
Methods for storing floss threads

Methods for storing floss threads
  1. Using bobbins
  2. How to store in containers?
  3. More ideas

Many needlewomen do not embroider for sale, but rather for the soul, in order to express their skills in a creative embroidered product. At the same time, they have to keep their workplace and all materials used during work in a strict order all the time so that they do not deteriorate during storage and operation, do not get confused, do not get lost, do not get dirty. Especially when it comes to bright floss strings. It is for this reason that it will be very useful to learn about the most original ideas for organizing space for work, about how to store your favorite embroidery materials as comfortably and compactly as possible.

Using bobbins

The floss threads themselves do not have a specific shelf life, and their manufacturers do not impose any special requirements on the conditions for their storage.

However, you can quickly spoil the threads if you store them in a dusty place, in a room with high humidity. Besides the fact that the threads should be protected from dust and water, another important criterion when choosing a storage system is ease of use.

Agree that after a long and painstaking work, many needlewomen may have a desire to just throw the threads in the same form in which they were during the work, and not waste extra time later on cleaning the threads. At the same time, a number of rather weighty arguments can be cited as to why one should be puzzled by the question of the safety of threads after working with them.

System storage benefits.

  • Threads will no longer get tangled, which is very convenient for use.
  • This way you can get quick access to exactly the color of the threads that you need.
  • Compactness - everything is stored in the same place.
  • So your threads will not get lost anywhere in the room, they will not get dirty.

Nowadays, a large number of different devices and very original ways of storing threads and needles for embroidery at home have been invented. One of the most popular is bobbin storage (spools that can vary in size).

Today, you can easily purchase special plastic or cardboard spools, or you can make them yourself using a simple template. And also there are special devices for winding the floss on such a reel, but in principle, many craftswomen do without them. Winding threads on such bobbins will perfectly calm you down, help you to plunge into the atmosphere of creativity. Moreover, each individual reel can be signed, or a separate sticker with the manufacturer's number and brand can be glued onto it. This will allow you to navigate much faster in the thread storage system.

How to store in containers?

Both plastic bobbins and cardboard options for floss are best stored in organizer boxes specially adapted for this purpose. True, they are quite expensive. It is much cheaper to find an inexpensive plastic container in the store, it will be much more convenient for such purposes. In addition, you can use a cardboard box for chocolates, you can choose a spacious box or any other convenient cardboard or tin box with a lid.

Before you start to carefully fold the strings into the prepared organizer, you should decide on the storage scheme. Many needlewomen prefer to lay out their embroidery threads according to specific numbers, while other craftswomen find that it is much more convenient to store the floss by shade.

More ideas

There are other ways to preserve the floss threads.

  • Holders. In stores, you can find different subspecies of special holders. Most often, professional devices are purchased, but you can also see those made by the craftswomen themselves. This interesting way of preserving threads is convenient in that it can be used to use your own color coding system, as well as to fix the skeins for later use.

  • Bones. Most embroiderers like the special floss bones. Their plus is that there is no need to wind a thread on them, and this significantly saves time. In some stores, you can even buy an album organizer with or without bones.

  • Braids. The threads can be neatly cut into straight lengths and braided into braids. The method will not be very convenient if the craftswoman prefers to use different lengths of threads. This storage method can be considered too laborious, since it takes time to weave multi-colored braids.

  • Albums. Many firms produce specialized albums for convenient storing of strings. As a rule, in these albums, the bones and spools used must be placed in the cells of specially cut files.

  • Jewelry boxes. These containers are very similar to containers, but much more convenient for storage. The main advantage of the accessories is the presence of a large number of drawers, thanks to which you can successfully separate various items for embroidery.

  • Pencil cases. Very similar in appearance to thread holders. Most of all, such systems are suitable for storing floss on small bones.

  • Open space type. This storage method is perfect if you have your own workshop. This category includes - open cabinets, various hooks, special cork boards.

  • Jars and handy boxes. This method will be very convenient for storing fast-ending and most used colors.

  • You can also keep the floss in files or bags to save coins. They are divided into small chambers.Excess thread is simply left in a plastic bag or glass jar.

Neatly stored floss threads will be able to give joy during subsequent use and will help to get excellent results. Therefore, it is extremely important to store the colored threads correctly, choosing one of the methods most convenient for you.

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