Choosing a name for a girl guinea pig

The guinea pig is a funny, mischievous, cheerful pet. This is a mammal, a representative of the domesticated rodents of the mumps family. Despite its name, it does not belong to marine animals and farm pigs. Body length - from 26 to 37 cm, weight - from 900 to 1600 g in males, and from 700 to 1100 g in females. The color of the guinea pig's coat ranges from brown to light and dark tones. The guinea pig has no tail and surprises with very short legs. The fur of an animal, depending on the breed, has a different length. In some rodents it is very short, in others it is long, wavy and silky.
Guinea pigs are usually very active in the morning hours. They can sleep several times a day during the day. And surprisingly, they have the ability to rest even with their eyes closed.

Guinea pigs are kind, quiet, meek, harmless pets.... They love affection and care. They will be happy with various delicacies - grains and nuts. They prefer silence, but after a period of adaptation they can get used to a noisy room. Animals treat children well. But it should be explained to the little households that the guinea pig is not a toy, therefore it cannot be dressed in a princess costume. There is no aggression in their character at all.
If only they are not provoked and disturbed during motherhood, as the female tries to drive away all living things from her cubs. As a result of kind treatment, the pig is tamed and ready to get off his hands.

What to consider when choosing a name?
A person who has become the happy owner of a girl-guinea pig studies not only information about how to properly care for her, how to feed her, how to equip a cage, etc., but also about what nickname to come up with.There are a lot of options for names for a girl guinea pig. You just need to show imagination and, of course, take into account the mental (character), behavioral and physical characteristics of the rodent.
Zoologists identify several aspects that should be considered when choosing a nickname for a pet pig. First, it is advisable to choose a short name, since the animals mainly hear the first two syllables. Secondly, guinea pigs are known to respond to ultrasound, so names that contain hissing and buzzing letters should be chosen. Thirdly, the nickname should not have consonance with the names of other family members, since the animal may get confused and not remember its name.
Scientists have proven that rodents are able to remember names and respond to them.

List of names for girl guinea pig
Bright, sophisticated individuals will suit beautiful names like: Marfusha Petrovna, Violetta Karlovna, Henrietta, Zhanna, Martha, Nicole, Gulchatay, Ursula, Matilda, Charlotte, Lucinda, Athena, Pearl, Oktyabrina; Rose, Orchid, Violet, Carmelita, Siklitinha, Carmelina, Betty, Ilana, Zhanna, Omega, Olive, Trixie, Susie, Smurfette, Lel, Actress, Arcadia, Albina, Aisha, Amanda, Glafira, Astoria, Aliya, Alice, Arabikalia.
The guinea pig is a funny and extraordinary animal. Therefore, lovers of unconventional nicknames can be called an animal one of the cool options: grandma Hedgehog, Comma, Sardine, Zhu-Zhu, Frosya, Strawberry, Faina, Button, Caramel, Pistachio, Icicle, Star, Chamomile, Bead, Red mullet; Busya, Freckle, Zi-Zi, Lady, Melon, Geisha, Yolka, Zhuzha, Zhabka, Pasta, Flatbread, Kopeyka, Meatball, Cheat sheet, Chip.

Rodents with dark fur are suitable names such as: Night, Haze, Serka, Sockeye, Churka, Blueberry, Chernyanka, Chernushka, Seed, Turbo, Blackie, Panther, Night, Bagheera.
Pigs with curly hair can be called Curly Sue, Rapunzel, Boucle, Shaggy, Curly, Donut, Mohnurkoy, Villain, Fuzzy.
A small pig can be called Baby or Tiny, and a large individual - a Bomb.

For girls with a red, gray or white color, nicknames are suitable: Sugar, Kefir, Red, Goldilocks, Squirrel, Squirrel, Snowball, Orange, Tangerine, Icicle, Sour cream, Snowflake, Zimushka, Cloud, Pumpkin, Straw, Cookie, Carrot.
Rodents with a variegated color can be called Spot, Burenka, Tigress, Lynx.

If your pig is playful and nimble, then name it Torpedo, Nimble, Toropyzhkoy, Rysya, Egoza, Arrow; calm, slow - Sonya, Nyusha, Muney, Zhuzha, Agusha, Kapusha, Plush; smart - Galilee, Athena, Clever; fearless - Mikkoy; cunning - Izey, Kora, Money, Izaura.
If your ward resembles other animals in her appearance, then, perhaps, such names as: Bunny, Liska, Chanterelle, Bee, Mouse, Bird, Goat will suit her.

Is your pet so soft and airy that it looks like candy? Then names are perfect for her: Marshmallow, Chocolate, Bun, Toffee, Cherry, Strawberry, Donut, Pie, Bun, Berry, Marmalade, Lozenge.
If you associate your pig with a famous person or a fairy-tale character, then give it such nicknames as: Fiona, Gadget, Alice, Gerda, Aurora, Aida, Cinderella, Hermione, Cersei.
If you are one of the breeders who prefer to call gilts by human names, then take a closer look at Maria / Masha, Ekaterina / Katka, Elizaveta / Lizka, Lyudmila / Lyusa; Dusya, Dasha, Zina, Yulka, Emilia, Emma, Erica, Eleanor, Esmeralda, Shurochka, Fyokle, Glasha, Duske, Ksenia, Natakha.

When choosing a name for your beloved pet, think about the convenience of pronouncing it by you and remembering the nickname pig. In any case, your pet will be loved by you. But the rodent should show you that he likes the chosen name. This will happen in this way: the pig will stretch out in a column, raise its ears and antennae, direct its gaze to where the owner is.If the girl guinea pig is not interested in the suggested name, try an alternative.
For information on what can be guided by when choosing a name for a guinea pig, see the following video.