How is the accordion different from the button accordion and accordion?

What is the difference between accordion and button accordion and accordion? Three seemingly related musical instruments give us completely different sounds and strike different strings in our souls. The accordion is a folk instrument, a sparkling music box, the sounds of which have been familiar to us since childhood. The button accordion is an academic, serious, weighty and large instrument. The accordion is the very grace and lightness of sounding at a very large size.

Brief description and operating principle
Each of these musical instruments is designed for a specific purpose. First of all, they are all chromatic harmonics and work on a similar principle:
- planks with "tongues" are fastened in the wooden case on wooden beams;
- furs, which connect two half-bodies during compression / extension, create compression (air pressure), acting on the bar and making the desired "tongue" vibrate with a certain frequency;
- each "tongue" is, as it were, assigned to a certain key, when pressed, the corresponding valve opens, the sound is released and we hear the desired sound.

The harmony is intended for performing folk / drinking songs, dance tunes. Of course, you can play many popular songs of various genres on it, but folklore works are played really well on the accordion. All overflows and overshoots, its very sounding exclusively conveys national folk. There are a large number of national accordions that differ in the structure of the keyboard and sound in their own way: for example, Irish, Caucasian or accordions of other peoples of the world.Most often, they learn to play such an instrument independently, often by ear, which makes each musician individual: two different accordionists will play the same song in different ways, even if the accordion is the same.

The button accordion is a more versatile and complex instrument. Anything can be played on such an instrument: from academic and folk music to popular or even heavy music (it depends on the musician's imagination and the genre in which the musical group works). Of this trinity, the button accordion is the most popular. Playing it requires certain skills, there are training programs for the button accordion class.

The accordion is clearly different from its chromatic counterparts. The main differences are the overall sound and keyboard layout. Any music, more often popular or folklore, national, is also played on the instrument. In order to learn how to play the accordion, they usually graduate from a music school or special courses. Learning to play such an instrument on your own will not be easy.

Differences in keyboards
Let's start with the accordion - the most unusual exhibit of this trinity. Its main keyboard is presented in the form of small round buttons, unlike the button accordion and accordion, it does not contain halftones (usually painted black); as a rule, there are only three of them, they are contained in the upper part. That is why playing the accordion requires developing an ear for music and learning to play without semitones: somewhere, replace their absence with brute force, chord, or apply other techniques and playing skills.
The accompaniment keyboard, in principle, is arranged differently, has a horizontal structure, which also brings its own flavor to the game. Thus, the accordionist's individuality is born.

The button accordion seems to be so similar to an accordion, but this is not entirely true: both keyboards contain many more round buttons. The main keyboard is supplemented with semitones. The buttons alternate as follows: snake, in piano order. There are all semitones here, which allows you to play any piece of music.

The main accordion keyboard is a real piano. The order of the game will be the same. The keyboard on which the accompaniment is played does not differ from the accordion keyboard.

Other differences
Let's talk about other differences. Let's take a closer look at the accordion: unlike its class brothers, the instrument is lightweight, compact in size, and has a different external design (which has its own nuances). The accordion is decorated brightly and colorfully, usually painted with national patterns. The difference is also visible in the technique of playing: constant improvisation, the need for a special tempo and rhythm.

Harmonics play in the same key: each instrument is tuned in its own key and you cannot go beyond its limits. The game takes place in the same pitch of the scale sounds, sometimes the accordion player has several harmonics: for the voice, for tunes and for the mood. Each accordion is individual, often the instrument is made to order, and the differences may be as follows:
- key actuators can be iron or wooden, which makes the instrument more responsive to the touch of your hands to the keys;
- a similar difference in material for valves, which are also made of iron or wood;
- the tonality of each accordion can be adjusted to order; registers can be set on the instrument, allowing you to change the key of the instrument in one click;
- the harmonic can be all-strip, which in its own way can complicate the repair.

The button accordion is distinguished by its body size, heavy weight and the presence of a keyboard with semitones. The bass (accompaniment) keyboard also contains many more keys, giving you real creative freedom, allowing you to play in a variety of keys. The button accordion does not need to be individually matched to the voice - it is enough to decide on the weight, sensitivity and other nuances of the keyboard mechanics.The build quality, the sound itself and the size will be important: there are very compact accordions that make the game more enjoyable, and the instrument is more mobile than its full-size brothers.

The accordion is very similar to the button accordion, but the main difference lies in the main piano-type keyboard. Playing the accordion is a completely different technique from the button accordion. The accordion sounds unusual: the sound is much lighter, as if airy.
This allows you to enrich the music with the most interesting transitions, to make the melody more intelligent. The sound of the accordion is different from the folk and close to the pop one.

Sometimes the size of the accordion can be intimidating: there are really huge instruments, which is not convenient for all musicians. But there are also miniature models that allow you to take your favorite instrument with you anytime, anywhere, playing while standing. Usually these models are more expensive.
What is the best choice?
The harmonica is suitable for musicians who want to play real folk music or tunes. The accordion is also ideal for playing national music. Its big plus is mobility, and when needed, you can take the accordion with you on the road or out into the countryside to play folk and popular songs, which is very cool. Nowadays, a lot of competitions are being held, uniting accordion players from all over the country.
If all this is close to you in spirit, accordion is an excellent choice.

The button accordion is suitable for academic playing, for high-quality playing of folk music, for performing popular compositions. Usually it is a large and heavy instrument, so it is more convenient to play music at home, as well as at concert venues. If the goal is professional playing or even performances, the button accordion is your choice.

The accordion is especially popular in the west of Russia, in European countries, in Moldova. This is a difficult-to-learn instrument that allows you to play at concert venues and various competitions. The accordion will also give a lot of positive emotions when playing music at home or playing at a feast. If you are fascinated by a special sound or want to learn how to play professionally, the accordion will certainly appeal to you.