What is the difference between a button accordion and an accordion?

The button accordion and accordion are popular musical instruments that produce a rich and mesmerizing sound.... They seem similar to each other, but differ in some features. You can understand the distinctive intricacies of these tools by comparing their characteristics and parameters.

External differences
Russian favorite accordion is the ancestor of button accordion and accordion. The old popular accordion belongs to the reed types, since the sound arises from the vibrating movements of the reed - a strip of flexible metal. Each plate has 2 reeds located on opposite sides, therefore, stretching and squeezing the furs, the accordion makes sounds. The harmony has been popular for a very long time, but due to the presence of a small number of octaves in it, it is limited by the range of sounds. This simplest musical invention changed and improved, and by the beginning of the 20th century a descendant “was born” - a button accordion with buttons on the right half of the body. On its left side there are double rows of bass and chords.
The button accordion differs from the accordion by the type of keyboard, which is divided into 2 classes:
- keyboard;
- push-button.

The first kind of keyboard resembles piano keys, and a push-button instance has many buttons arranged in chromatic order in rows, the number of which is from 3 to 5. The accordion is the improved heir to the accordion, which can be distinguished from a conventional button accordion by the presence of basses and chords on the left keyboard, as well as a chromatic scale on the opposite side. The right keyboard with keys looks like a piano with a full chromatic scale.
The total number of keys is 45, which is enough to play complex musical compositions.The accordion was invented at the end of the 19th century in Germany, it is also one of the pneumatic types of accordion with a reed keyboard.
The 2 types of musical instruments have some differences in body configuration and neck construction. The corners of the button accordion are almost straight, while the corners of the accordion are more rounded.

Sound difference
Many people believe that the button accordion differs from the accordion only in appearance. But this is a misconception. The fundamental difference between the two competing representatives is sound. Everyone's favorite button accordion is a Russian invention; foreigners do not have such a concept. Until a certain time, button accordions had no registers and were tuned according to a tuning fork, this gave the sound crystal clearness. The button accordion is in great demand as an instrument accompanying a vocal performer, as well as as a solo musical version. In the hands of virtuosos, this instrument lives its full life.
In contrast, the accordion does not have the same sound, its voices are raised or lowered by a fraction of a tone, in simple words, the timbre changes. This happens by switching a large number of available registers on both keyboards. This multi-timbral instrument perfectly reproduces academic and classical music. Today, many music manufacturers produce button accordions that have the same capabilities. The accordion replaces almost any instrument. The expressiveness of the sound is provided by the tongues vibrating in the air stream, as well as furs. The movement of the bellows in different directions resembles the breathing of a singing person, as a result, the accordion emits velvet sounds.

Other differences
The button accordion did not find its place abroad, but it gained wide popularity in Russia. With a push-button accordion, it has more of the same external characteristics. Sometimes it is easier to distinguish between these 2 instruments only for a knowledgeable person, therefore they are often called button accordions. Musical instruments by type of keyboard can be classified into the following classes:
- ready-made;
- elective;
- ready-elective.

The first class system includes basses and chords, while the third type consists of two, corresponding to the name. Special registers help to move from one type to another. A push-button accordion contains the qualities of both one and the second musical instruments - this is sound and range, and buttons instead of keys allow you to play at high speed such works that are difficult to play on the keys.
The accordion is considered to be a fairly young instrument that continues its development and has conquered its own niche. Its powerful sound is reminiscent of an entire orchestra playing.

What is the best choice?
Professionals differ in their preference for choosing a particular instrument. Bayanists and its supporters believe that it is easier to play technically complex compositions on this instrument. Accordion lovers are sure that the sound quality in this case is richer and more colorful. In addition, the presence of a small number of keys will allow you to master the piano keyboard.
According to teachers, the accordion has a number of advantages, among which the instrument models, selected for initial training, have the ability to select different sound timbres. Even simple children's instruments are produced with register switches, and they are also made three-part. The same cannot be said about button accordions and button accordions. These characteristics are endowed with professional models, the cost of which is high.

Button accordions for learning to play are usually made two-part, so they do not sound so effective. However, due to the wide range and convenience of the location of the buttons on the right keyboard, the possibilities for high-quality play are significantly increased. These parameters allow you to play any complex piece without problems. To do this on a keyboard accordion is more difficult and sometimes physically impossible.
Both musical instruments are wonderful, and you need to choose the most suitable copy for yourself or your child, guided by your own taste. The button accordion is a little closer to the Russian accordion. The accordion came from overseas, with its own construction, tuning and sound. He does not yet have such an interesting history in Russia as does the accordion brought from German soil.

Professional musicians prefer ready-made instruments, both button accordions and accordions, due to their greater ability to reproduce sounds. But in this case, it will take more time to master such a tool. Having stopped your choice on one of the musical instruments, it is important to remember a few more purchase rules.
- Choose the size. If the instrument is in the lap of a seated child, it does not reach the chin.
- Examine the appearance of the instrument. Scratches, dents and other defects are excluded.
- Check the quality of the sound emitted by the instrument by means of fur breeding without pressing any keys. The air should come out gradually.
- Buttons are easy to press and won't sink, the keys are at the same level.
- Buttons work without squeak the registers switch without effort and return to their original position.
The accordion and button accordion are musical instruments between which there should be no competition. With their external similarity, the design and sound are different, it is enough to decide on the type of keyboard.
When music is played on both instruments, it immediately becomes clear that the button accordion is power, and the accordion is harmony.