
A cross between a pug and a Chinese crested

A cross between a pug and a Chinese crested
  1. Pug mestizo
  2. A cross between a pug and a Chinese crested
  3. Character
  4. Care
  5. Nickname
  6. Price

Nowadays it has become actual to engage in designer breeding of dogs. Even at the beginning of the last century, puppies obtained by chance from different breeds of dogs were considered marriage. Now, on the contrary, mestizos are popular among the population, because the traits of both parents are manifested. It all started with crossing poodles with representatives of other breeds to develop a variety with a hypoallergenic coat. The Labradoodle first appeared, but he inherited genetic diseases from the Poodle and Labrador.

Pug mestizo

Breeders love to use pugs because they have a bright, unusual appearance and calm nature. When crossing different breeds, mestizos acquire many positive qualities:

  • resistant to diseases, both genetic and seasonal;
  • easy to train;
  • smarter than their parents;
  • have an unusual appearance.

But there are also disadvantages of crossing:

  • it is impossible to predict the size, appearance;
  • the character of the mestizo is unknown;
  • aggressiveness is possible.

A cross between a pug and a Chinese crested

The mixture from these two breeds looks unusual, some find the animal funny and different from the rest, while others find it disgusting. Metis looks like a fabulous gremlin, which has a kind of mohawk on its head and a plump body with crooked legs. The crest on the head is hard and sticks out in all directions. The skin feels like sandpaper, but not all over the body. This is a representative of a designer breed, it is rarely seen on the streets.

Genetics cannot be fooled. Crossbreeding does not always lead to good results.

Some mestizos can inherit only bad qualities on both sides, or only good ones, and maybe an equal amount.This cannot be predicted by looking at the puppy, this is what crosses are dangerous. In any case, visits to the veterinarian should be regular, in order to prevent serious diseases.

The half-breed muzzle looks more like a pug, but not so flattened. The lower jaw is larger than the upper jaw, due to the disproportionate jaws and flattened nose, they have wheezing breathing and increased salivation. The eyes are small, there are almost no eyebrows.

At first glance, it may seem that the neck is missing, but it is just small. Since the paws are small and crooked, their movements are awkward and intermittent.


Representatives of this breed are friendly, affectionate, despite their appearance. Easily come into contact with people and other animals. They love to run after cats, birds, yapping, they love to be stroked and scratched. But if they are well brought up, then they will not tolerate such behavior. These dogs have a developed intellect. Easy to learn commands, love to play. "Punks" even perform at dog shows and win prizes.

They cannot be alone for a long time, because they begin to feel sad and yearning, then they have no time for games.

These dogs are very sensitive natures. When they hear criticism or ridicule, they almost start crying, they can even cry and start whimpering. Their eyes reflect the sadness that is transmitted to anyone who is nearby. Therefore, you should refrain from making fun of them about their appearance. They easily pick up comic intonations and become depressed. Therefore, it is best to talk to them in a calm tone, affectionately, not to be rude and not to say that they are ugly.

Having witnessed a dog crying, the heart of even the most rude and evil person will melt in a second.


Taking care of this pet is not difficult, they are unpretentious. A plus in acquiring this mestizo will be the absence of wool, they do not require constant haircuts and combing, only a tuft, which can be styled, cut and combed if desired. For bathing, there is a special shampoo, with which it is recommended to bathe the puppy once a month. After bathing, you need to wrap it in a warm towel and warm it: there is no wool, so the dog freezes quickly.

If you wish, you can teach her to use the tray, but you still need to walk at least once a day. Ideally, they require frequent walks, up to three times a day.

There are a number of hygiene procedures that need to be performed from childhood.

  • Ear cleaning - a special liquid and a cotton pad with a cotton swab are used.
  • Teeth cleaning - you need to purchase a toothpaste with a brush, sometimes biting sticks are suitable. This is necessary to preserve the teeth, because in old age they often crumble.
  • Trim claws.
  • Comb bangs.
  • Scheduled visit veterinarian.
  • If your eyes are watery, you need to wipe them and drip drops.

Dogs snore constantly in their sleep. They inherited this from the pug. Due to the special structure of the mouth, this cannot be overcome in any way, only put up with it.

So if this does not suit you, then it is better to choose another breed.

The animals do not have hair, but they have many folds. Germs and dirt can build up between the folds, which can contribute to inflammation. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to wipe between them with a cotton pad with chlorhexidine. The most dangerous places are in the area of ​​the muzzle, where food debris and debris accumulate, the area of ​​the nose and mouth. This procedure should be carried out at least once a month, and in hot weather - once every two weeks.


"As you name the ship, so it will float ...". It's the same with the nickname. For such an unusual appearance, you should not choose pretentious and sonorous names, because it looks awkward. For a mestizo pug and a Chinese crested, short, sonorous nicknames, something like Zizi, are suitable. A funny mohawk can "throw an idea" to give the pet the name of one of the rock stars: Sid, Paul, Ozzy. If we consider the heroes of movies and fairy tales, then good options are Hercules, Circe, Smith.

You should not call the dog comic names. At first it will be funny and fun for you, but Barabashka and Tarakashka will bore you in a month.

Names will do Rocky, Jesse, Bran, Matilda, Tiki, Nelson, Johnny, Tyrion. It is unusual and interesting to name pets after the names of the heroes of myths or in honor of the planets. For example, it will be very unusual and bold to name the animal Zeus or Hera, as well as Thor, Loki, Hulk, Jupiter, Lada, Saturn, Pluto, Mars.


One of the most important questions. The cost depends on the puppy's health, appearance, age, and also on whether his birth was accidental or it was a "design move". In the first case, they give away for free or at the lowest price.

Mestizos are now in vogue, the demand for them has grown over the past few years, the price varies from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.

When acquiring a dog so unlike other dogs, think about whether you need it. If such a purchase is planned due to the pursuit of fashion, then it is better not worth it. After all, this is a living being, which tends to feel and experience. For your love, the doggie will reward you with devotion and affection.

For how a cross between a pug and a Chinese crested looks like, see below.

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