumes reach 42%, based on poultry and 4 types of fish. The composition contains additives to maintain healthy joints.

Regardless of the type of food of the dog, it is imperative to take care of the animal's free access to water. It is given only filtered or bottled. Fluid changes and bowls are washed daily.

Raising a pug is always complicated by only one factor - the phenomenal stubbornness of the pet. Affectionate, trying to please the owner, the dog instantly turns into an obstinate mischief if he does not like the activities offered by the owner. The correct tactics for handling the animal will help to avoid problems. And the main weapon of the owner here is affection and care.
For praise, the pug will even be ready to overpower himself, and perform actions that he considers stupid or boring.

Choosing the right age to start classes is everything. Pugs are amenable to education only at an early age, the main training is best done up to six months. The favorite tactic of an ill-bred adult dog is to ignore the owner's commands with the simulation of temporary deafness. So that the dog does not make it a rule to behave this way in any situation, you should start training as early as possible, and be sure to seek obedience, but without the use of force.

Patience is what will definitely come in handy for the owners of the pug. Over-stubborn pet can only be gradually, persistently explaining to him what exactly the owner is seeking. The dog can be picked up, calm down, distracted. And then return to your studies again, gently insisting on your own.
Pug training treats are an essential ingredient to success.
You can get results much faster with persuasion and tasty encouragement. But don't be zealous. Calorie supplements should be carefully considered and subtracted from the total daily food intake when preparing feeding portions.

Owner reviews
The most objective opinion about pugs can be called the reviews of the owners, who are ready to literally carry their pets in their arms. Even the shortcomings of dogs like snoring or stubbornness in the eyes of a loving person can easily turn into advantages. This breed is often referred to as a "clown" for its cheerful, positive attitude and the ability to perform a variety of tricks. Even just watching an animal, you can involuntarily begin to smile.

Pugs are dogs in need of company. That is why they are often kept in pairs or several individuals.
Puppies are incredibly playful, adore attention, look for the company of the owner. Adult animals are more balanced, like to sleep. In fine weather, the pet will not mind taking a walk near the house, but in general, he does not like the street too much. But the process of dressing and wearing overalls, shoes will take place without any special whims.

The need for good hygiene is also important. The dog will have to wash in the morning, comb it thoroughly, and collect its hair around the apartment. The owners point out that accustomed from childhood to the rules of hygiene, pugs easily endure all the manipulations.
It is worth considering: these dogs love to sit on their hands, including on a walk. With a body weight of 7-8 kg, this can put a serious strain on the back.

For the characteristics of the breed, see the following video.
I have a pug, their name is Alyosha.