Hang: description of the instrument and features of its sound

Various musical instruments allow you to create beautiful unusual melodies. At the same time, each individual product forms its own unique sound. The ethnic Hang will sound interesting. Today we will talk about the main features of such an instrument, as well as how to play it correctly.

History of appearance
The Hang was produced in 2000 by Sabine Scherer and Felix Rohner in Bern. He is one of the youngest instruments. The ancestor of the reed product was the Caribbean steel drum. After studying it, the creators came up with the idea of developing a completely new musical instrument. The ethnic hang is the result of long and careful research on various instruments from all over the world, including the bell, drum, gamelan. Russian musicians were attracted by the sound of this piece of music only in 2010 during a large festival in Moscow.
Three years later, again in Moscow, the Sun Set project was held, it was of an educational focus. It featured hang master classes. The first performance with hang on the territory of Russia in 2008 was organized by the musician Timur Khakim at the Tea Museum.
According to the confirmed version of the creators, the percussion instrument received this name from the word "hand" in German.

Hang is an officially registered trademark worldwide. It is currently owned by PANArt. There are a huge number of analogues of this product, they are usually called handpan. It should be noted that in 2001 the PANArt company opened a whole store chain, which by 2005 was able to spread widely in various European countries and cities, and one of the stores appeared in the USA.
The first generation of this type of instrument appeared already in 2001. The following year, the company radically changes its main activity in favor of this percussion specimen, and then opens its new website, where it posts detailed information about the hang, about the sellers who supply it. Over time, the creators began to modernize the hang. So, it has become much smaller in comparison with the original version. Also, the sample has become a little cleaner and sounds better.

Hang is a harmoniously tuned idiophone with a beautiful and unusual organic sound. We can say that it looks like a reed plate. The tool includes two hemispheres connected to each other, they are made from a nitrided steel base. The upper part is called Ding, the lower Gu. On the top, there are eight tonal divisions that form an octave and should be played with your fingers. The lower part has a special bass compartment, with the help of it it becomes possible to change the sound during the game, but sometimes it is simply used as a bass device, shaping the sound with light strokes of the palm. As a rule, such a product is called hang-drum, since the technique of playing it is very similar to playing drums. Still, sounds can be extracted using a variety of methods.
The original model can run around $ 2,500, but official online retailers often run up to $ 10,000. Analogs can be purchased from $ 600. If you are looking to buy the original hang, you may face some difficulties. In order to become the owner of this musical instrument from the PANArt company, you will have to draw up a paper letter and send it to the address of the company. It is written in free form, and it needs to reflect the exact reasons why you need hang. PANArt does not keep waiting lists, so the company's representatives will either immediately sell you the hang or send you a refusal.
If you want to resell it in the future, you can do this at the same cost as the purchase was made, but in any case, you must also notify the manufacturer about it.

The most famous analogs of hang include the following instruments.
- Hang Drum by Pantheon Steel. This instrument is originally from America. Moreover, it is possible to purchase it only during a special lottery. The model can be 9, 10, 11 notes. It is the most voluminous and heaviest in its class.
- SpB PANTAM. This model was developed in Russia. It got its name in honor of the city of St. Petersburg. 8-9-note versions of this pattern are produced. SpB PANTAM has its own unique geometry.
- Hang Drum by BellArt. This product originated in Spain. It is completely handcrafted. In this case, the material necessarily undergoes a special heat treatment, due to which a characteristic pattern is formed on the surface.
- Hang Drum - Disco Armonico. This analogue came from Italy. It has a characteristic shape. Made of solid metal base.
- Spacedrum. This sample from France is made of durable stainless steel. It often comes with a special care wax and a handy case. You can play it with your fingers and special small sticks.
- EchoSound Sculpture. This percussion instrument is manufactured in Switzerland. It can be performed in five different oriental tunings. The demos of this model are located both on the top and on the bottom.
- CAISA. It was developed in Germany. It consists of two hemispheres, which are simply twisted together, and not glued. This musical instrument is distinguished by a large number of notes (up to 14) on one side. The model also has a special system for adjusting the dummies. It is played with both fingers and special sticks.
- SHELLOPAN. Such an instrument first appeared in France. Its body is slightly flattened on the sides.
Visually, a beginner or amateur musician will find it difficult to distinguish the original model from the analogue. In addition, they all have their own unique and inimitable tonality.

Technique of the game
To get a beautiful sound, you should remember the rules of the hang game. Sounds can be extracted not only by knocking fingers - palms, bones on fingers and even fists are often used. As a rule, hang during the game is placed on the knees, and it is also often placed at the level of the abdomen directly in front of you on any flat horizontal surface. Hang allows you to generate slightly washed out sounds that are a bit echo-like. The resulting compositions will be ideal for relaxation, relaxation, meditation.
Hang refers to a musical instrument that allows you to create both precise notes and some overtones. If you hit not the central part, but first make an indent from it a little to the side, then the pitch of the note will change. It is due to an interesting game with such deviations that the music ultimately turns out to be much richer and more beautiful. Initially, such a percussion musical instrument was popular only among a limited circle of people. But now he is considered to be quite famous.
Professional instrumentalists, as well as members of various performing musical groups, often choose hang to transform their musical compositions, to make them more original and beautiful.