
Care and maintenance of a pug

Care and maintenance of a pug
  1. What do you need for content?
  2. How to take care of your appearance?
  3. Nutrition
  4. Walking features
  5. Training
  6. Health care

One of the most suitable dog breeds for keeping in an apartment is a pug. These decorative pets are easy to care for, but in order to grow a healthy and beautiful pet, you need to perform a number of hygienic procedures. In addition, the dog should be provided with a balanced diet.

Not aggressive
(Rated 1 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 1 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Does not tolerate
(Rated 1 out of 5)
Security qualities
Good guard
(Rated 4 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Pug" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

What do you need for content?

Before purchasing a pug puppy, it is necessary to worry in advance about the correct organization of the place where the baby will rest, sleep and eat. Newborn pugs, like representatives of other breeds, at first require special conditions of detention.

Experts do not recommend allocating space for the crumbs next to heating devices and on the aisle where a draft is possible. Avoid placing your puppy in isolated locations such as a balcony or closet.

Since this breed of dog is characterized by its small size, for a pet, you can install a bed with dimensions of 40 * 60 * 70 cm. A flexible mattress is usually placed on it in a removable cover, which is convenient to use and easy to wash. In the first days after the appearance of the puppy in the house, the lounger should be placed near the owner's bed, so the baby will not feel lonely and will not be scared.

In the event that the area of ​​housing allows, then you can install an original mini-house for the pug. It will serve as a wonderful resting place for the animal.

In addition, the pet will need to additionally buy two bowls, a harness or collar with a leash for walking, a metal comb, and care products for folds and eyes. The volume of the bowls must be up to 1 liter. So that the little pug does not get bored in his free time, he also needs to buy a set of toys.

How to take care of your appearance?

Despite the fact that the pug is easy to keep, after its appearance in the house, the owner must be ready to change many habits and rules. At home, the animal must be given maximum care and attention, since its beauty and health will depend on it. Caring for your puppy includes doing activities such as regularly brushing your ears, teeth, and clipping your nails. They are carried out as follows.

  • Ears. This part of the body in pets of this breed needs special attention, since the dog has a tendency to such a disease as otitis media. To prevent it and maintain the frequency, it is recommended to clean the auricles twice a month using a special lotion (you can buy it at any pet store), hydrogen peroxide (3%) or boric alcohol. In the selected product, a cotton pad is moistened and the ear folds are carefully cleaned so that they do not leave dirt, drank and wool.

In addition, you need to drip the drops inside, massage them for half a minute and then thoroughly clean the inside of the ear with a cotton swab.

  • Teeth... Caring for them is considered the most important, regular brushing of your teeth is included in the list of mandatory hygiene procedures. To remove plaque from the teeth of a young dog, you need to use the service of a veterinarian, as this is done under anesthesia. For pets over the age of 7 years, it is impossible to carry out the procedure under anesthesia, since the heart will not stand them. In this case, use a special toothpaste for cleaning. If it is not there, then at home you can clean the plaque with a terry napkin dipped in a soda solution.
  • Claws. To care for them, you need to purchase a nail clipper. This device will help to avoid delamination and creases. It is recommended to trim the nails as they grow, usually several times a month. The procedure must be carried out carefully, otherwise you can damage living tissue and provoke bleeding. If the claws are not trimmed in time, they will interfere with the pet during movement and cause deformation of the fingers.

Important in caring for a pug is also maintaining good coat condition. It is necessary to bathe representatives of this breed as their fur becomes dirty, since frequent water procedures can harm the pet - when the biological film is washed off, dandruff appears on the pug's skin and the coat becomes dull and brittle. When washing your dog, you should cover your pet's ears with cotton swabs and provide protection against water ingress.

Bathing dogs is recommended using a special shampoo, which is designed for short-haired breeds. After this, the pug must be wiped dry, then shaken and dried with a hairdryer.

Besides, every week the pet needs to be brushed with an iron comb made of stainless steel. During the shedding period, the coat needs to be looked after more carefully, combing it out daily. While brushing, special attention should be paid to the area near the mouth, it is the most delicate. You can't touch your ears.

Pugs, like representatives of other short-haired breeds, should be trimmed periodically, this greatly facilitates the care of the pet. In addition, a haircut is considered a prerequisite if you plan to exhibit the dog in contests or shows. This procedure is also carried out in the presence of skin diseases, abrasions, cuts and fungal infections. The most common type of haircut is to shorten the length of the coat along the body by 1.5 cm and flatten it on the tail and "pants" using thinning scissors. The coat is usually cut in the direction of hair growth with a special machine.

Since the pug's eyes are often subject to various diseases, they also require careful maintenance. Their condition should be monitored constantly and wiped clean in time. Every day, you need to remove accumulations of secretions from the corners of the eyes with a cotton swab or soft damp cloth. In addition, you should also watch the eyes, controlling the intensity of lacrimation.

Mechanical damage should not be allowed during walks. It is necessary to protect the pet from being in drafts.

When walking, it is important to watch out for so that the pug does not come into contact with sick animals. The presence of yellow or greenish mucus in the eyes of the dog indicates a possible infection. If sticking and the appearance of a crust on the eyelids is observed in both eyes, then this is a sign of conjunctivitis. Swelling and puffiness of the eyelids indicates an allergic reaction or an insect bite.

In the event that all of the above is observed in a dog, it should be urgently shown to the veterinarian, having previously provided first aid to the pet.

Pugs have many folds on their faces, so they need careful grooming. This is especially true for the hot season. After walking and eating, many bacteria accumulate in the folds, which provoke the development of infections, fungal diseases and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Often the folds become rotten, resulting in dermatitis or skin irritation.

To prevent this from them, it is recommended to wipe the skin several times a week with a cotton swab dipped in lotion that does not contain alcohol... First, rub the area under the eyes, then all the other folds on the face. At the end of the procedure, the skin under the nose should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or olive oil.

To make pug girls and boys look chic, their owner should also worry about purchasing stylish clothes, which are currently available on the market in a wide range.

Most often, a set of clothes is bought, consisting of a sweater and overalls. There are even stylish models with a hood in various colors on sale. It should be remembered that a pug needs to be dressed not for fun, but to maintain health. Therefore, when buying clothes, you must give preference to those models that are convenient for cleaning and will not hinder the movement of the dog.


In keeping pugs, special attention should be paid to their diet. Unlike other dog breeds, their stomachs are small and not adapted to liquid food. If the owner chooses a homemade menu, then he should include cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), vegetables, fruits, sea fish, low-fat meats and dairy products. The diet should be made correctly, the composition and calorie content of the food is selected depending on the general condition of the dog and the season.

For feeding pugs, you can purchase canned or dry food, they are easy to store and allow you to accurately distribute the daily rate. In addition, premium products are great for dogs of all ages, prevent overweight and do not cause allergic reactions.

The only thing that it is not advisable to buy feed containing rice, chicken and vegetables... In addition, the pug should be provided with a vitamin complex, since due to the lack of useful trace elements in the body, negative consequences may arise.

Experts recommend giving your dog the following vitamins.

  • Vitamin A. Its use is especially important during pregnancy, lactation, mating and during growth and development.
  • Vitamin B. It is essential for muscle development and has a positive effect on the condition of the coat and skin.
  • Vitamin C. Increases the body's resistance to colds and is an excellent prophylactic drug against diseases of the joints and gums.
  • Vitamin D. Helps to strengthen tendon ligaments, bones. Protects against rickets.

In addition to the above vitamins, calcium-rich foods should be included in the pug's diet. As for the meal schedule, it is made in such a way that the pet ate at the same time in small portions.

The rate is indicated on the packaging of dry feed. When feeding a dog with home food, the rate is checked with the veterinarian or a special table is used for this.

Walking features

It is recommended to keep pugs in an apartment or a private house, but this does not mean that the pet does not need any walks at all. This breed should be walked twice a day. While walking on the street, you should monitor the general condition of the dog and prevent it from freezing and overheating. In case of bad weather, it is advisable to reduce the walking time to a minimum. After each walk, the pug needs to wash its paws with a special brush.

In the spring and summer after walking you should check the dog for ticks that can suck on the paws and belly of the animal. Folds on the face require special attention after walks - not only ticks can crawl into them, but dirt and dust can clog in them. In the cold season, the pet should be dressed in clothes, as this breed is "afraid" of hypothermia.

Walking should be done only on a leash with a collar, this will help protect your four-legged friend from contact with sick and aggressive animals.


Pugs have a friendly disposition and are flexible in training, so their upbringing takes place without any problems. It is best to train a pet from an early age; this can be done both in special courses for dogs and on your own at home.

At the first stage of training, the pug must learn to respond to his nickname.... Then he must be accustomed to the place of rest in the apartment and the regimen (eating, time for walks and games). As soon as the baby masters simple skills, you can start teaching basic commands by conducting classes twice a week for 4 months.

For each correctly executed command, you need to give treats. At the same time, dog handlers recommend reducing the number of treats as the pet is trained. Otherwise, the animal will gain weight quickly.

Health care

In addition to providing proper conditions for keeping the pug, the owner must constantly take care of his health. This will help prevent the development of various diseases and prolong the life of the pet. An important exercise in dog care is timely vaccination, without which she will not be able to travel abroad and participate in exhibitions.

Only healthy individuals will be allowed to vaccinate. The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 2 months, the second - at 3 months. The vaccination course is repeated every year. Deworming should be carried out 10 days before vaccination. It is allowed to walk the pet 1.5 weeks after the second vaccination.

For information on how to maintain and care for a pug, see the next video.

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