Skinny guinea pigs: breed features, care and maintenance

Pets are not only beloved pets, but also practically members of the family. In apartments with children, you can often find cats, dogs, parrots, fish and hamsters. In recent years, guinea pigs have been particularly popular. Cute and funny creatures differ in breed, color, size and the presence of wool. Biologists recommend paying attention to the unique leathery skinny guinea pig.

Origin story
The skinny guinea pig is a hairless animal that was obtained as a result of genetic changes in the Hartley breed. The unexpected loss of hair on these animals sparked the start of four years of research into a new breed of leathery guinea pigs.
The resulting animals had a high susceptibility to diseases and for a long time were raised only in laboratory conditions for testing various cosmetics. And only crossing skinny with selfies allowed to get a strong immune system, and the animals gained wide popularity among ordinary residents.
The ancestors of guinea pigs are wild animals that the people of America captured and tamed for their skins and meat.
In Europe, you can find other names for this animal - guinea, indian and dutch pigs.

Bald pigs are funny pets, the maximum body length of which is 35 cm and the height is about 65 cm. The standard weight of an adult is 1500 grams, but in comfortable conditions you can often find animals weighing about 2 kg.
The color range of the skin color ranges from brown to pink, and on the body of some individuals, shapeless spots of black, white and gray can be seen.
The main features of pets are the presence of hair on the nose of the head of a standard size, hanging ears and the complete absence of a tail... Hair lengths can be up to 10 mm.
A large eyeball can be red, ruby, brown and black. The body of adult animals has a large number of skin folds on the legs and neck. Affectionate and friendly creature will delight its owners for more than 8 years.
The animal has an unusual feature: sleep with closed eyes for 10 minutes, half-asleep with open eyes - 4 hours.

Experts recommend purchasing a rare and unusual animal from professional breeders who have special documents confirming its pedigree. The main signs of a healthy mumps are:
- the presence of a smooth and shiny skin;
- developed muscular system;
- proportional physique;
- the presence of a wide chest;
- curved nose plate;
- the presence of large eyes and flat ears;
- no receding hairline and traces of skin pests;
- well-fed physique;
- the presence of hair only near the nostrils;
- high level of mobility and activity;
- absence of purulent discharge from the eyeball and nostrils;
- dry feet;
- lack of mechanical damage to the skin and traces of inflammation;
- clean area of the anus.
Due to the lack of hair, zoologists recommend getting naked pigs for people suffering from allergic rashes and rhinitis.

Selection and arrangement of the cage
Like any animal, the guinea pig needs its own shelter, in which it can take a break from the excessive attention of its owners.
Experts recommend giving preference to cages made of metal or plastic.
The optimal dwelling size is 50 by 100 cm.
The main feature of this product is a flat floor without gaps and holes that can cause damage to the pet's limbs. Dry sawdust should be used as bedding material, the thickness of which should not be less than 10 mm.
The cage should be equipped with a feeder, drinker and various toys.
In specialized stores, you can buy both a cage with all the necessary accessories, and an empty house, which you can equip to your liking.
In the corner of each cage, there should be a low covered room no more than 8 cm high and a width equal to the size of the cage. A drinking bowl must be installed on the roof of the house. Positioning this accessory at a height will prevent debris from entering the water. On the opposite side, you need to fix two feeders, one of which is for hay, and the other for raw feeding.
There is no need to occupy the space of the room with a container with sand. It is enough to put this skin cleaner in the cage several times a week for a short period of time.

The presence of a special attached enclosure, where the pet can run and play, will have a beneficial effect on its physical form.
Experts recommend building cardboard tunnels for the animal and sheathe them inside with a soft cloth. The pigs will gladly spend more than one hour a day in such labyrinths.
In the habitat of the animal, there should be no sharp and traumatic objects that can damage its delicate skin. Falling even from a low height can cause irreparable harm to your pet.
Guinea pigs quickly find a common language with other inhabitants of the house, and love to be held in their arms. A fed animal can be handled even by small children.
To prevent excess weight gain, the animal must sometimes be released from the cage.In the room where the animal will run, it is necessary to fence off a certain space so that the animal cannot get into an unpleasant and dangerous situation. In the summer, when the air temperature reaches + 25 degrees, the guinea pig can be taken outside for a walk.
Some owners equip a house for an animal in a transparent aquarium, the walls of which do not interfere with observing the life and entertainment of the pet. The use of a closed container, in which the movement of air and gas exchange is impeded, and also a high temperature regime is constantly maintained, is impractical.
Constant inhalation of vapors from urine and feces negatively affects the health of the pig and significantly shortens its life span. Among the positive aspects of this living space, it should be noted that a higher temperature is kept inside and it is impossible for the aquarium to absorb specific odors from the animal.
In the case of planning offspring, it is imperative to equip a warm nest. A terry towel or a piece of woolen cloth can be used as a building material.

Maintenance and care
Hairless guinea pigs are fastidious animals that need extra attention from their owners and can create a lot of hassle while keeping them at home.
The animal drinks only clean water, which must be changed several times a day. If necessary, water-soluble vitamins and medicinal preparations can be added to the drinker.
Due to the lack of a warming woolen cover, the animal needs to maintain a stable temperature regime at +26 degrees. In the summer, it is necessary to protect the pet from direct sunlight on the skin. In winter, the animal can get sick even with a minimal drop in temperature, as well as from small currents of cold air. Special clothing will help reduce the negative impact of the environment.

When the first signs of dryness and peeling of the skin appear, it is imperative to lubricate the pet's body with baby cream and regularly trim the nail plates. If you experience redness, itching and various rashes, you should definitely consult your doctor.
For an independent solution to the problem, the use of penicillin is strictly prohibited.
A common skinny disorder is malocclusion, which can be caused by malformed teeth. The first signs of such a defect are the slow consumption of food and the use of not all teeth. Only a specialized veterinary clinic can help in solving this problem.
To prevent the formation of ear plugs, you should regularly remove the earwax with small cotton swabs. Darkening of ear discharge is a sign of infection of an animal with an ear mite.
Despite its marine name, the animal does not need water treatments. If it is necessary to bathe the mumps, experts recommend diluting a small amount of shampoo in a container with warm water and carefully rinse off all dirt. A prerequisite for swimming is to protect the head area and ears from water. During water procedures, do not use cleaners, perfumed and alcohol products.
To prevent the spread of an unpleasant smell of urine and feces in the apartment, it is necessary to clean the used sawdust every day and fill the empty spaces with new wood composition. Complete disinfection of the house and all its parts must be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days.

What can you feed?
A nutritious and balanced diet is a guarantee of your pet's health, as well as the ability to maintain a stable body temperature.
The diet of gilts should consist of hay, root vegetables, cereal mixtures and greens. High-quality dry grass must be constantly added to the trough, and juicy complementary foods must be removed at the end of the day.Particular attention should be paid to the constant presence of fruit tree branches in the cage, against which the pig grinds its teeth.
The animal loves to feast on sprouted wheat and oats. The most favorite vegetables and fruits are: pumpkin, carrot, apple, green lettuce, parsley, zucchini and bell peppers.
Sometimes the animal can be pampered with dry cookies, unsweetened breadcrumbs, nuts and dried fruits.
To prevent curvature of the limbs, it is imperative to use special supplements in the diet that contain phosphorus and calcium. Natural sources of these elements can be chalk, grains of oats, corn and barley.
The diet of pregnant females should be dominated by nuts and sunflower seeds.
It is strictly forbidden to use boiled and fried meat products, stewed vegetables, sweet pastries, milk, cottage cheese, sweets, potatoes, hot peppers, garlic, radishes and mushrooms in the diet.

Skinny guinea pigs are not only very active pets, but also fertile. Many owners buy two pigs at once and put them in one cage. Experts do not recommend doing this due to possible fights of same-sex animals and the frequent appearance of offspring between opposite-sex pets.
Sexual maturity of females occurs at about 3 months of age, however, experienced breeders advise planning a pregnancy by the age of 5 months.
The gestation period for the fetus is about 2 months. More than 4 newborns are born in one litter. The animal can give birth to cubs in a maximum of 30 minutes. Females take care of young animals on their own and do not need outside help.

Animals can delight their owners with offspring at any time of the year.
Skinny guinea pigs are friendly and playful animals that need affection, care and attention. Before purchasing a pet, you need to carefully study its character, conditions of detention and diet, so that the animal does not become an unnecessary burden in the apartment and disappointment. When in contact with children, it is necessary to protect the pet as much as possible from possible injuries and falls, which will have a negative effect on its health.

For more information on the skinny breed, see the video below.