Chimes bar: description and overview of instruments

The article provides a description of the musical instrument bar chimes. Our review of bar chimes instruments draws attention to the sound of large kits. The calculation of the length of the tubes for the tool is characterized, a number of models are described and its application is considered.

What it is
The Chimes Bar is one of the so-called self-sounding musical instruments. It is often mistakenly thought to be wind-powered. In fact, a close analogue (but only an analogue in some properties) is wind chimes, common in some Asian countries. But bar chimes appeared not in Asian states, but in the United States - thanks to a prominent representative of the percussionist movement Mark Stevens.
His merits even led to the emergence of an alternative name for the tool - mark tree.

Instrument device
The critical parameter for bar chimes is the tube length calculation. It is from tubular parts of different sizes (lengths) that this instrument consists. To make them move, the musicians move their hand or push the tubes with a steel stick. Depending on the displacement vector, the ascending and descending variants of the sound are distinguished.
It is impossible to tune individual sections to notes, however, by default, the difference in timbre between adjacent tubes is about 0.5 tones, which allows you to control the instrument very accurately.

Bells are not used by themselves. They are attached (suspended) to the crossbar. The single-row arrangement is most often used, but the two-row arrangement is also popular. Basically, the pipes are ranked in order to achieve a gradual reduction in their size.

Bar Chimes belongs to the group of idiophones. This is the name of the category of instruments in which the sound is produced by the body itself or its segment, which does not need to be stretched or squeezed in advance.Strings and membranes are unnecessary in this arrangement. It is the oldest known category of musical instrument. The reason is obvious - the simplicity of such a scheme.

Model overview
Peace SBC-1 stands out among percussion devices. The design includes 36 hollow tubes. Selected brass is used for their manufacture. The designers have provided for the maximum space of tones. A well thought-out plate made of quality wood is reserved for fixing the tubular parts.
The chimes bar of this model is installed on a rack for operation. There is no need to look for or do anything on your own - the rack is included in the basic delivery set. The stand rests, in turn, on a carefully designed tripod with twin legs. Reinforced, effective tripod support is provided by rubber tips.
To adjust the height of the post, use standard screw clamps.

Another great chimes bar - Dadi WB-01. Basic information:
- production based on 25 tubes;
- protective chrome coating of tubular elements;
- height adjustment with standard clamping screws;
- manufacturing at a Chinese enterprise.

Peace SBC-4 is an advanced Taiwanese chimes bar. The engineers envisioned the use of 18 solid sounding elements. Although fewer than a number of other models, they successfully cover a fairly wide acoustic range. A sturdy stand is included in the delivery. It is equipped with paired legs, which practically do not fail. The tool does not cause any particular complaints.

Many people will prefer the Meinl CH27ST chimes bar. This is a quality German musical instrument. Peculiarities:
- 27 acoustic blocks;
- single-row pipe spacing;
- wooden base;
- special gentle, enveloping sound;
- body made of aluminum with anodised gold layer.

Another good model from Germany - Schlagwerk PC8CD Power Chimes Set... It contains 8 chimes. The stand is made of selected solid beech.

The manufacturer specifies that the scale of the instrument covers the C major scale. Schlagwerk supplies exclusively hand-assembled products, while introducing advanced technical ideas.

Where is used
Bar chimes are appreciated for their specific acoustic effect. It is used:
- in various genres of pop music;
- when playing jazz melodies;
- in modern ramifications of classical music;
- in concerts and studio recordings of the English rock group The Cure, which has existed since 1976 (where this instrument plays a significant role).

You can see the chimes bar in action in the following video.