Electric organs: description and device

The largest keyboard musical instrument is the organ. It reproduces sound using special pipes. They can be made from a variety of materials, including wood and metals. Today we will talk about the features of electric organs.

What it is
An electric organ is an electronic keyboard instrument, which is actually a special oscillatory system equipped with special pickups.

Such organs may be used exclusively for home music making. They are also sometimes used as church musical instruments.

Device and principle of operation
These types of organs have the appearance of a structure equipped with a compartment with keys and a control unit with buttons. Compared to conventional models, such products are much more compact and lighter in weight.

Such musical instruments are also equipped with an equalizer, tuner, many additional external connectors, including for headphones.
Most of these samples come with a built-in speaker system.

Most often, for convenience, such products are installed on special stands with supports.

Speaking about the principle of operation of these musical instruments, it can be noted that the whole structure is a special oscillator. They allow you to reproduce an imitation of the sound of a wind organ.
The musical frequency generator creates separate sounds, while they must correspond to 12 notes from "F" one octave to "C" the next. This gap makes it possible to reproduce most of the musical works.

As a rule, such musical equipment is equipped with convenient volume controls, which make it easy to change the output power that is supplied to the loudspeaker.
Such a tool will not need constant tuning.

Popular manufacturers
Currently, there are many manufacturing companies that produce electronic organs. Let's highlight the most famous brands:
Yamaha. This Japanese manufacturer produces modern musical equipment that boasts a high level of quality. Organs of this brand are supplied with special amplifiers and speakers. In addition, they all have excellent polyphony, a whole range of timbres. The equipment operates on several batteries, as a rule, the battery life of continuous operation is on average 5-6 hours.

- Viscount. This company is originally from Italy, it produces portable electric organs with an unusual elegant design. All of them are made with orchestral voices. Such models will be the best option for students of music colleges, for small churches. These instruments most often have stereo samples. They are produced with a built-in amplification system, it can consist of 4 speakers. They also come with a user-friendly graphical display.

- VOX. This firm manufactures Continental electrical organs. They will allow you to perform melodies in various genres and styles. Such equipment has the most simple interface that anyone can understand. Musical instruments of this brand are most often equipped with special weighted keyboards. Many individual models of these organs are concert instruments. Also, some samples are equipped with special sections with effects that are used for live performances. All effects have corresponding knobs as well as switches that allow you to quickly switch to another desired function.

- Clavia. This Swedish manufacturer sells electric organs that can be equipped with two weighted, comfortable keyboards at once. They have the ability to connect bass pedals and cabinets. In addition, the models are available with a wide variety of external inputs for connecting additional technical devices. These organs make it possible to apply a variety of techniques and techniques of the game. Many boast improved bass performance.

You can see the electric organ in action in the video below.