Features of Teddy guinea pigs and the rules for their maintenance

Do you want to have a guinea pig at home, but are in doubt about the choice of the breed? Pay attention to the Teddy pigs. Perhaps you will fall in love with these cuties and one of them will become not only your friend, but also a favorite for every member of your family.
Guinea pig Teddy is originally from Canada. These animals appeared as a result of natural mutation in the 60s of the last century. The animals were so similar to the famous teddy bear that such an unusual name stuck to them. This breed was officially recognized only in 1978. On the territory of Russia, such animals appeared only a few years ago, but this did not prevent them from quickly becoming popular.

According to their external characteristics, Teddy is very similar to Rex. Only a specialist will be able to find the differences. If you cross these two breeds, you get the offspring with a smooth coat.

Teddy pigs are characterized by impressive size. The weight of adults can vary from 900 to 1400 grams. The body of these animals is proportional and muscular. A rather wide muzzle has a slightly flattened shape, but the cheeks are very plump and covered with protruding hairs. The nose is slightly curved, the round eyes resemble beads. The ears are small, drooping, not covered with hair and have no creases, according to the standards they should not touch the head.

Due to the rounded shoulders, a wide withers is formed. Wool can have different colors: from a light sandy shade to chocolate, almost black, and fiery. You can find representatives of this breed with three or even four tones in color. By the standards of these pigs, all shades must be present on both sides of the body.
The coat is short, but tough and resilient to the touch. Because of these features, the hairline does not adhere to the body, but sticks out. Even if you press down on the wool, it will still immediately return to its original position. In babies, the hairs are soft, even a little curly, but as the pig grows up, the hairline changes its structure.
By the number of curls, one can judge the quality of the wool that an adult animal will wear.

Teddy pigs have a docile, friendly character. In addition, they are active and mobile, although they have an impressive size. These animals love communication, therefore they get along well not only with humans, but also with other pets.... However, for the same reason, they can demand attention to themselves or even follow their master on the heels.

Aggression in guinea pigs is not inherent in principle. They even express their dissatisfaction with something by pushing away a hand or an object with their muzzle that they do not like. Teddy doesn't bite or scratch. They are very fond of a calm environment. Sometimes it may even seem that your pet is sick when, in fact, he just does not want to actively move.
These guinea pigs can be taught tricks by giving them daily attention, patience and restraint. Even without training, the animals can stand on their hind legs when they want to beg for a treat. These pets are allowed to stroke their belly, which is not typical for other domestic rodents.
When communicating with their owner, pigs can make cooing sounds, which looks cute and funny.

Life span
In favorable conditions with proper care and adequate nutrition, the Teddy guinea pig can live up to 8 years. This is the maximum figure. Usually animals live up to 6 years.

There are three varieties of this breed of marine pigs.
American teddy most similar to a teddy bear. The body of these animals is covered with tough, protruding hair, and the villi are clearly visible around the muzzle. The ears are very large, hanging down without kinks. According to experts, the elongated body is a drawback of American Teddy.
The offspring of such a variety cannot be obtained by crossing representatives of different breeds, which is explained by the uniqueness of the gene formula.

Swiss teddy is a new subspecies of this breed. A distinctive characteristic is a very hard wool, which can even break from mechanical stress. Hair can be up to 6 cm in length. Outwardly, these pigs resemble a woolen ball.

- Long haired teddy were bred in Moscow, therefore another name was firmly entrenched for them - Moscow texel. This variety has appeared quite recently, because its standards are still at the stage of formation. The wool of such animals is wavy, soft, reaching 15 cm in length, which makes the appearance of these pigs original and very unusual. The hair on the head is shorter. The difference between the Moscow texel is its cute bangs.

Separately, it is worth talking about the color of Teddy guinea pigs. The most common German standard. All existing colors are divided into two large groups. The first includes recognized suits, or official ones. These include the following colors:
agouti silver and gold;
monochromatic red and black;
gold with black eyes;
white with red or black eyes;
tortoiseshell monochromatic or with the addition of white, black and (or) red shades.

The second group includes suits that have temporary approval:
gold, chocolate and cream;
agouti gray, brown, cream or salmon;
combination of silver and white;
agouti golden with white;
combination of four colors.

Care advice
Keeping a Teddy guinea pig is simple and no different from the conditions that are required for representatives of other breeds. If before that you have not had to deal with such animals, then you must read the recommendations for care.
Due to the high activity and impressive size of the animal, a large cage with metal rods is needed to keep it. It is undesirable to use an aquarium.

The best litter is a special litter that can be replaced with straw and sawdust. You need to renew the filler one to three times a week.

A short coat requires a minimum of maintenance, but dead hairs should be removed twice a week. Usually animals like this procedure. You will need to comb the pig with light movements in the direction of hair growth, and then in the opposite direction.
Mats may form on the fur and need to be combed out. Large formations are neatly cut with scissors, and new wool grows back in a short time.

If dandruff is found, the comb should be soaked in water with tea tree oil.

If the air is very dry, you can put a humidifier near the cage. The guinea pig's dwelling should not be near heating appliances, in a draft or in direct sunlight.

In calm, clear and warm weather, it is advisable to take the Teddy pig for walks. She will gladly run on the grass, but not on wet ones. Also, the animal needs to be released daily from the cage for free movement around the apartment.

Although pigs are called guinea pigs, they really do not like to swim. This process can even become stressful for them. You can bathe your pet only as a last resort and no more than once a year.
And it is better to do without water procedures altogether, because guinea pigs are great cleaners and their fur coat is always kept perfectly clean.

Periodically, you need to trim the claws of the animal. To do this, you will need to adapt special tweezers. It is important not to trim too much so that blood vessels and nerve endings are not affected.

- The ears of Teddy guinea pigs have a specific structure that causes some problems. A large amount of sulfur accumulates inside, which must be removed. If this is not done, then problems with the ears cannot be avoided. To remove sulfur, it is convenient to use a damp cotton pad with the addition of vegetable oil, which softens dirt.
Animals do not like this procedure, they oppose it in every possible way, but despite this, it is imperative to clean the ears of Teddy guinea pigs.

The diet
Guinea pigs are herbivores, therefore animal products are contraindicated for them. The selection of the diet must be approached carefully and carefully, otherwise the animal may suffer from problems in the digestive system or even die. Follow expert advice and your pet will grow up healthy and happy.

Hay is the basis of the diet for guinea pigs. This product should always be kept in a cage. It ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and allows the animal to grind its teeth.
Vegetables and root vegetables are the second important component for the formation of a normal and complete diet for guinea pigs. The animals will gladly eat carrots and apples, beets and celery. Cherry twigs are also useful. All of these foods for pigs are sources of vitamin C. This important component is not produced by the body, so animals must get it from their diet.
Sprouted cereals are also helpful. These can be peas, corn, wheat, oats.
Water for drinking, it must always be present in the cage.
Seeds sunflower seeds and wheat germ help prevent dandruff.

Animal products, including milk and eggs, must never enter the trough. Fruits with a high sugar content should be given sparingly to guinea pigs. Such foods should be perceived as goodies.
For information on how to keep Teddy guinea pigs, see the next video.